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Interface SiteFrameworkContainer

All Superinterfaces:
ContentComponentContainer, Document, Editable, WorkflowedDocument
All Known Subinterfaces:
Site, SiteArea

public interface SiteFrameworkContainer
extends ContentComponentContainer

The ability to organize and build a Site Framework is enabled by implementing the SiteFrameworkContainer interface.

A Site Framework is a hierarchy consisting of Site, SiteArea and Content objects. Site and SiteArea extends the SiteFrameworkContainer interface to provide a uniform interface when organizing and building the Site Framework.

Passing a null argument to any method of this interface will result in a NullPointerException, unless stated otherwise.

See Also:
Site, SiteArea

Method Summary
 void addSiteArea(DocumentId siteAreaId)
          Deprecated. use Workspace.createSiteArea(parentId, siblingId, position) instead.
 void addTemplateMapping(DocumentId authoringTemplateId, DocumentId presentationTemplateId)
          Adds a mapping for the specified AuthoringTemplate and PresentationTemplate.
 DocumentIdIterator getAllChildren()
          Returns a depth first iterator over all children of this Site or SiteArea.
 DocumentIdIterator getAllChildren(int p_workflowStatusFilter)
          Returns a depth first iterator over all children of this Site or SiteArea.
 DocumentIdIterator getAllDirectChildren()
          Returns a depth first iterator over all children of this Site or SiteArea, excluding ContentLinks.
 DocumentIdIterator getAllDirectChildren(int p_workflowStatusFilter)
          Returns a depth first iterator over all children of this Site or SiteArea, excluding ContentLinks.
 DocumentIdIterator getAuthoringTemplateIds()
          Returns an iterator of DocumentId objects for the Authoring Templates associated with this container.
 DocumentIdIterator getChildren()
          Returns an iterator of DocumentId objects of the immediate children of this container.
 DocumentIdIterator getChildren(int p_workflowStatusFilter)
          Returns an iterator of DocumentId objects of the immediate children of this container.
 DocumentId getDefaultContent()
          Returns the DocumentId of the default Content object.
 DocumentIdIterator getDirectChildren()
          Returns an iterator of DocumentId objects of the immediate children of this container.
 DocumentIdIterator getDirectChildren(int p_workflowStatusFilter)
          Returns an iterator of DocumentId objects of the immediate children of this container.
 DocumentId getTemplateMapping(DocumentId authoringTemplateId)
          Returns the DocumentId of the PresentationTemplate mapped to the AuthoringTemplate with the given DocumentId.
 boolean hasSiteArea(DocumentId siteAreaId)
          Returns true if the container has a child SiteArea with the given DocumentId.
 boolean hasTemplateMapping(DocumentId authoringTemplateId)
          Returns true if the container has a mapping for the AuthoringTemplate with the given DocumentId.
 void insertSiteArea(DocumentId priorChildId, DocumentId siteAreaId)
          Deprecated. use Workspace.createSiteArea(parentId, siblingId, position) instead.
 void removeSiteArea(DocumentId siteAreaId)
          Deprecated. use Workspace.delete(id) instead.
 void removeTemplateMapping(DocumentId authoringTemplateId)
          Removes the mapping for the AuthoringTemplate with the given DocumentId
 void setDefaultContent(DocumentId contentId)
          Sets the default Content for this Site or SiteArea if the DocumentId argument is not null.
Methods inherited from interface com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.ContentComponentContainer
addComponent, componentIterator, createComponent, getComponent, getComponentByReference, getComponentNames, hasComponent, removeComponent, setComponent
Methods inherited from interface com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.Editable
addAuthors, addContributorAccessMembers, addDeleteAccessMembers, addEditAccessMembers, addEditorAccessMembers, addHistoryLogEntry, addLiveAccessMembers, addManagerAccessMembers, addOwners, addReadAccessMembers, addUserAccessMembers, isChanged, removeAuthors, removeContributorAccessMembers, removeDeleteAccessMembers, removeEditAccessMembers, removeEditorAccessMembers, removeLiveAccessMembers, removeManagerAccessMembers, removeOwners, removeReadAccessMembers, removeUserAccessMembers, setContributorAccessInheritance, setDescription, setEditorAccessInheritance, setManagerAccessInheritance, setName, setTitle, setUserAccessInheritance
Methods inherited from interface com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.Document
getAuthors, getContributorAccessMembers, getCreationDate, getDeleteAccessMembers, getDescription, getEditAccessMembers, getEditorAccessMembers, getHistoryLog, getId, getInheritedContributorAccessMembers, getInheritedEditorAccessMembers, getInheritedManagerAccessMembers, getInheritedUserAccessMembers, getLiveAccessMembers, getManagerAccessMembers, getModifiedDate, getName, getOwnerLibrary, getOwners, getReadAccessMembers, getSourceWorkspace, getTitle, getUserAccessMembers, hasDeleteAccess, hasDeleteAccess, hasEditAccess, hasEditAccess, hasLiveAccess, hasLiveAccess, hasReadAccess, hasReadAccess, isContributorAccessInherited, isEditorAccessInherited, isManagerAccessInherited, isUserAccessInherited, isWorkflowed
Methods inherited from interface com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.WorkflowedDocument
addAdditionalViewers, addApprovers, cancelDraftDocument, createDraftDocument, decline, getAdditionalViewers, getCurrentApprovers, getEffectiveDate, getExpiryDate, getGeneralDateOne, getGeneralDateTwo, getWorkflowId, getWorkflowStageId, hasApproverAccess, hasApproverAccess, hasDraft, isDraft, isExpired, isPublished, nextWorkflowStage, nextWorkflowStage, removeAdditionalViewers, removeApprovers, restartWorkflow, setEffectiveDate, setExpiryDate, setGeneralDateOne, setGeneralDateTwo, setWorkflowId, setWorkflowId

Method Detail


 void setDefaultContent(DocumentId contentId)
Sets the default Content for this Site or SiteArea if the DocumentId argument is not null. The default Content is the page that is requested if only a path to the Site or SiteArea is requested.

contentId - the DocumentId of the Content object to be set as the default Content for this Site or SiteArea


DocumentId getDefaultContent()
                             throws AuthorizationException,
Returns the DocumentId of the default Content object. If there is no default Content object set, then null will be returned.

the DocumentId of the default Content
AuthorizationException - if the user does not have access to default Content page
PropertyRetrievalException - if the DocumentId of the default Content page cannot be retrieved


 boolean hasTemplateMapping(DocumentId authoringTemplateId)
Returns true if the container has a mapping for the AuthoringTemplate with the given DocumentId.

authoringTemplateId - the DocumentId of the AuthoringTemplate to check
true if a mapping exists for the AuthoringTemplate with the given DocumentId; false otherwise.


DocumentId getTemplateMapping(DocumentId authoringTemplateId)
                              throws AuthorizationException,
Returns the DocumentId of the PresentationTemplate mapped to the AuthoringTemplate with the given DocumentId.

authoringTemplateId - the AuthoringTemplate to look up
the DocumentId of the PresentationTemplate
AuthorizationException - if the user does not have the appropriate access to the PresentationTemplate
PropertyRetrievalException - if the DocumentId of the PresentationTemplate cannot be retrieved


DocumentIdIterator getAuthoringTemplateIds()
Returns an iterator of DocumentId objects for the Authoring Templates associated with this container.

The user must have Read access to the Authoring Template for it to be included in the returned iterator.

an iterator of DocumentId objects for the Authoring Templates associated with this container; or an empty iterator if no Authoring Templates are found.


 void addTemplateMapping(DocumentId authoringTemplateId,
                        DocumentId presentationTemplateId)
                        throws DuplicateMappingException
Adds a mapping for the specified AuthoringTemplate and PresentationTemplate.

authoringTemplateId - the DocumentId of the AuthoringTemplate
presentationTemplateId - the DocumentId of the PresentationTemplate
DuplicateMappingException - if the mapping already exists


 void removeTemplateMapping(DocumentId authoringTemplateId)
Removes the mapping for the AuthoringTemplate with the given DocumentId

authoringTemplateId - the DocumentId of the AuthoringTemplate


DocumentIdIterator getChildren()
Returns an iterator of DocumentId objects of the immediate children of this container. The children are either SiteArea, Content or ContentLink.

The user must have Read access to the SiteArea or Content for it to be included in the returned iterator.

This function will only return published Content and ContentLinks. This function's performance may not scale well to a large search result set size.

an iterator of DocumentId objects of the immediate children of this Site or SiteArea; or an empty iterator if no immediate children are found.


DocumentIdIterator getChildren(int p_workflowStatusFilter)
Returns an iterator of DocumentId objects of the immediate children of this container. The children are either SiteArea, Content or ContentLink.

The user must have Read access to the SiteArea or Content for it to be included in the returned iterator.

This function will only return published Content and ContentLinks. This function's performance may not scale well to a large search result set size. This method supports searching for draft (Workspace.WORKFLOWSTATUS_DRAFT),published (Workspace.WORKFLOWSTATUS_PUBLISHED) or expired (Workspace.WORKFLOWSTATUS_EXPIRED) items or all items regardless of their workflow status (Workspace.WORKFLOWSTATUS_ALL). A combination of workflow status can be specified using a bitwise OR. For example Workspace.WORKFLOWSTATUS_PUBLISHED | Workspace.WORKFLOWSTATUS_EXPIRED.

p_workflowStatusFilter - the constant to say whether to retrieve DRAFT, PUBLISHED, and/or EXPIRED
an iterator of DocumentId objects of the immediate children of this Site or SiteArea; or an empty iterator if no immediate children are found.


DocumentIdIterator getAllChildren()
Returns a depth first iterator over all children of this Site or SiteArea. The children are either SiteArea, Content or ContentLink.

For example, a Site Framework that looks like:

             ContentA1-1 (Link)
a call to getAllChildren() for SiteAreaA1 will return DocumentId objects for the children of SiteAreaA1 in this order:

SiteAreaA1-1, ContentA1-1, SiteAreaA1-2, ContentA1-1 (Link).

The user must have Read access to the SiteArea or Content for it to be included in the returned iterator.

This function will only return published Content and ContentLinks. This function's performance may not scale well to a large search result set size.

an iterator of the DocumentIds of the children of this Site or SiteArea


DocumentIdIterator getAllChildren(int p_workflowStatusFilter)
Returns a depth first iterator over all children of this Site or SiteArea. The children are either SiteArea, Content or ContentLink.

For example, a Site Framework that looks like:

             ContentA1-1 (Link)
a call to getAllChildren() for SiteAreaA1 will return DocumentId objects for the children of SiteAreaA1 in this order:

SiteAreaA1-1, ContentA1-1, SiteAreaA1-2, ContentA1-1 (Link).

The user must have Read access to the SiteArea or Content for it to be included in the returned iterator.

This function will only return published Content and ContentLinks. This function's performance may not scale well to a large search result set size. * This method supports searching for draft (Workspace.WORKFLOWSTATUS_DRAFT),published (Workspace.WORKFLOWSTATUS_PUBLISHED) or expired (Workspace.WORKFLOWSTATUS_EXPIRED) items or all items regardless of their workflow status (Workspace.WORKFLOWSTATUS_ALL). A combination of workflow status can be specified using a bitwise OR. For example Workspace.WORKFLOWSTATUS_PUBLISHED | Workspace.WORKFLOWSTATUS_EXPIRED.

p_workflowStatusFilter - the constant to say whether to retrieve DRAFT, PUBLISHED, and/or EXPIRED
an iterator of the DocumentIds of the children of this Site or SiteArea


DocumentIdIterator getDirectChildren()
Returns an iterator of DocumentId objects of the immediate children of this container. The children are either SiteArea or Content.

The user must have Read access to the SiteArea or Content for it to be included in the returned iterator.

an iterator of DocumentId objects of the immediate children of this SiteArea; or an empty iterator if no immediate children are found.


DocumentIdIterator getDirectChildren(int p_workflowStatusFilter)
Returns an iterator of DocumentId objects of the immediate children of this container. The children are either SiteArea or Content.

The user must have Read access to the SiteArea or Content for it to be included in the returned iterator. This method supports searching for draft (Workspace.WORKFLOWSTATUS_DRAFT),published (Workspace.WORKFLOWSTATUS_PUBLISHED) or expired (Workspace.WORKFLOWSTATUS_EXPIRED) items or all items regardless of their workflow status (Workspace.WORKFLOWSTATUS_ALL). A combination of workflow status can be specified using a bitwise OR. For example Workspace.WORKFLOWSTATUS_PUBLISHED | Workspace.WORKFLOWSTATUS_EXPIRED.

p_workflowStatusFilter - the constant to say whether to retrieve DRAFT, PUBLISHED, and/or EXPIRED
an iterator of DocumentId objects of the immediate children of this SiteArea; or an empty iterator if no immediate children are found.


DocumentIdIterator getAllDirectChildren()
Returns a depth first iterator over all children of this Site or SiteArea, excluding ContentLinks. The children are either SiteArea or Content.

For example, a Site Framework that looks like:

            ContentA1-1 (Link)
a call to getAllDirectChildren() for SiteAreaA1 will return DocumentId objects for the children of SiteAreaA1 in this order:

SiteAreaA1-1, ContentA1-1, SiteAreaA1-2.

The user must have Read access to the SiteArea or Content for it to be included in the returned iterator.

This function will only return published Content. This function's performance may not scale well to a large search result set size.

an iterator of the DocumentIds of the children of this Site or SiteArea


DocumentIdIterator getAllDirectChildren(int p_workflowStatusFilter)
Returns a depth first iterator over all children of this Site or SiteArea, excluding ContentLinks. The children are either SiteArea or Content.

For example, a Site Framework that looks like:

            ContentA1-1 (Link)
a call to getAllDirectChildren() for SiteAreaA1 will return DocumentId objects for the children of SiteAreaA1 in this order:

SiteAreaA1-1, ContentA1-1, SiteAreaA1-2.

The user must have Read access to the SiteArea or Content for it to be included in the returned iterator.

This function will only return published Content. This function's performance may not scale well to a large search result set size. This method supports searching for draft (Workspace.WORKFLOWSTATUS_DRAFT),published (Workspace.WORKFLOWSTATUS_PUBLISHED) or expired (Workspace.WORKFLOWSTATUS_EXPIRED) items or all items regardless of their workflow status (Workspace.WORKFLOWSTATUS_ALL). A combination of workflow status can be specified using a bitwise OR. For example Workspace.WORKFLOWSTATUS_PUBLISHED | Workspace.WORKFLOWSTATUS_EXPIRED.

p_workflowStatusFilter - the constant to say whether to retrieve DRAFT, PUBLISHED, and/or EXPIRED
an iterator of the DocumentIds of the children of this Site or SiteArea


 boolean hasSiteArea(DocumentId siteAreaId)
Returns true if the container has a child SiteArea with the given DocumentId.

siteAreaId - the DocumentId of the SiteArea to check for
true if the SiteArea with the given DocumentId is a child of this container; false otherwise


 void addSiteArea(DocumentId siteAreaId)
                 throws DuplicateChildException
Deprecated. use Workspace.createSiteArea(parentId, siblingId, position) instead.

Adds the SiteArea with a DocumentId specified by siteAreaId as the last child of this Site or SiteArea. The Site Area being added needs to be saved after this call to complete the add operation.

siteAreaId - the DocumentId of the SiteArea to be added
DuplicateChildException - if a SiteArea with the given DocumentId already exists as a child of this Site or SiteArea
WCMIllegalStateException - if the SiteArea can not be retrieved or the SiteArea already has a parent.


 void insertSiteArea(DocumentId priorChildId,
                    DocumentId siteAreaId)
                    throws DuplicateChildException
Deprecated. use Workspace.createSiteArea(parentId, siblingId, position) instead.

Inserts the SiteArea with a DocumentId specified by siteAreaId as a child of this Site or SiteArea after the SiteArea with a DocumentId of priorChildId. The Site Area being inserted needs to be saved after this call to complete the insert operation.

priorChildId - the DocumentId of the SiteArea to insert after
siteAreaId - the DocumentId of the SiteArea to insert
DuplicateChildException - if a SiteArea with the given DocumentId already exists as a child of this Site or SiteArea
WCMIllegalStateException - if the SiteArea can not be retrieved or the SiteArea already has a parent.


 void removeSiteArea(DocumentId siteAreaId)
Deprecated. use Workspace.delete(id) instead.

Removes a child SiteArea with the given DocumentId from this Site or SiteArea.

If the object specified by the DocumentId argument is not a child SiteArea of this Site or SiteArea, no changes occur. This method has been modified to only perform delete operation. To move a site area use Workspace.moveSiteFrameworkDocument.

siteAreaId - the DocumentId of the SiteArea to remove
WCMIllegalStateException - if there was a problem retrieving the SiteArea or removing it.