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Interface ContentComponentContainer

All Superinterfaces:
Document, Editable, WorkflowedDocument
All Known Subinterfaces:
Content, Site, SiteArea, SiteFrameworkContainer

public interface ContentComponentContainer
extends Editable, WorkflowedDocument

The root interface for the content component container hierarchy. A ContentComponentContainer represents a container for ContentComponent objects.

The ContentComponentContainer interface includes methods for retrieving and setting ContentComponent objects. Components cannot be added or removed from a ContentComponentContainer through the API. The API only allows an update of a ContentComponent object that already exists in this ContentComponentContainer. Passing a null argument to a method of this class will result in a NullPointerException, unless stated otherwise.

Method Summary
 void addComponent(java.lang.String name, ContentComponent component)
          Adds the ContentComponent with the name specified by the argument to this ContentComponentContainer.
 ContentComponentIterator componentIterator()
          Returns an iterator of all ContentComponent objects in this ContentComponentContainer.
 ContentComponent createComponent(java.lang.String name, DocumentType componentType)
          Creates a new ContentComponent of the specified type with the name specified by the argument and associates it with this ContentComponentContainer.
 ContentComponent getComponent(java.lang.String name)
          Retrieves a ContentComponent with a name specified by the argument from this ContentComponentContainer.
 ContentComponent getComponentByReference(java.lang.String name)
          Retrieves a reference to a ContentComponent with a name specified by the argument from this ContentComponentContainer; ContentComponents returned by this method must be treated as read-only.
 java.lang.String[] getComponentNames()
          Returns a list of component names for all ContentComponents in this ContentComponentContainer.
 boolean hasComponent(java.lang.String name)
          Returns true if and only if the argument is not null and a ContentComponent with a name specified by the argument exists in this ContentComponentContainer.
 void removeComponent(java.lang.String name)
          Removes the ContentComponent with the name specified by the argument in this ContentComponentContainer.
 void setComponent(java.lang.String name, ContentComponent component)
          Sets the ContentComponent with the name specified by the argument in this ContentComponentContainer.
Methods inherited from interface com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.Editable
addAuthors, addContributorAccessMembers, addDeleteAccessMembers, addEditAccessMembers, addEditorAccessMembers, addHistoryLogEntry, addLiveAccessMembers, addManagerAccessMembers, addOwners, addReadAccessMembers, addUserAccessMembers, isChanged, removeAuthors, removeContributorAccessMembers, removeDeleteAccessMembers, removeEditAccessMembers, removeEditorAccessMembers, removeLiveAccessMembers, removeManagerAccessMembers, removeOwners, removeReadAccessMembers, removeUserAccessMembers, setContributorAccessInheritance, setDescription, setEditorAccessInheritance, setManagerAccessInheritance, setName, setTitle, setUserAccessInheritance
Methods inherited from interface com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.Document
getAuthors, getContributorAccessMembers, getCreationDate, getDeleteAccessMembers, getDescription, getEditAccessMembers, getEditorAccessMembers, getHistoryLog, getId, getInheritedContributorAccessMembers, getInheritedEditorAccessMembers, getInheritedManagerAccessMembers, getInheritedUserAccessMembers, getLiveAccessMembers, getManagerAccessMembers, getModifiedDate, getName, getOwnerLibrary, getOwners, getReadAccessMembers, getSourceWorkspace, getTitle, getUserAccessMembers, hasDeleteAccess, hasDeleteAccess, hasEditAccess, hasEditAccess, hasLiveAccess, hasLiveAccess, hasReadAccess, hasReadAccess, isContributorAccessInherited, isEditorAccessInherited, isManagerAccessInherited, isUserAccessInherited, isWorkflowed
Methods inherited from interface com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.WorkflowedDocument
addAdditionalViewers, addApprovers, cancelDraftDocument, createDraftDocument, decline, getAdditionalViewers, getCurrentApprovers, getEffectiveDate, getExpiryDate, getGeneralDateOne, getGeneralDateTwo, getWorkflowId, getWorkflowStageId, hasApproverAccess, hasApproverAccess, hasDraft, isDraft, isExpired, isPublished, nextWorkflowStage, nextWorkflowStage, removeAdditionalViewers, removeApprovers, restartWorkflow, setEffectiveDate, setExpiryDate, setGeneralDateOne, setGeneralDateTwo, setWorkflowId, setWorkflowId

Method Detail


ContentComponentIterator componentIterator()
Returns an iterator of all ContentComponent objects in this ContentComponentContainer.

Note: This method will return null entries for unsupported content components

Note: The iterator this method returns contains a copy of each ContentComponent rather than a reference to each ContentComponent

a content component iterator


 boolean hasComponent(java.lang.String name)
Returns true if and only if the argument is not null and a ContentComponent with a name specified by the argument exists in this ContentComponentContainer.

Note: This method is case sensitive.

name - the name of the ContentComponent
true if the argument is not null and a ContentComponent with a name matching the argument exists in this ContentComponentContainer; false otherwise.


ContentComponent getComponent(java.lang.String name)
                              throws ComponentNotFoundException
Retrieves a ContentComponent with a name specified by the argument from this ContentComponentContainer.

The hasComponent() method should be called first to ensure that a ContentComponent with the specified name exists, otherwise an exception may be thrown.

Note: This method is case sensitive.

Note: If the requested ContentComponent is to be used during rendering only (or simply inspected) and will never be modified, then the getComponentByReference method can be used instead to speed up performance

name - the name of the ContentComponent to retrieve
a copy of the specified ContentComponent
ComponentNotFoundException - if a ContentComponent with the specified name cannot be found


ContentComponent getComponentByReference(java.lang.String name)
                                         throws ComponentNotFoundException

Retrieves a reference to a ContentComponent with a name specified by the argument from this ContentComponentContainer; ContentComponents returned by this method must be treated as read-only.

The hasComponent() method should be called first to ensure that a ContentComponent with the specified name exists, otherwise an exception may be thrown.

Note: This method is case sensitive.

Warning: Unlike the getComponent() method, this method doesn't clone the internal ContentComponent and therefore should only be used during rendering. If you need to change the ContentComponent OR copy it to another Document then use the getComponent() method instead

name - the name of the ContentComponent to retrieve
the actual ContentComponent as specified by the name
ComponentNotFoundException - if a ContentComponent with the specified name cannot be found


 void setComponent(java.lang.String name,
                  ContentComponent component)
                  throws ComponentNotFoundException,
Sets the ContentComponent with the name specified by the argument in this ContentComponentContainer.

Note: The name and type of ContentComponent passed in as arguments to this method must exactly match the name and type of an existing ContentComponent in this ContentComponentContainer. This method only allows an update of an existing component.

name - name of component to be updated
component - updated copy of component
ComponentNotFoundException - if no ContentComponent with the given name exists in this ContentComponentContainer
IllegalTypeChangeException - if the ContentComponent passed in as an argument is a different type than the existing component with the given name


 void addComponent(java.lang.String name,
                  ContentComponent component)
                  throws DuplicateComponentException
Adds the ContentComponent with the name specified by the argument to this ContentComponentContainer.

Note: The name of ContentComponent passed in as an argument to this method must not match the name of an existing ContentComponent in this ContentComponentContainer. This method does not allow the update of an existing component.

Note: The supplied ContentComponent must be either a new ContentComponent or a clone of an existing ContentComponent, components returned from the getComponentByReference() method must not be used as arguments to this method

name - name of component to be added
component - component to be added
DuplicateComponentException - if a ContentComponent with the given name exists in this ContentComponentContainer


ContentComponent createComponent(java.lang.String name,
                                 DocumentType componentType)
                                 throws DuplicateComponentException,
Creates a new ContentComponent of the specified type with the name specified by the argument and associates it with this ContentComponentContainer.

Note: The association of the new ContentComponent and any changes to the ContentComponent will not be saved until this ContentComponentContainer is saved

Note: The name of ContentComponent passed in as an argument to this method must not match the name of an existing ContentComponent in this ContentComponentContainer. This method does not allow the update of an existing component.

Note: The type of ContentComponent passed in as an argument to this method must be a valid content component type, such as:

name - name of component to be added
componentType - type of component to be added
the actual ContentComponent that was created
DuplicateComponentException - if a ContentComponent with the given name exists in this ContentComponentContainer
IllegalDocumentTypeException - if the specified component type is not a valid content component type
DocumentCreationException - if the specified component type could not be created


 void removeComponent(java.lang.String name)
                     throws ComponentNotFoundException
Removes the ContentComponent with the name specified by the argument in this ContentComponentContainer.

Note: The name of ContentComponent passed in as an argument to this method must exactly match the name of an existing ContentComponent in this ContentComponentContainer.

Note: This method is case sensitive.

name - name of component to be updated
ComponentNotFoundException - if no ContentComponent with the given name exists in this ContentComponentContainer


 java.lang.String[] getComponentNames()
Returns a list of component names for all ContentComponents in this ContentComponentContainer.

Note: The component name list will also include the names of unsupported content components

a String array of all component names