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Interface SiteArea

All Superinterfaces:
ContentComponentContainer, Document, Editable, SiteFrameworkContainer, WorkflowedDocument

public interface SiteArea
extends SiteFrameworkContainer

Represents a SiteArea object.

SiteArea objects are grouped by Site objects to form the Site Framework.

Like Site objects, SiteArea objects can specify a relationship between AuthoringTemplate and PresentationTemplate objects. However, any relationship specified in a SiteArea will override the relationship specified in a Site.

An important feature of SiteArea objects to note is the ability to add Content objects. Adding a Content to a SiteArea groups the Content and will determine where the Content lies in the Site Framework.

A SiteArea may be the child of a Site or another SiteArea. A SiteArea may also be the parent of another SiteArea. Passing a null argument to a method of this interface will result in a NullPointerException, unless stated otherwise.

See Also:

Method Summary
 void addContent(DocumentId contentId)
          Deprecated. use Workspace.createContent(authoringTemplateId, parentSiteId, siblingId, position) instead
 DocumentIdIterator getLinkedChildren()
          Returns an iterator of DocumentId objects of the linked children of this container.
 DocumentId getParent()
          Returns the DocumentId of the parent of this SiteArea.
 boolean hasContent(DocumentId contentId)
          Returns true if this SiteArea object has a direct child or link to Content with the given DocumentId.
 boolean hasDirectContent(DocumentId contentId)
          Returns true if this SiteArea object has a direct child Content with the given DocumentId.
 boolean hasLinkedContent(DocumentId contentId)
          Returns true if this SiteArea object has a content link to the Content with the given DocumentId.
 void insertContent(DocumentId priorChildId, DocumentId contentId)
          Deprecated. use Workspace.createContent(authoringTemplateId, parentSiteId, siblingId, position) instead
 void removeContent(DocumentId contentId)
          Deprecated. use Workspace.delete(DocumentId) instead.
Methods inherited from interface com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.SiteFrameworkContainer
addSiteArea, addTemplateMapping, getAllChildren, getAllChildren, getAllDirectChildren, getAllDirectChildren, getAuthoringTemplateIds, getChildren, getChildren, getDefaultContent, getDirectChildren, getDirectChildren, getTemplateMapping, hasSiteArea, hasTemplateMapping, insertSiteArea, removeSiteArea, removeTemplateMapping, setDefaultContent
Methods inherited from interface com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.ContentComponentContainer
addComponent, componentIterator, createComponent, getComponent, getComponentByReference, getComponentNames, hasComponent, removeComponent, setComponent
Methods inherited from interface com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.Editable
addAuthors, addContributorAccessMembers, addDeleteAccessMembers, addEditAccessMembers, addEditorAccessMembers, addHistoryLogEntry, addLiveAccessMembers, addManagerAccessMembers, addOwners, addReadAccessMembers, addUserAccessMembers, isChanged, removeAuthors, removeContributorAccessMembers, removeDeleteAccessMembers, removeEditAccessMembers, removeEditorAccessMembers, removeLiveAccessMembers, removeManagerAccessMembers, removeOwners, removeReadAccessMembers, removeUserAccessMembers, setContributorAccessInheritance, setDescription, setEditorAccessInheritance, setManagerAccessInheritance, setName, setTitle, setUserAccessInheritance
Methods inherited from interface com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.Document
getAuthors, getContributorAccessMembers, getCreationDate, getDeleteAccessMembers, getDescription, getEditAccessMembers, getEditorAccessMembers, getHistoryLog, getId, getInheritedContributorAccessMembers, getInheritedEditorAccessMembers, getInheritedManagerAccessMembers, getInheritedUserAccessMembers, getLiveAccessMembers, getManagerAccessMembers, getModifiedDate, getName, getOwnerLibrary, getOwners, getReadAccessMembers, getSourceWorkspace, getTitle, getUserAccessMembers, hasDeleteAccess, hasDeleteAccess, hasEditAccess, hasEditAccess, hasLiveAccess, hasLiveAccess, hasReadAccess, hasReadAccess, isContributorAccessInherited, isEditorAccessInherited, isManagerAccessInherited, isUserAccessInherited, isWorkflowed
Methods inherited from interface com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.WorkflowedDocument
addAdditionalViewers, addApprovers, cancelDraftDocument, createDraftDocument, decline, getAdditionalViewers, getCurrentApprovers, getEffectiveDate, getExpiryDate, getGeneralDateOne, getGeneralDateTwo, getWorkflowId, getWorkflowStageId, hasApproverAccess, hasApproverAccess, hasDraft, isDraft, isExpired, isPublished, nextWorkflowStage, nextWorkflowStage, removeAdditionalViewers, removeApprovers, restartWorkflow, setEffectiveDate, setExpiryDate, setGeneralDateOne, setGeneralDateTwo, setWorkflowId, setWorkflowId

Method Detail


 boolean hasContent(DocumentId contentId)
Returns true if this SiteArea object has a direct child or link to Content with the given DocumentId.

contentId - the ID of the content
true if this SiteArea object has a child with the given DocumentId; false otherwise.


 boolean hasDirectContent(DocumentId contentId)
Returns true if this SiteArea object has a direct child Content with the given DocumentId.

contentId - the ID of the content
true if this SiteArea object has a child with the given DocumentId; false otherwise.


 boolean hasLinkedContent(DocumentId contentId)
Returns true if this SiteArea object has a content link to the Content with the given DocumentId.

contentId - the ID of the content
true if this SiteArea object has a content link to the given DocumentId; false otherwise.


 void addContent(DocumentId contentId)
                throws DuplicateChildException
Deprecated. use Workspace.createContent(authoringTemplateId, parentSiteId, siblingId, position) instead

Adds the Content with the specified DocumentId as the last child of this SiteArea. If the specified Content already has a parent, a ContentLink will be created instead.

contentId - the DocumentId of the Content to add
DuplicateChildException - if a Content with the given DocumentId already exists as a child of this SiteArea
WCMIllegalStateException - if there's a problem retrieving the content document or creating a content link.


 void insertContent(DocumentId priorChildId,
                   DocumentId contentId)
                   throws DuplicateChildException
Deprecated. use Workspace.createContent(authoringTemplateId, parentSiteId, siblingId, position) instead

Inserts the Content with a DocumentId specified by contentId as a child of this SiteArea after the Content with a DocumentId of priorChildId. If the specified Content already has a parent, a ContentLink will be created instead.

priorChildId - the DocumentId of the child Content to insert after
contentId - the DocumentId of the Content to add
DuplicateChildException - if a Content with the given DocumentId already exists as a child of this SiteArea
WCMIllegalStateException - if there's a problem retrieving the content document or creating a content link.


 void removeContent(DocumentId contentId)
                   throws DuplicateChildException
Deprecated. use Workspace.delete(DocumentId) instead.

Removes a child Content with the given DocumentId from the this SiteArea. If the Content is linked to other SiteAreas, the first ContentLink is removed, and the Content is moved to the link's SiteArea. Otherwise the given Content or ContentLink is removed.

contentId - the DocumentId of the Content to remove
WCMIllegalStateException - if there a problem retrieving the Content retrieving the Content's links, removing the Content, or removing a ContentLink.
DuplicateChildException - if the Content is moved to a SiteArea that already has a child with the same name.


DocumentId getParent()
Returns the DocumentId of the parent of this SiteArea.

The parent of this SiteArea may be a Site or another SiteArea.

This method will return null if the user does not have access to the parent of this SiteArea.

the DocumentId of the parent of this SiteArea.


DocumentIdIterator getLinkedChildren()
                                     throws DocumentRetrievalException
Returns an iterator of DocumentId objects of the linked children of this container. The children are ContentLinks.

The user must have Read access to the ContentLink for it to be included in the returned iterator.

an iterator of DocumentId objects of the immediate children of this SiteArea; or an empty iterator if no immediate children are found.
DocumentRetrievalException - if there was a problem retrieving the linked children.