

 File Formats                                      logindevperm(4)


logindevperm, fbtab - login-based device permissions




The /etc/logindevperm file contains information that is used by login(1) and ttymon(1M) to change the owner, group, and permissions of devices upon logging into or out of a console device. By default, this file contains lines for the key- board, mouse, audio, and frame buffer devices. The owner of the devices listed in /etc/logindevperm is set to the owner of the console by login(1). The group of the devices is set to the owner's group specified in /etc/passwd. The permissions are set as specified in /etc/logindevperm. Fields are separated by TAB and/or SPACE characters. Blank lines and comments can appear anywhere in the file; comments start with a hashmark, ` # ', and continue to the end of the line. The first field specifies the name of a console device (for example, /dev/console). The second field specifies the per- missions to which the devices in the device_list field (third field) will be set. A device_list is a colon- separated list of device names. A device entry that is a directory name and ends with "/*" specifies all entries in the directory (except "." and ".."). For example, "/dev/fbs/*" specifies all frame buffer devices. Once the devices are owned by the user, their permissions and ownership can be changed using chmod(1) and chown(1), as with any other user-owned file. Upon logout the owner and group of these devices will be reset by ttymon(1M) to owner root and root's group as speci- fied in /etc/passwd (typically other). The permissions are set as specified in the /etc/logindevperm file.


/etc/passwd" File that contains user group information.


chmod(1), chown(1), login(1), ttymon(1M), passwd(4)


/etc/logindevperm provides a superset of the functionality provided by /etc/fbtab in SunOS 4.x releases. SunOS 5.8 Last change: 16 August 1993 1