IBM Rational Functional Tester
Version 8.1.1000
IBM Rational Functional Tester API Reference

Project Version 2.3

Package com.rational.test.ft.vp

Interface Summary
IFtVerificationPoint Serves as the verification-point operational interface.
IFtVerificationPointData Represents the core abstraction for static and dynamic verification-point data.
IFtVerificationPointImage Represents the core abstraction for static and dynamic verification-point data.
ITestData Provides base-level support for verification-point data returned from a proxy object.
ITestDataElement Encapsulates a generic element used in an ITestDataList.
ITestDataElementList Used by the ITestDataList interface to encapsulate the ordered set of generic elements that make up the desired list.
ITestDataList Represents the elements in a list-type object for a verification-point operation.
ITestDataMenu Represents the necessary methods for supporting a menu-type verification point.
ITestDataProperties Defines the methods necessary for maintaining the properties associated with a single TestObject in the software under test.
ITestDataTable Represents a table of test data.
ITestDataTableRegion Represents a region of a corresponding table.
ITestDataText Represents the necessary methods for supporting a text-type verification point.
ITestDataTree The base-level tree verification-point interface.
ITestDataTreeAttributes Represents the necessary methods for supporting a tree node within a tree-type verification point.
ITestDataTreeNode Provides the necessary methods for representing a node in a Tree test-data object.
ITestDataTreeNodes Enables an appropriate display object to be associated with the tree nodes.
ITestObjectDescriptor Defines an abstract reference to an object in the software under test.

Class Summary
VpUtil Provides a default set of utility methods that can be used to create interesting data objects.

Exception Summary
VerificationPointException Signals an exception in verification-point processing.