

Setting breakpoints in a JSP

You can also set breakpoints in JSPs. Within the source view of a JSP page, you can set breakpoints inside JSP scriptlets, JSP directives, and lines which use JSP tag libraries. You cannot set breakpoints in lines with only HTML code.

In the following example, we set a breakpoint in the listAccounts.jsp at the point where the JSP displays a list of accounts for the customer:

In the Web Perspective, expand RAD75EJBWeb Æ WebContent and open the listAccounts.jsp in the editor. Select the Source tab.

Set a breakpoint by double-clicking in the grey area next to the desired line of code (Figure | 4-13).

Note that the Breakpoint properties are also available for JSPs from the context menu. These share the same features as Java breakpoints with the exception that content assist is not available in the breakpoint condition field.

Figure 24-13 Adding a breakpoint to a JSP page
