

Project wizards

The following list describes many of the wizards that can be used to create projects within RAD v7.5. To invoke a wizard, simply use File Æ New Æ Project and select the appropriate project wizard. A wizard prompts the user for the required information as appropriate for the type of project:

Project (General)-This wizard is used for the simplest project, which just contains a collection of files and folders. It contains no builders and is useful for creating a project that has no application code, for example, a project to store XML or XSD files, or to store application configuration information.

Faceted Project (General)-This wizard allows a project to be created using a specific pre-existing configuration or using a selection of facets selected when the wizard is executed.

Report Project (Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools, BIRT)-The BIRT system (refer to http://eclipse.org/birt/phoenix/project) is an initiative to build an open source reporting system in Java. This wizard creates a report project that has facilities to combine database information or content from XML into report templates.

Crystal Reports Web Project (Crystal Reports)-This wizard creates a Web project with Crystal reports features activated. The new project includes the libraries for the Java Reporting Component and support for Crystal Reports Viewer pages, which is built on JSP technology. Note that support for Crystal reports must be selected on installation of Application Developer for this wizard to be available.

User Function Library (Crystal Reports)-This type of project allows Java code to be called from a Crystal reports formula. The wizard creates a project very similar to a Java project but with links to the Crystal Reports Java libraries.

Projects from CVS (CVS)-This wizard guides the user through the creation of a new project by checking out an existing project within CVS. It is possible to check-out a complete project from CVS, or to create a new project as part of the check-out process.

Data Design Project (Data)-This wizard creates a project to store data design artifacts, including data design models and SQL statements.

Data Development Project (Data)-This wizard creates a project that stores a connection to a given database. From within such a project, it is possible to create resources to interrogate and manipulate the associated database. Initially the wizard creates folders to store SQL scripts and stored procedures.

Existing RAD6.x Data Definition Project (Data)-The tooling that supports database definitions has changed since Application Developer v6.0.X and v5.1.2. Therefore, any data project that contains database definitions or other database objects created in the Data definition view from previous versions of Application Developer must be migrated to work with v7.5. This wizard takes a project folder in the old format and migrates it for v7.5.

EJB Project (EJB)-This wizard guides the user through the process of creating a project suitable for containing EJB components. This procedure also creates an empty EJB deployment descriptor and associates the project with an enterprise application project.

Application Client Project (Java EE)-This wizard guides the user through the creation of an empty Application Client project. The wizard prompts for the associated EAR project and presents a list of facets applicable to Java EE Application Client projects.

Connector Project (Java EE)-This wizard guides the user through the creation of a Java EE connector project, which includes specifying the associated enterprise application project and a set of facets applicable to this type of project.

Enterprise Application Project (Java EE)-This wizard creates a new EAR project. Includes options for creating associated Web, EJB, and Application Client projects.

Utility Project (Java EE)-This wizard assists in the construction of a Java utility library project, which is associated with an Enterprise Application project. Code present in a Java utility library that is present in a Java EE application is shared between the modules present in the application.

Java Project (Java)-This simple wizard is used to create a Java application project. The wizard allows the class path, including project dependencies, to be specified.

Java Project from Existing Ant Buildfile (Java)-It is possible to export the build settings of a project as an Ant file (use File Æ Export Æ General Æ Ant Buildfiles). Given such an Ant build file, this wizard can be used to create a new project based on the instructions contained within it.

Jython Project (Jython)-This wizard creates an empty project for developing Jython resources.

JPA Project (JPA)-This wizard creates a Java Persistence API (JPA) project. JPA is a Java EE 5 standardized object-relational mapping framework that works together with the EJB 3.0 standard.

Feature Patch, Feature Project, Fragment Project, Plug-in from Existing JAR Archives, Plug-in Project and Update Site Project (Plug-in Development)-These wizards assist in the creation of Eclipse plug-ins, features, and fragments, which can enhance existing Eclipse (or Application Developer) perspectives or create entirely new ones. The Rational Application developer help system has a section on how to use these wizards, and the Eclipse plug-in central home page (http://www.eclipseplugincentral.com) has information about many plug-ins already built and tutorials on building new ones.

SIP 1.0 Project (SIP)-The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is an extension to the Java EE servlets API intended for telecommunications applications using technologies such as Voice Over IP (VOIP). This wizard creates a Web project with the appropriate facets selected to allow the construction of SIP applications.

Dynamic Web Project (Web)-This wizard creates a project for a Web application, which can include JSPs, servlets, and other dynamic content.

Static Web Project (Web)-This wizard creates a project for a Web application containing only images, HTML files, and other static Web resources. A static Web project contains no dynamic content.

Each wizard will create an empty project of the specified type with the structures, files, folders, supporting libraries, and references to support such a project. However, after the project has been created, it is still possible to change aspects of it through the project properties.
