

Portal Express, Version 6.0
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux, Windows


Directory structure

This topic shows the naming conventions used to denote the location of files on the servers and the types of resources you can find in those directories.


WebSphere Portal Express directory structure (portal_server_root)

Throughout this documentation, the install location for the portal server component of IBM® WebSphere® Portal Express is noted as portal_server_root.

The wp_profile variable below refers to the name given to the IBM WebSphere Application Server profile in use.

The following table shows the default location if it is not otherwise specified during installation:

Operating system Location
Linux /opt/IBM/PE/PortalServer
Windows C:\Program Files\IBM\PE\PortalServer

  • portal_server_root (ProdData)

    • /QIBM/ProdData/PortalExpress/V6

  • portal_server_root (UserData)

    • WebSphere Application Server Version 6 for Base and Express:

      • /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/AppServer/V6/Base/profiles/wp_profile/PortalServer

    • WebSphere Application Server Version 6 for Network Deployment:

      • /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/AppServer/V6/ND/profiles/wp_profile/PortalServer


WebSphere Portal Express directory structure after installation on Windows and Linux

WebSphere Portal Express has the following directory structure after installation.

portal_server_root          Root directory for WebSphere Portal Express  |
 +-- bin                    WebSphere Portal Express tools  |
 +-- cloudscape             Cloudscape database files  |
 +-- collections            Default directory for Portal Search collections  |
 +-- config                 Portal configuration files  |
 +-- deployed/archive       This directory contains all deployed .WAR files, 
 |                          except for predeployed ones.
 +-- designer               Directory for IBM Lotus Component Designer  |
 +-- doc                    Javadoc and sample XMLAccess input files  |
 +-- firstSteps             First Steps Launcher  |
 +-- IBMTrans               Transcoding component  |
 +-- installableApps        Source portlet application files prior to deployment  |
 +-- installableConnectors  Source JCA connectors for enterprise applications  |
 +-- itlm                   IBM Tivoli License Manager files  |
 +-- jcr                    Resources for searching content repositories  |
 +-- license                WebSphere Portal Express license agreement  |
 +-- log                    WebSphere Portal Express log files  |
 +-- migration              Scripts used to assist in migrating from 
 |                          previous releases of WebSphere Portal Express  |
 +-- odc                    Source Web application files for Productivity 
 |                          Components prior to deployment  |
 +-- package                Response files and utilities for install  |
 +-- pb                     Productivity components  |
 +-- portletscripts         XML files for installing portlets individually  |
 +-- pzn                    Source personalization resources  |
 +-- reguninstall           Resources for uninstalling registry keys  | 
 +-- shared                 Shared resources, including runtime JARs, TLDs, 
 |                          and other resources. 
 |                          The /app subdirectory is the application server's 
 |                          WPSLib shared library for WebSphere Portal Express  |
 +-- sync 
 +-- uninstall              Resources for uninstalling WebSphere Portal Express 
 |                          and components  |
 +-- version                Version information for various components  |
 +-- wcm                    Source Web application files for web content management  |
 +-- wmm                    Member Manager configuration, 
 |                          including attributes of portal users  |
 +-- workflow                    


WebSphere Portal Express directory structure after installation on i5/OS

WebSphere Portal Express has the following directory structure after an installation.

ProdData's portal_server_root         Root directory for WebSphere Portal Express  |
 +-- depcheck          Dependency checker files  |
 +-- dist              Distributed files  |
 +-- doc               WebSphere Portal Express  |                     information center and Javadoc  |
 +-- img               Image files 
 +-- license           WebSphere Portal Express license agreement  |
 +-- log               Log files  |
 +-- package           Response files and utilities for install  |
 +-- portalexpress     Setup files from install CD
 +-- tools             Backup and restore tools  |
 +-- uninstall         Resources for uninstalling WebSphere Portal Express and components  |
 +-- version           Version information for various components  |

WebSphere Portal Express additionally has the following directory structure after an installation.

UserData's portal_server_root         Root directory for WebSphere Portal Express  |
 +-- bin               WebSphere Portal Express tools  |
 +-- cloudscape        Cloudscape database files  |
 +-- collections       Collection files 
 +-- config            Portal configuration files  |
 +-- designer          Directory for IBM Lotus Component Designer  |
 +-- deployed          Portal configuration files  |
 +-- deployed/archive  This directory contains all deployed .WAR files, 
 |                     except for predeployed ones.
 +-- doc               WebSphere Portal Express 
 |                     information center and Javadoc  |
 +-- IBMTrans          Transcoding Technology resources  |
 +-- installableApps   WAR files prior to deployment  |
 +-- installedApps     WAR files after deployment  |
 +-- installableConnectors  Source JCA connectors for enterprise applications  |
 +-- itlm              IBM Tivoli License Manager files  |
 +-- jcr               Resources for searching content repositories  |
 +-- license           WebSphere Portal Express license agreement  |
 +-- log               Log files  |
 +-- META-INF          
 +-- migration         Scripts used to assist in migrating from previous releases 
 |                     of WebSphere Portal Express  |
 +-- odc               Productivity components  |
 +-- package           Response files and utilities for install  |
 +-- pb                Productivity components  |
 +-- pzn               Personalization runtime and resources  |
 +-- shared            Shared resources, including runtime JARs, TLDs, 
 |                     and other resources. 
 |                     The /app subdirectory is the application server's WPSLib 
 |                     shared library for WebSphere Portal Express  |
 +-- sync  |
 +-- version           Version information for various components  |
 +-- wcm               Source Web application files for web content management  |
 +-- wmm               Member Manager configuration, 
 |                     including attributes of portal users  |
 +-- workflow 


DB2 directory structure

WebSphere Portal Express automatically installs DB2 on the supported platforms shown below.

Operating system Location
Linux /opt/IBM/PE/db2
Windows C:\Program Files\IBM\PE\db2

The installation program always installs DB2 on drive C.

When installed on i5/OS, WebSphere Portal Express uses the DB2 software that is natively provided with that operating system.


WebSphere Application Server directory structure (app_server_root)

WebSphere Application Server installation directory

Throughout this documentation, the install location for WebSphere Application Server is noted as app_server_root

For i5/OS, the install location for WebSphere Application Server is noted as app_server_root and refers to the UserData path, unless otherwise specified in the topic where you see it. The wp_profile variable below refers to the name given to the WebSphere Application Server profile in use.

The following table shows the default WebSphere Application Server installation location if it is not otherwise specified during installation:

Default location of WebSphere Application Server
Operating system Location
Linux /opt/IBM/PE/AppServer
Windows C:\Program Files\IBM\PE\AppServer

  • app_server_root (product data)

    • WebSphere Application Server Version 6 for Base and Express:

      • /QIBM/ProdData/WebSphere/AppServer/V6/Base

    • WebSphere Application Server Version 6 for Network Deployment:

      • /QIBM/ProdData/WebSphere/AppServer/V6/ND

  • app_server_root (user data)

    • WebSphere Application Server Version 6 for Base and Express:

      • /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/AppServer/V6/Base/profiles/wp_profile

    • WebSphere Application Server Version 6 for Network Deployment:

      • /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/AppServer/V6/ND/profiles/wp_profile

WebSphere Application Server profile directory

Throughout this documentation, the location for the WebSphere Application Server profiles is noted as was_profile_root.

The following table shows the default WebSphere Application Server location for profiles if it is not otherwise specified during installation.

Default location of WebSphere Application Server profiles
Operating system Location
Linux /opt/IBM/WebSphere/PortalExpress/AppServer/profiles/profile_name
Windows C:\IBM\WebSphere\profiles\profile_name

  • /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/AppServer/V6/Base/profiles/wp_profile

  • /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/AppServer/V6/ND/profiles/wp_profile

WebSphere Application Server configuration directory

Throughout this documentation, the location for the WebSphere Application Server configuration files is noted as was_config_root.

The following table shows the default WebSphere Application Server location if it is not otherwise specified during installation.

Default location of WebSphere Application Server configuration files
Operating system Location
Linux /opt/IBM/WebSphere/PortalExpress/AppServer/profiles/profile_name/config
Windows C:\IBM\WebSphere\profiles\profile_name\config

  • /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/AppServer/V6/Base/profiles/wp_profile/config

  • /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/AppServer/V6/ND/profiles/wp_profile/config

wps.war directory

The WebSphere Portal Express enterprise application is installed to the following location within WebSphere Application Server's path:

The WAR file directory structure for the WebSphere Portal Express enterprise application contains the following resources.

wps.war  |   
 +-- c2a              Cooperative portlet resources  |
 +-- doc              Portal-level help and readme  |
 +-- DocEditor        JSPs for the Rich Text Editor  |
 +-- dtd              XML DTDs and schema definitions 
 +-- html             License and privacy HTML files for the portal.
 +-- images           Common images for the portal  |
 +-- menu             Resources for MenuService applet 
 |                    (Collaborative Components API)
 +-- META-INF         Standard Java MANIFEST.MF for the 
 |                    portal Web application  |
 +-- peopleawareness  Resources for the people awareness features  |
 +-- screens          Screen JSPs for the portal  |   |
 |   +-- markup_name     Subdirectory for each markup type  |    
 |-- skins            Skin JSPs for the portal  |   |
 |   +-- markup_name     Subdirectory for each markup type  |    
 |-- themes           Theme JSPs for the portal  |   | 
 |   +-- markup_name     Subdirectory for each markup type  |   
 +-- virtualportal    XMLAccess file for setting up a virtual portal  |
 +-- WEB-INF          Protected resources for the portal Web application  |
 +-- wts              JavaScript resources for Transcoding Technology 
The following directories contain resources for customization. Resources for all other directories in the portal Web application directory structure must not be modified.

  • /doc

  • /html

  • /images

  • /screens

  • /skins

  • /themes

  • /virtualportal


Lotus Domino directory structure (domino_server_root and domino_data_root)

Throughout this documentation, the install location for the IBM Lotus® Domino® server software is noted as domino_server_root.

For i5/OS, the install location for the Lotus Domino server software is noted as domino_server_root and refers to the ProdData path, unless otherwise specified in the topic where you see it.

The following table shows the default location if it is not otherwise specified during installation:

Operating system Location
Linux /opt/IBM/Lotus/
Windows C:\Program Files\Lotus\Domino

  • domino_server_root (ProdData)

    • /QIBM/ProdData/Lotus/DOMINOrelease_number

The Lotus Domino server data directory is noted as domino_data_root.

For i5/OS, The Lotus Domino server data directory is noted as domino_data_root and refers to the UserData path, unless otherwise specified in the topic where you see it.

The following table shows the default location of the Domino data directory if it is not otherwise specified during installation:

Operating system Location
Linux /opt/IBM/Lotus/Domino/data
Windows C:\Program Files\Lotus\Domino\Data

  • domino_data_root (UserData)

    • WebSphere Application Server Version 6 for Base and Express:


    • WebSphere Application Server Version 6 for Network Deployment:



Directories for languages

The following shows the languages supported by WebSphere Portal Express and the directories used for storing locale-specific resources. These directories are used in portlet Web application directories and in the WebSphere Portal Express enterprise application (themes, skins, and other Web application resources).

Language (locale) Directory   Language (locale) Directory   Language (locale) Directory
Arabic /ar   Hungarian /hu   Romanian /ro
Catalan /ca Italian /it Russian /ru
Czech /cs Hebrew /iw Slovak /sk
Danish /da Japanese /ja Slovenian /sl
German /de Korean /ko Swedish /sv
English /en Dutch /nl Thai /th
Greek /el Norwegian /no Turkish /tr
Spanish /es Polish /pl Ukrainian /uk
Finnish /fi Portuguese /pt Simplified Chinese /zh
French /fr Brazilian Portuguese /pt_BR Traditional Chinese /zh_TW


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Welcome to the documentation


Parent topic:

Additional resources