Operate > IBM Sales Center for WebSphere Commerce > Products

Find a product

To find a product, you have the choice of two search methods: quick and advanced. For the quick find, enter information into all the fields for a selected search option. In the advanced find, you can enter information in any combination of the search fields.

Search results display in the Search Results table which you can sort by clicking on a column heading. From this table, you can retrieve complete product details, see available inventory and attributes, and compare two or more products. If you are searching for a product from within the Order editor, you can add products to the order from this page.

Quick find


  1. Log on to the IBM Sales Center.

  2. Select a store.

  3. Execute one of the following actions:

    • Click on a store in the Stores view, and then click Product > Find (Ctrl+F, Ctrl+P).

    • Open an existing order, and then click the Find Product icon () on the Order Items page.

    • Create a new order, and then click the Find Product icon () on the Order Items page.

  4. Select a search option and enter search criteria in all fields, and then click Find. You can enter all or part of the information in each field.

  5. Scroll through the Search result table to find the products for which you are searching.

    Tip: Click a column heading in the Search result table to sort the current page of results (there may be more than one page) based on that heading.

    If a customer is associated with any contracts, the price available to that customer might be different from the product price displayed in the results.

  6. Optional: Complete any of the following steps:

    • Select a product and then click Details if you want more information about a product.

    • Select two or more items and then click Compare to open the Product Compare editor.

    • Select a product and then click Inventory to view availability.

    • Work from within the Order editor, select one or more products and then click OK to add products to an order. Before the products are added to the order, you might be prompted to select product options.

Related concepts


Related tasks

Compare products

View product details

View product availability

View product price


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