Administer > Manage WebSphere Commerce features > IBM Sales Center for WebSphere Commerce

Set up the IBM Sales Center

You must complete a series of tasks to set up the IBM Sales Center. After completing these tasks, you can administer, maintain, and troubleshoot the IBM Sales Center, or set up other optional configurations.

The following diagram guides you through the steps to set up and administer the IBM Sales Center:

Click the D link for description.Review this section for information about installing the WebSphere Commerce product, associated maintenance, and WebSphere Commerce enhancements. Click the D link for description.Publishing a store archive to a WebSphere Commerce Server allows you to create a running store. You have two options for publishing a store archive: Publishing a store archive using the Publish wizard, Publishing a store archive using the publishstore utility. Click the D link for description.You can install IBM Sales Center for WebSphere Commerce either interactively or silently. Click the D link for description.The shipping mode is a way of shipping goods. More specifically, a shipping mode is the combination of a shipping carrier (which is a company that provides shipping services from a fulfillment center to a customer), and the shipping service offered by that carrier. For example, ABC Shipping Company, Overnight service and ABC Shipping Company, Express delivery are shipping modes. Click the D link for description.Use the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator to create <a href=fulfillment centers." href="../../" coords="355, 520, 486, 594"/> Click the D link for description.Use the Organization <a href=Administration Console to create a user of any type other than registered customer." href="../../" coords="14, 120, 147, 192"/> Click the D link for description.Use the Organization <a href=Administration Console to select roles for a user." href="../../" coords="184, 120, 315, 193"/> Click the D link for description.Order blocks are controlled by the order block manager. You can enable or disable order blocking on a store-by-store basis. By default, order blocking is enabled when you publish a <a href=starter store." href="../../" coords="14, 237, 146, 313"/> Click the D link for description.In the IBM Sales Center, a tickler reminds a CSR or <a href=Customer Service Supervisor to perform an action such as calling a customer to get a replacement payment instruction or to review a price override. A tickler reason code defines the purpose for a tickler." href="../../" coords="184, 240, 318, 314"/> Click the D link for description.In the IBM Sales Center, a tickler reminds a CSR or <a href=Customer Service Supervisor to perform an action such as calling a customer to get a replacement payment instruction or to review a price override. A tickler action code classifies work which is in done in an effort to resolve a tickler." href="../../" coords="353, 237, 485, 313"/> Click the D link for description.Use the Organization <a href=Administration Console to create member groups." href="../../" coords="185, 428, 316, 502"/> Click the D link for description.The price-override limits regarding the negotiated shipping rates that a customer service representative (CSR) can offer are defined per CSR group. Click the D link for description.The limits regarding the negotiated prices that a customer service representative (CSR) can offer are defined per CSR group. Click the D link for description.To define additional business channels, create an insert statement in the BUSCHN and BUSCHNDESC tables. For example, to track the number of items sold from a particular trade show, you can create a new business channel called "Trade Show". Click the D link for description.Resolving an order block allows the items on that order to be released to fulfillment. However, for items that remain in the order to be released to fulfillment, all blocks on the order must be resolved. Click the D link for description.Managing a <a href=business account involves tasks that create and modify business accounts. The various tasks involved in managing a business account are performed by different roles." href="../../" coords="354, 640, 488, 716"/> Click the D link for description. Click the D link for description.Use the Organization <a href=Administration Console to include a user in a member group." href="../../" coords="184, 738, 317, 809"/> Click the D link for description.If stores in the IBM Sales Center will use single-seller quotes, set a default quote expiry period. Customer Service Representatives (CSRs) can override the default value by using the IBM Sales Center. Click the D link for description.You can set preferences in the IBM Sales Center user interface to make working with orders, customers, and stores easier. For example, you can set a preference to autoselect a particular store, or create customers by default with certain country, currency, and language attributes. There are preference pages for communication preferences, logon preferences, customer preferences, order preferences, store preferences, search preferences, and image preferences. Preference page definitions for default preference pages are in the plug-in manifest file (plugin.xml). Click the D link for description.Use the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator to create <a href=return reasons." href="../../" coords="351, 424, 488, 502"/>

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