Operate > IBM Management Center for WebSphere Commerce > Marketing tool > Work with marketing experiments

Suspending or resuming experiments

Experiments can exist in the store in two states: running or suspended. You can suspend an experiment if you want the experiment paths in the Web activity to become inactive.

While the experiment is suspended, only the control path in the Web activity remains active on the store pages. You can resume an experiment by setting the status back to running.

Here is an example: A Web activity contains a control path that displays a yellow advertisement and an experiment path that displays a green advertisement. If you suspend the experiment, only the yellow advertisement is presented to customers.

Note that this setting (running or suspended) affects only the experiment paths in a Web activity; it does not affect the status of the Web activity itself.


  1. From the explorer view, click Activities. The Activities - List page opens.

  2. Right-click the Web activity that contains the experiment for which to change the state; then click Open. The Web activity builder displays, showing the selected Web activity.

  3. Click the Experiment element. The properties view updates with the properties of the experiment.

  4. On the General Properties tab, click the Status option that corresponds to the desired state, either Running or Suspended.

  5. Click Save and Close to save the change.


The experiment will be running or suspended.

Related concepts

Experiment statistics collection and calculation

Marketing experiments

Related tasks

Create marketing experiments

View the statistics of an experiment

Select the winning path for an experiment

Changing marketing experiments

Delete marketing experiments

List activities with experiments

List activity versions


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