Install > Installing WebSphere Commerce > Installing WebSphere Commerce using the custom installation

Create a WCS instance

After you have installed all the required software, you can create a WCS instance by using...

Before you begin

Prepare to create or modify an instance with Configuration Manager


Option Description
If you have completed a quick installation Take the first steps after installing WebSphere Commerce.
Create instance using a GUI Create a new WCS instance
Create an instance silently ANT targets require a properties file that is generated from Configuration Manager. See...

  1. Generate the file
  2. ANT targets
  3. ANT target: createInstance

If you experience problems while creating the instance, see Troubleshoot: WebSphere Commerce configuration issues.


  1. Before you create or modify an instance with Configuration Manager
  2. Database considerations when creating WCS instances
  3. Create a new WCS instance
  4. Verify instance creation
  5. Test multiple instances
  6. Mandatory post-instance creation tasks

Previous topic: Complete a custom installation


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