Reference > ANT targets > Ant targets: Creating and configuring targets

Generate the file


The file...

Use the Configuration Manager to generate the file, then edit the file as necessary before running the ANT targets, or you can generate a file manually, and drop into....



  1. Open the Configuration Manager

  2. In the Configuration Manager wizard, select the check box...

    Generate properties file only

  3. Complete the wizard as if you were creating and configuring the WCS instance.

    Generate the properties file on the same server where you run the ANT targets.

  4. Edit...


  5. Change the values, as required, to match the ANT target environment. Typically, you only modify the password values in the file.

    • siteAdminPassword
    • merchantKey
    • dbaPassword
    • dbUserPassword
    • ftpUserPwd (if using a remote web server and FTP mode)

    All required parameters are provided by generating the file using the wizard. There are additional optional parameters in the file that are blank; do not provide values for these parameters.

    The following parameters require additional explanation beyond the comments in the file:

    WASJDBCDriverType The JDBC driver used by WebSphere Application Server. The possible values are:

    db2 DB2 databases
    oracle Oracle databases.
    db2_iseries_toolbox DB2 remote database.
    db2_iseries_native DB2 local database.

    ejbType Data source type that the EJBs are deployed to. Accepted values are:

    db2 DB2 databases.
    oracle Oracle databases
    os400 DB2 database.

    sqldir Folder under WC_INSTALL/schema where the DDL are loaded from. The accepted values are:

    db2 DB2 databases.
    oracle Oracle databases
    os400 DB2 database.


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