Develop > Presentation layer > Customize marketing

Add an e-Marketing Spot to a store page (Management Center)


  1. Determine on which JSP files the e-Marketing Spot will display. The e-Marketing Spot can be added to multiple JSP files.

  2. Determine where on the JSP file to place the e-Marketing Spot.

  3. Copy the sample e-Marketing Spot JSP snippet into a new JSP file inside of the store Web application.

    The WebServiceeMarketingSpotDisplay.jsp sample snippet is available under the following directory:

    • WC_INSTALL\samples\Snippets\web\Marketing\Campaigns

    • WCDE_INSTALL\samples\Snippets\web\Marketing\Campaigns

  4. Customize the sample e-Marketing Spot to fit the layout of the JSP files.

  5. Within the e-Marketing Spot code, give the e-Marketing Spot a name.

    Name e-Marketing Spots descriptively so that the name includes the location and purpose, for example, HomePageRow1Ads, or CheckOutPageRecommendation. This helps to reduce confusion about which page the e-Marketing Spot is on and what it displays. If necessary, add numbers to the name to differentiate between two e-Marketing Spots appearing on the same page. E-Marketing Spot names must be valid Java identifiers. You must use this same name when registering the e-Marketing Spot in the database using the Management Center.

  6. Add the e-Marketing Spot to the JSP file by dynamically including the e-Marketing Spot using the JSTL <c:import> tag structure with any associated parameters. Your code should look similar to the following example:

    <c:import url="${jspStoreDir}include/WebServiceeMarketingSpotDisplay.jsp">
                 <c:param name="emsName" value="ShoppingCartPage" />
                 <c:param name="catalogId" value="${WCParam.catalogId}" />  

    If you are not using JSTL, use the <jsp:include> tag. By using a dynamic include tag to add the e-Marketing Spot to the store JSP, the Dynacache feature can be enabled, so that the content of the JSP file, excluding the e-Marketing Spot, will be cached.

    To avoid running the e-Marketing Spot snippet for each page load, see Enable JSP snippet caching for more information.

  7. If you require more than one e-Marketing Spot per JSP file, repeat steps 2 through 6.

  8. Create the e-Marketing Spot in the database using the Management Center.


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