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Run the WASPostUpgrade command from the new WAS install root bin directory


Step 6: Scenario 4: Flexible Management: Migrating a job manager profile and its registered set of servers

Use the WASPostUpgrade command to restore the previous job manager configuration that you saved in the migration backup directory.

To avoid database inconsistencies, run WASPostUpgrade immediately after completing WASPreUpgrade. As part of WASPreUpgrade, a backup of the database is created. If you restart the old job manager before running WASPostUpgrade, the database in the backup and the database in the old job manager will be out of sync.


  1. Run the WASPostUpgrade command to restore the saved job manager configuration into the new v8.0 administrative agent profile. For example:
    C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer80\bin>WASPostUpgrade.bat C:\WAS70JobMgrbackup -oldProfile JobMgr01 -profileName JobMgr01
    -traceString *=all=enabled -tracefile C:\WAS70JobMgrbackup\logs\WASPostMigrationSummary.log -username myuser -password mypass

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What to do next

Verify the logs for success


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