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Interface Editable

All Superinterfaces:
Document, EditableItem, Item, Localized, WCMApiObject
All Known Subinterfaces:
AbstractAuthoringTemplate, AuthoringTemplate, Category, Content, ContentComponentContainer, ContentPrototype, CustomWorkflowAction, EditableLibraryComponent, EmailAction, ExpireAction, Folder, HierarchicalPrototype, HierarchicalTemplate, LibraryDateComponent, LibraryDocumentManagerComponent, LibraryFileComponent, LibraryHTMLComponent, LibraryImageComponent, LibraryJSPComponent, LibraryLinkComponent, LibraryListPresentationComponent, LibraryMenuComponent, LibraryNavigatorComponent, LibraryNumericComponent, LibraryPersonalizationComponent, LibraryRichTextComponent, LibrarySearchComponent, LibraryShortTextComponent, LibraryStyleSheetComponent, LibraryTextComponent, LibraryUserSelectionComponent, PersonalizationItem, PortalPage, PresentationTemplate, Project, ProjectTemplate, Prototype, PublishAction, ScheduledMoveAction, ScheduledWorkflowAction, Segment, Site, SiteArea, SiteAreaPrototype, SiteAreaTemplate, SiteFrameworkContainer, Taxonomy, VersionAction, Workflow, WorkflowAction, WorkflowStage
public interface Editable
extends Document, EditableItem

Defines the behaviour for editable objects within the API.

Editable objects may have their attributes set and changed.

Passing a null argument to a method of this interface will result in a NullPointerException, unless stated otherwise.

A successful call to methods in this interface other than isChanged() will result in a call to isChanged() returning true.

Method Summary
 void addAuthors(java.lang.String[] authors)
          Adds each author specified in the string array argument to the authors of this Editable object.
 void addCategoryIds(DocumentId<? extends Category>[] categoryIds)
          Add categories to this document.
 void addContributorAccessMembers(java.lang.String[] members)
          Deprecated. since 8.5 Use addMembersForAccess(Access, String[]) instead
 void addDeleteAccessMembers(java.lang.String[] members)
          Deprecated. Use addMembersForAccess(Access, String[]) instead (using Access.MANAGER)
 void addEditAccessMembers(java.lang.String[] members)
          Deprecated. Use addMembersForAccess(Access, String[]) instead (using Access.EDITOR)
 void addEditorAccessMembers(java.lang.String[] members)
          Deprecated. since 8.5 Use addMembersForAccess(Access, String[]) instead
 void addHistoryLogEntry(java.lang.String message)
          Adds a entry to the History log of this Editable object.
 void addLiveAccessMembers(java.lang.String[] members)
          Deprecated. Use addMembersForAccess(Access, String[]) instead (using Access.USER)
 void addManagerAccessMembers(java.lang.String[] members)
          Deprecated. since 8.5 Use addMembersForAccess(Access, String[]) instead
 void addMembersForAccess(Access access, java.lang.String[] members)
          Adds each name specified in the string array argument to the members of the specified Access to this Editable object.
 void addOwners(java.lang.String[] owners)
          Adds each owner specified in the string array argument to the owners of this Editable object.
 void addReadAccessMembers(java.lang.String[] members)
          Deprecated. Use addMembersForAccess(Access, String[]) instead (using Access.CONTRIBUTOR)
 void addUserAccessMembers(java.lang.String[] members)
          Deprecated. since 8.5 Use addMembersForAccess(Access, String[]) instead
 boolean isChanged()
          Return the value of the changed flag.
 void removeAuthors(java.lang.String[] authors)
          Removes each author specified in the string array argument from the authors of this Editable object.
 void removeCategoryIds(DocumentId<? extends Category>[] categoryIds)
          Remove categories from this document.
 void removeContributorAccessMembers(java.lang.String[] members)
          Deprecated. since 8.5 Use removeMembersForAccess(Access, String[]) instead
 void removeDeleteAccessMembers(java.lang.String[] members)
          Deprecated. Use removeMembersForAccess(Access, String[]) instead (using Access.MANAGER)
 void removeEditAccessMembers(java.lang.String[] members)
          Deprecated. Use removeMembersForAccess(Access, String[]) instead (using Access.EDITOR)
 void removeEditorAccessMembers(java.lang.String[] members)
          Deprecated. since 8.5 Use removeMembersForAccess(Access, String[]) instead
 void removeLiveAccessMembers(java.lang.String[] members)
          Deprecated. Use removeMembersForAccess(Access, String[]) instead (using Access.USER)
 void removeManagerAccessMembers(java.lang.String[] members)
          Deprecated. since 8.5 Use removeMembersForAccess(Access, String[]) instead
 void removeMembersForAccess(Access access, java.lang.String[] members)
          Removes each name specified in the string array argument from the members of the specified Access level of this Editable object.
 void removeOwners(java.lang.String[] owners)
          Removes each owner specified in the string array argument from the owners of this Editable object.
 void removeReadAccessMembers(java.lang.String[] members)
          Deprecated. Use removeMembersForAccess(Access, String[]) instead (using Access.CONTRIBUTOR)
 void removeUserAccessMembers(java.lang.String[] members)
          Deprecated. since 8.5 Use removeMembersForAccess(Access, String[]) instead
 void setContributorAccessInheritance(boolean inheritContributors)
          Deprecated. since 8.5 Use setInheritance(Access, boolean) instead
 void setDescriptionTextProviderKey(java.lang.String key)
          Set the text provider key for the description of this item.
 void setDescriptionTextProviderName(java.lang.String name)
          Set the text provider name for the description of this item.
 void setEditorAccessInheritance(boolean inheritEditors)
          Deprecated. since 8.5 Use setInheritance(Access, boolean) instead
 void setInheritance(Access access, boolean inheritedAccess)
          Sets if the Access permissions will be inherited from the parent of this Document.
 void setKeywords(java.lang.String[] keywords)
          Sets the keywords for this document.
 void setManagerAccessInheritance(boolean inheritManagers)
          Deprecated. since 8.5 Use setInheritance(Access, boolean) instead
 void setPropagation(Access access, boolean propagateAccess)
          Sets if the Access permissions will be propagated to the children of this Document.
 void setTitleTextProviderKey(java.lang.String key)
          Set the text provider key for the title of this item.
 void setTitleTextProviderName(java.lang.String name)
          Set the text provider name for the title of this item.
 void setUserAccessInheritance(boolean inheritUsers)
          Deprecated. since 8.5 Use setInheritance(Access, boolean) instead
Methods inherited from interface com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.Document
getAuthors, getCategoryIds, getContributorAccessMembers, getCreator, getDeleteAccessMembers, getDescription, getDescriptionTextProviderKey, getDescriptionTextProviderName, getEditAccessMembers, getEditorAccessMembers, getHistoryLog, getId, getInheritedContributorAccessMembers, getInheritedEditorAccessMembers, getInheritedManagerAccessMembers, getInheritedUserAccessMembers, getKeywords, getLastModifier, getLiveAccessMembers, getManagerAccessMembers, getMembersForAccess, getMembersForInheritedAccess, getOwnerLibrary, getOwners, getProject, getReadAccessMembers, getSourceWorkspace, getTitle, getTitleTextProviderKey, getTitleTextProviderName, getUserAccessMembers, getVersionCatalog, getVersionStrategy, hasDeleteAccess, hasDeleteAccess, hasEditAccess, hasEditAccess, hasLiveAccess, hasLiveAccess, hasProfile, hasProject, hasReadAccess, hasReadAccess, isContributorAccessInherited, isEditorAccessInherited, isInherited, isManagerAccessInherited, isNew, isPropagated, isUserAccessInherited, isWorkflowed
Methods inherited from interface com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.Item
getCreationDate, getDescription, getIdentity, getModifiedDate, getName, getTitle
Methods inherited from interface com.ibm.portal.Localized
Methods inherited from interface com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.EditableItem
setDescription, setName, setTitle

Method Detail


boolean isChanged()
Returns the value of the changed flag.

An Editable object is deemed to have changed if one or more attributes have been modified since it was last saved.

true if at least one attribute of this Editable object has changed; false otherwise


void setTitleTextProviderName(java.lang.String name)
Set the text provider name for the title of this item. When using a Web Content text provider, the provider name must be the ID of the Web Content text provider item. Note: This operation is not supported for PortalPage.

name - the text provider name for the title


void setTitleTextProviderKey(java.lang.String key)
Set the text provider key for the title of this item. Note: This operation is not supported for PortalPage.

key - the text provider key for the title


void setDescriptionTextProviderName(java.lang.String name)
Set the text provider name for the description of this item. When using a Web Content text provider, the provider name must be the ID of the Web Content text provider item. Note: This operation is not supported for PortalPage.

name - the text provider name for the description


void setDescriptionTextProviderKey(java.lang.String key)
Set the text provider key for the description of this item. Note: This operation is not supported for PortalPage.

key - the text provider key for the description


void addAuthors(java.lang.String[] authors)
Adds each author specified in the string array argument to the authors of this Editable object.

An author is only added if the element in the string array argument can be converted to a valid member.

Note: Each author of this Editable object must be unique. I.e. Duplicates are removed.

authors - the authors to add


void removeAuthors(java.lang.String[] authors)
Removes each author specified in the string array argument from the authors of this Editable object.

An author is only removed if the element in the string array argument can be converted to a valid member and is already an author on this Editable object.

authors - the authors names to remove


void addOwners(java.lang.String[] owners)
Adds each owner specified in the string array argument to the owners of this Editable object.

An owner is only added if the element in the string array argument can be converted to a valid member.

Note: Each owner of this Editable object must be unique. I.e. Duplicates are removed.

Note: PortalPages can only have a single owner, so adding an owner to a PortalPage that already has an owner will cause the existing owner to be replaced. Attempting to add multiple owners at once will cause an IllegalArgumentException

owners - the owners to add
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the array has length greater than 1 and this Editable is a PortalPage.


void removeOwners(java.lang.String[] owners)
Removes each owner specified in the string array argument from the owners of this Editable object.

An owner is only removed if the element in the string array argument can be converted to a valid member and is already an owner on this Editable object.

owners - the owners names to remove


void addLiveAccessMembers(java.lang.String[] members)
Deprecated. Use addMembersForAccess(Access, String[]) instead (using Access.USER)

Adds each name specified in the string array argument to the members who have Live access to this Editable object.

A name is only added if the element in the string array argument can be converted to a valid member.

Note: Each Live access member of this Editable object must be unique. I.e. Duplicates are removed.

members - the names of members to add to Live access


void addReadAccessMembers(java.lang.String[] members)
Deprecated. Use addMembersForAccess(Access, String[]) instead (using Access.CONTRIBUTOR)

Adds each name specified in the string array argument to the members who have Read access to this Editable object.

A name is only added if the element in the string array argument can be converted to a valid member.

Note: Each Read access member of this Editable object must be unique. I.e. Duplicates are removed.

members - the names of members to add to Read access


void addEditAccessMembers(java.lang.String[] members)
Deprecated. Use addMembersForAccess(Access, String[]) instead (using Access.EDITOR)

Adds each name specified in the string array argument to the members who have Edit access to this Editable object.

A name is only added if the element in the string array argument can be converted to a valid member.

Note: Each Edit access member of this Editable object must be unique. I.e. Duplicates are removed.

members - the names of members to add to Edit access


void addDeleteAccessMembers(java.lang.String[] members)
Deprecated. Use addMembersForAccess(Access, String[]) instead (using Access.MANAGER)

Adds each name specified in the string array argument to the members who have Delete access to this Editable object.

A name is only added if the element in the string array argument can be converted to a valid member.

Note: Each Delete access member of this Editable object must be unique. I.e. Duplicates are removed.

members - the names of members to add to Delete access


void addUserAccessMembers(java.lang.String[] members)
Deprecated. since 8.5 Use addMembersForAccess(Access, String[]) instead

Adds each name specified in the string array argument to the members who have User access to this Editable object.

A name is only added if the element in the string array argument can be converted to a valid member.

Note: Each User access member of this Editable object must be unique. I.e. Duplicates are removed.

members - the names of members to add to User access


void addContributorAccessMembers(java.lang.String[] members)
Deprecated. since 8.5 Use addMembersForAccess(Access, String[]) instead

Adds each name specified in the string array argument to the members who have Contributor access to this Editable object.

A name is only added if the element in the string array argument can be converted to a valid member.

Note: Each Contributor access member of this Editable object must be unique. I.e. Duplicates are removed.

members - the names of members to add to Contributor access


void addEditorAccessMembers(java.lang.String[] members)
Deprecated. since 8.5 Use addMembersForAccess(Access, String[]) instead

Adds each name specified in the string array argument to the members who have Editor access to this Editable object.

A name is only added if the element in the string array argument can be converted to a valid member.

Note: Each Editor access member of this Editable object must be unique. I.e. Duplicates are removed.

members - the names of members to add to Editor access


void addManagerAccessMembers(java.lang.String[] members)
Deprecated. since 8.5 Use addMembersForAccess(Access, String[]) instead

Adds each name specified in the string array argument to the members who have Manager access to this Editable object.

A name is only added if the element in the string array argument can be converted to a valid member.

Note: Each Manager access member of this Editable object must be unique. I.e. Duplicates are removed.

members - the names of members to add to Manager access


void addMembersForAccess(Access access,
                         java.lang.String[] members)
Adds each name specified in the string array argument to the members of the specified Access to this Editable object.

A name is only added if the element in the string array argument can be converted to a valid member.

Note: Each Access member of this Document object must be unique. I.e. Duplicates are removed.

access - the access to add the members to
members - the names of members to add


void removeLiveAccessMembers(java.lang.String[] members)
Deprecated. Use removeMembersForAccess(Access, String[]) instead (using Access.USER)

Removes each name specified in the string array argument from the members who have Live access to this Editable object.

A name is only removed if the element in the string array argument can be converted to a valid member and already has Live access to this Editable object.

members - the names of members to remove from Live access


void removeReadAccessMembers(java.lang.String[] members)
Deprecated. Use removeMembersForAccess(Access, String[]) instead (using Access.CONTRIBUTOR)

Removes each name specified in the string array argument from the members who have Read access to this Editable object.

A name is only removed if the element in the string array argument can be converted to a valid member and already has Read access to this Editable object.

members - the names of members to remove from Read access


void removeEditAccessMembers(java.lang.String[] members)
Deprecated. Use removeMembersForAccess(Access, String[]) instead (using Access.EDITOR)

Removes each name specified in the string array argument from the members who have Edit access to this Editable object.

A name is only removed if the element in the string array argument can be converted to a valid member and already has Edit access to this Editable object.

members - the names of members to remove from Edit access


void removeDeleteAccessMembers(java.lang.String[] members)
Deprecated. Use removeMembersForAccess(Access, String[]) instead (using Access.MANAGER)

Removes each name specified in the string array argument from the members who have Delete access to this Editable object.

A name is only removed if the element in the string array argument can be converted to a valid member and already has Delete access to this Editable object.

members - the names of members to remove from Delete access


void removeUserAccessMembers(java.lang.String[] members)
Deprecated. since 8.5 Use removeMembersForAccess(Access, String[]) instead

Removes each name specified in the string array argument from the members who have User access to this Editable object.

A name is only removed if the element in the string array argument can be converted to a valid member and already has User access to this Editable object.

members - the names of members to remove from User access


void removeContributorAccessMembers(java.lang.String[] members)
Deprecated. since 8.5 Use removeMembersForAccess(Access, String[]) instead

Removes each name specified in the string array argument from the members who have Contributor access to this Editable object.

A name is only removed if the element in the string array argument can be converted to a valid member and already has Contributor access to this Editable object.

members - the names of members to remove from Contributor access


void removeEditorAccessMembers(java.lang.String[] members)
Deprecated. since 8.5 Use removeMembersForAccess(Access, String[]) instead

Removes each name specified in the string array argument from the members who have Editor access to this Editable object.

A name is only removed if the element in the string array argument can be converted to a valid member and already has Editor access to this Editable object.

members - the names of members to remove from Editor access


void removeManagerAccessMembers(java.lang.String[] members)
Deprecated. since 8.5 Use removeMembersForAccess(Access, String[]) instead

Removes each name specified in the string array argument from the members who have Manager access to this Editable object.

A name is only removed if the element in the string array argument can be converted to a valid member and already has Manager access to this Editable object.

members - the names of members to remove from Manager access


void removeMembersForAccess(Access access,
                            java.lang.String[] members)
Removes each name specified in the string array argument from the members of the specified Access level of this Editable object.

A name is only removed if the element in the string array argument can be converted to a valid member and already has Access to this Editable object.

access - the access to remove the members from
members - the names of members to remove


void addHistoryLogEntry(java.lang.String message)
Adds a entry to the History log of this Editable object.

The new History Log Entry will be created using the current API workspace user

message - The message to add to the log.


void setUserAccessInheritance(boolean inheritUsers)
Deprecated. since 8.5 Use setInheritance(Access, boolean) instead

Sets if the User access permissions will be inherited from the parent of this Document.

inheritUsers - true to set user access permissions to be inherited, or false to block inheritance of permissions from the parent.


void setContributorAccessInheritance(boolean inheritContributors)
Deprecated. since 8.5 Use setInheritance(Access, boolean) instead

Sets if the Contributor access permissions will be inherited from the parent of this Document.

inheritContributors - true to set contributor access permissions to be inherited, or false to block inheritance of permissions from the parent.


void setEditorAccessInheritance(boolean inheritEditors)
Deprecated. since 8.5 Use setInheritance(Access, boolean) instead

Sets if the Editor access permissions will be inherited from the parent of this Document.

inheritEditors - true to set editor access permissions to be inherited, or false to block inheritance of permissions from the parent.


void setManagerAccessInheritance(boolean inheritManagers)
Deprecated. since 8.5 Use setInheritance(Access, boolean) instead

Sets if the Manager access permissions will be inherited from the parent of this Document.

inheritManagers - true to set manager access permissions to be inherited, or false to block inheritance of permissions from the parent.


void setInheritance(Access access,
                    boolean inheritedAccess)
Sets if the Access permissions will be inherited from the parent of this Document.

access - the access to set the inheritance setting for.
inheritedAccess - true to set access permissions to be inherited, or false to block inheriting of permissions.


void setPropagation(Access access,
                    boolean propagateAccess)
Sets if the Access permissions will be propagated to the children of this Document.

access - the access to set the propagation setting for.
propagateAccess - true to set access permissions to be propagated, or false to block Propagation of permissions.


void addCategoryIds(DocumentId<? extends Category>[] categoryIds)
Add categories to this document. N.B If this document is not configured to be profiled, then no categories are added.

categoryIds - the array of category IDs to add
8.5 CF8


void removeCategoryIds(DocumentId<? extends Category>[] categoryIds)
Remove categories from this document. No categories are removed if this document does not have a profile.

categoryIds - the array of category IDs to remove
8.5 CF8


void setKeywords(java.lang.String[] keywords)
Sets the keywords for this document. Duplicate keywords will be removed. Keywords will not be added if this document does not have a profile.

keywords - the array of keywords
8.5 CF8