Programming WebLogic Security


Securing Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs)

WebLogic Server supports the Java EE architecture security model for securing Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs), which includes support for declarative authorization (also referred to in this document as declarative security) and programmatic authorization (also referred to in this document as programmatic security).

The following topics are covered in this section:

You can use deployment descriptor files, the Administration Console, and JACC to secure EJBs. For information on using the Administration Console to secure EJBs, see Securing WebLogic Resources Using Roles and Policies. For information on JACC, see Using the Java Authorization Contract for Containers.


Java EE Architecture Security Model

The document Designing Enterprise Applications with the J2EE Platform, Second Edition, published by Sun Microsystems, Inc., states in Section 9.3 Authorization:

“In the J2EE architecture, a container serves as an authorization boundary between the components it hosts and their callers. The authorization boundary exists inside the container's authentication boundary so that authorization is considered in the context of successful authentication. For inbound calls, the container compares security attributes from the caller's credential with the access control rules for the target component. If the rules are satisfied, the call is allowed. Otherwise, the call is rejected.”

“There are two fundamental approaches to defining access control rules: capabilities and permissions. Capabilities focus on what a caller can do. Permissions focus on who can do something. The J2EE application programming model focuses on permissions. In the J2EE architecture, the job of the deployer is to map the permission model of the application to the capabilities of users in the operational environment.”

The same document then discusses two ways to control access to application resources using the Java EE architecture, declarative authorization and programmatic authorization.

The document Designing Enterprise Applications with the J2EE Platform, Second Edition, published by Sun Microsystems, Inc., in available online at


Declarative Authorization

The document Designing Enterprise Applications with the J2EE Platform, Second Edition, published by Sun Microsystems, Inc., states in Section 9.3.1 Authorization:

“The deployer establishes the container-enforced access control rules associated with a J2EE application. The deployer uses a deployment tool to map an application permission model, which is typically supplied by the application assembler, to policy and mechanisms specific to the operational environment. The application permission model is defined in a deployment descriptor.”

WebLogic Server supports the use of deployment descriptors to implement declarative authorization in EJBs.

Declarative authorization is also referred in this document as declarative security.

The document Designing Enterprise Applications with the J2EE Platform, Second Edition, published by Sun Microsystems, Inc., in available online at


Programmatic Authorization

The document Designing Enterprise Applications with the J2EE Platform, Second Edition, published by Sun Microsystems, Inc., states in Section 9.3.2 Programmatic Authorization:

“A J2EE container makes access control decisions before dispatching method calls to a component. The logic or state of the component doesn't factor in these access decisions. However, a component can use two methods, EJBContext.isCallerInRole (for use by enterprise bean code) and HttpServletRequest.isUserInRole (for use by Web components), to perform finer-grained access control. A component uses these methods to determine whether a caller has been granted a privilege selected by the component based on the parameters of the call, the internal state of the component, or other factors such as the time of the call.”

“The application component provider of a component that calls one of these functions must declare the complete set of distinct roleName values to be used in all calls. These declarations appear in the deployment descriptor as security-role-ref elements. Each security-role-ref element links a privilege name embedded in the application as a roleName to a security role. Ultimately, the deployer establishes the link between the privilege names embedded in the application and the security roles defined in the deployment descriptor. The link between privilege names and security roles may differ for components in the same application.”

“In addition to testing for specific privileges, an application component can compare the identity of its caller, acquired using EJBContext.getCallerPrincipal or HttpServletRequest.getUserPrincipal, to the distinguished caller identities embedded in the state of the component when it was created. If the identity of the caller is equivalent to a distinguished caller, the component can allow the caller to proceed. If not, the component can prevent the caller from further interaction. The caller principal returned by a container depends on the authentication mechanism used by the caller. Also, containers from different vendors may return different principals for the same user authenticating by the same mechanism. To account for variability in principal forms, an application developer who chooses to apply distinguished caller state in component access decisions should allow multiple distinguished caller identities, representing the same user, to be associated with components. This is recommended especially where application flexibility or portability is a priority.”

WebLogic Server supports the use of the EJBContext.isCallerInRole and EJBContext.getCallerPrincipal methods and the use of the security-role-ref element in deployment descriptors to implement programmatic authorization in EJBs.

Programmatic authorization is also referred in this document as programmatic security.

The document Designing Enterprise Applications with the J2EE Platform, Second Edition, published by Sun Microsystems, Inc., in available online at


Declarative Versus Programmatic Authorization

The document Designing Enterprise Applications with the J2EE Platform, Second Edition, published by Sun Microsystems, Inc., states in Section 9.3.3 Declarative Versus Programmatic Authorization:

“There is a trade-off between the external access control policy configured by the deployer and the internal policy embedded in the application by the component provider. The external policy is more flexible after the application has been written. The internal policy provides more flexible functionality while the application is being written. In addition, the external policy is transparent and completely comprehensible to the deployer, while internal policy is buried in the application and may only be completely understood by the application developer. These trade-offs should be considered in choosing the authorization model for particular components and methods.”

The document Designing Enterprise Applications with the J2EE Platform, Second Edition, published by Sun Microsystems, Inc., in available online at


Using Declarative Security With EJBs

There are three ways to implement declarative security:

  1. Security providers via the Administration Console, as described in Securing WebLogic Resources Using Roles and Policies.

  2. Java Authorization Contract for Containers (JACC), as described in Using the Java Authorization Contract for Containers.

  3. Deployment descriptors, which are discussed in this section.

Which of these three methods is used is defined by the JACC flags and the security model. (Security models are described in Options for Securing EJB and Web Application Resources in Securing WebLogic Resources Using Roles and Policies.)

To implement declarative security in EJBs you can use deployment descriptors (ejb-jar.xml and weblogic-ejb-jar.xml) to define the security requirements. Listing 6-1 shows examples of how to use the ejb-jar.xml and weblogic-ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptors to map security role names to a security realm. The deployment descriptors map the application's logical security requirements to its runtime definitions. And at runtime, the EJB container uses the security definitions to enforce the requirements.

To configure security in the EJB deployment descriptors, perform the following steps (see Listing 6-1):

  1. Use a text editor to create ejb-jar.xml and weblogic-ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor files.

  2. In the ejb-jar.xml file, define the security role name, the EJB name, and the method name (see bold text).

When specifying security role names, observe the following conventions and restrictions:

The proper syntax for a security role name is as defined for an Nmtoken in the Extensible Markup Language (XML) recommendation available on the Web at:

  1. In the WebLogic-specific EJB deployment descriptor file, weblogic-ejb-jar.xml, define the security role name and link it to one or more principals (users or groups) in a security realm.

    For more information on configuring security in the weblogic-ejb-jar.xml file, see weblogic-ejb-jar.xml Deployment Descriptor Reference in Programming WebLogic Enterprise JavaBeans. Listing 6-1 Using the ejb-jar.xml and weblogic-ejb-jar.xml Files to Map Security Role Names to a Security Realm

    ejb-jar.xml entries:
    weblogic-ejb-jar.xml entries:


EJB Security-Related Deployment Descriptors

The following topics describe the deployment descriptor elements that are used in the ejb-jar.xml and weblogic-ejb-jar.xml files to define security requirements in EJBs:


ejb-jar.xml Deployment Descriptors

The following ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor elements are used to define security requirements in WebLogic Server:


The method element is used to denote a method of an enterprise bean's home or component interface, or, in the case of a message-driven bean, the bean's onMessage method, or a set of methods.

The following table describes the elements you can define within an method element.

Table 6-1 method Element
Element Required/
<description> Optional A text description of the method.
<ejb-name> Required Name of one of the enterprise beans declared in the ejb-jar.xml file.
<method-intf> Optional Allows you to distinguish between a method with the same signature that is multiply defined across both the home and component interfaces of the enterprise bean.
<method-name> Required Specifies a name of an enterprise bean method or the asterisk (*) character. The asterisk is used when the element denotes all the methods of an enterprise bean's component and home interfaces.
<method-params> Optional Contains a list of the fully-qualified Java type names of the method parameters.

Used Within

The method element is used within the method-permission element.


For an example of how to use the method element, see Listing 6-1, Using the ejb-jar.xml and weblogic-ejb-jar.xml Files to Map Security Role Names to a Security Realm.


The method-permission element specifies that one or more security roles are allowed to invoke one or more enterprise bean methods. The method-permission element consists of an optional description, a list of security role names or an indicator to state that the method is unchecked for authorization, and a list of method elements.

The security roles used in the method-permission element must be defined in the security-role elements of the deployment descriptor, and the methods must be methods defined in the enterprise bean's component and/or home interfaces.

The following table describes the elements you can define within a method-permission element.

Table 6-2 method-permission Element
Element Required/
<description> Optional A text description of this security constraint.
<role-name> or <unchecked> Required The role-name element or the unchecked element must be specified. The role-name element contains the name of a security role. The name must conform to the lexical rules for an NMTOKEN. The unchecked element specifies that a method is not checked for authorization by the container prior to invocation of the method.
<method> Required Specifies a method of an enterprise bean's home or component interface, or, in the case of a message-driven bean, the bean's onMessage method, or a set of methods.

Used Within

The method-permission element is used within the assembly-descriptor element.


For an example of how to use the method-permission element, see Listing 6-1, Using the ejb-jar.xml and weblogic-ejb-jar.xml Files to Map Security Role Names to a Security Realm.


The role-name element contains the name of a security role. The name must conform to the lexical rules for an NMTOKEN.

Used Within

The role-name element is used within the method-permission, run-as, security-role, and security-role-ref elements.


For an example of how to use the role-name element, see Listing 6-1, Using the ejb-jar.xml and weblogic-ejb-jar.xml Files to Map Security Role Names to a Security Realm.


The run-as element specifies the run-as identity to be used for the execution of the enterprise bean. It contains an optional description, and the name of a security role.

Used Within

The run-as element is used within the security-identity element.


For an example of how to use the run-as element, see Listing 6-8, run-as-role-assignment Element Example.


The security-identity element specifies whether the caller's security identity is to be used for the execution of the methods of the enterprise bean or whether a specific run-as identity is to be used. It contains an optional description and a specification of the security identity to be used.

The following table describes the elements you can define within an security-identity element.

Table 6-3 security-identity Element
Element Required/
<description> Optional A text description of the security identity.
<use-caller-identity> or <run-as> Required The use-caller-identity element or the run-as element must be specified. The use-caller-identity element specifies that the caller's security identity be used as the security identity for the execution of the enterprise bean's methods. The run-as element specifies the run-as identity to be used for the execution of the enterprise bean. It contains an optional description, and the name of a security role.

Used Within

The security-identity element is used within the entity, message-driven, and session elements.


For an example of how to use the security-identity element, see Listing 6-3, use-caller-identity Element Example, and Listing 6-8, run-as-role-assignment Element Example.


The security-role element contains the definition of a security role. The definition consists of an optional description of the security role, and the security role name.

Used Within

The security-role element is used within the assembly-descriptor element.


For an example of how to use the assembly-descriptor element, see Listing 6-1, Using the ejb-jar.xml and weblogic-ejb-jar.xml Files to Map Security Role Names to a Security Realm.


The security-role-ref element contains the declaration of a security role reference in the enterprise bean's code. The declaration consists of an optional description, the security role name used in the code, and an optional link to a security role. If the security role is not specified, the Deployer must choose an appropriate security role.

The value of the role-name element must be the String used as the parameter to the EJBContext.isCallerInRole(String roleName) method or the HttpServletRequest.isUserInRole(String role) method.

Used Within

The security-role-ref element is used within the entity and session elements.


For an example of how to use the security-role-ref element, see Listing 6-2. Listing 6-2 Security-role-ref Element Example

<!DOC<weblogic-ejb-jar xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""




The unchecked element specifies that a method is not checked for authorization by the container prior to invocation of the method.

Used Within

The unchecked element is used within the method-permission element.


For an example of how to use the unchecked element, see Listing 6-1, Using the ejb-jar.xml and weblogic-ejb-jar.xml Files to Map Security Role Names to a Security Realm.


The use-caller-identity element specifies that the caller's security identity be used as the security identity for the execution of the enterprise bean's methods.

Used Within

The use-caller-identity element is used within the security-identity element.


For an example of how to use the use-caller-identity element, see Listing 6-3. Listing 6-3 use-caller-identity Element Example







weblogic-ejb-jar.xml Deployment Descriptors

The following weblogic-ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor elements are used to define security requirements in WebLogic Server:


The client-authentication element specifies whether the EJB supports or requires client authentication.

The following table defines the possible settings.

Table 6-4 client-authentication Element
Setting Definition
none Client authentication is not supported.
supported Client authentication is supported, but not required.
required Client authentication is required.


For an example of how to use the client-authentication element, see Listing 6-6, iiop-security-descriptor Element Example.


The client-cert-authentication element specifies whether the EJB supports or requires client certificate authentication at the transport level.

The following table defines the possible settings.

Table 6-5 client-cert-authentication Element
Setting Definition
none Client certificate authentication is not supported.
supported Client certificate authentication is supported, but not required.
required Client certificate authentication is required.


For an example of how to use the client-cert-authentication element, see Listing 6-10, transport-requirements Element Example.


The confidentiality element specifies the transport confidentiality requirements for the EJB. Using the confidentiality element ensures that the data is sent between the client and server in such a way as to prevent other entities from observing the contents.

The following table defines the possible settings.

Table 6-6 confidentiality Element
Setting Definition
none Confidentiality is not supported.
supported Confidentiality is supported, but not required.
required Confidentiality is required.


For an example of how to use the confidentiality element, see Listing 6-10, transport-requirements Element Example.


The externally-defined element lets you explicitly indicate that you want the security roles defined by the role-name element in the weblogic-ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptors to use the mappings specified in the Administration Console. The element gives you the flexibility of not having to specify a specific security role mapping for each security role defined in the deployment descriptors for a particular Web application. Therefore, within the same security realm, deployment descriptors can be used to specify and modify security for some applications while the Administration Console can be used to specify and modify security for others.

Starting in version 9.0, the default role mapping behavior is to create empty role mappings when none are specified. In version 8.1, EJB required that role mappings be defined in the weblogic-ejb-jar.xml descriptor or deployment would fail. With 9.0, EJB and WebApp behavior are consistent in creating empty role mappings.

Note: For information on role mapping behavior and backward compatibility settings, see the section Understanding the Combined Role Mapping Enabled Setting in the Securing WebLogic Resources Using Roles and Policies manual. The role mapping behavior for a server depends on which security deployment model is selected on the Administration Console. For information on security deployment models, see Options for Securing Web Application and EJB Resources in Securing WebLogic Resources Using Roles and Policies.

When specifying security role names, observe the following conventions and restrictions:

Listing 6-4 and Listing 6-5 show by comparison how to use the externally-defined element in the weblogic-ejb-jar.xml file. In Listing 6-5, the specification of the “manager” externally-defined element in the weblogic-ejb-jar.xml means that for security to be correctly configured on the getReceipts method, the principals for manager will have to be created in the Administration Console. Listing 6-4 Using the ejb-jar.xml and weblogic-ejb-jar.xml Deployment Descriptors to Map Security Roles in EJBs

ejb-jar.xml entries:

weblogic-ejb-jar.xml entries:

Listing 6-5 Using the externally-defined Element in EJB Deployment Descriptors for Role Mapping
ejb-jar.xml entries:

weblogic-ejb-jar.xml entries:


For more information on using the Administration Console to configure security for EJBs, see Securing WebLogic Resources Using Roles and Policies.


The identity-assertion element specifies whether the EJB supports identity assertion.

The following table defines the possible settings.

Table 6-7 identity-assertion Element
Setting Definition
none Identity assertion is not supported
supported Identity assertion is supported, but not required.
required Identity assertion is required.

Used Within

The identity-assertion element is used with the iiop-security-descriptor element.


For an example of how to the identity-assertion element, see Listing 6-6, iiop-security-descriptor Element Example.


The iiop-security-descriptor element specifies security configuration parameters at the bean-level. These parameters determine the IIOP security information contained in the interoperable object reference (IOR).


For an example of how to use the iiop-security-descriptor element, see Listing 6-6. Listing 6-6 iiop-security-descriptor Element Example




The integrity element specifies the transport integrity requirements for the EJB. Using the integrity element ensures that the data is sent between the client and server in such a way that it cannot be changed in transit.

The following table defines the possible settings.

Table 6-8 integrity Element
Setting Definition
none Integrity is not supported.
supported Integrity is supported, but not required.
required Integrity is required.

Used Within

The integrity element is used within the transport-requirements element.


For an example of how to use the integrity element, see Listing 6-10, transport-requirements Element Example.


The principal-name element specifies the name of the principal in the WebLogic Server security realm that applies to role name specified in the security-role-assignment element. At least one principal is required in the security-role-assignment element. You may define more than one principal-name for each role name.

If you need to list a significant number of principals, consider specifying groups instead of users. There are performance issues if you specify too many users.

Used Within

The principal-name element is used within the security-role-assignment element.


For an example of how to use the principal-name element, see Listing 6-1, Using the ejb-jar.xml and weblogic-ejb-jar.xml Files to Map Security Role Names to a Security Realm.


The role-name element identifies an application role name that the EJB provider placed in the companion ejb-jar.xml file. Subsequent principal-name elements in the stanza map WebLogic Server principals to the specified role-name.

Used Within

The role-name element is used within the security-role-assignment element.


For an example of how to use the role-name element, see Listing 6-1, Using the ejb-jar.xml and weblogic-ejb-jar.xml Files to Map Security Role Names to a Security Realm.


The run-as-identity-principal element specifies which security principal name is to be used as the run-as principal for a bean that has specified a security-identity run-as role-name in its ejb-jar deployment descriptor. For an explanation of how of run-as role-names to are mapped to run-as-identity-principals (or run-as-principal-names, see run-as-role-assignment.

Deprecated: The run-as-identity-principal element is deprecated in the WebLogic Server 8.1. Use the run-as-principal-name element instead.

Used Within

The run-as-identity-principal element is used within the run-as-role-assignment element.


For an example of how to use the run-as-identity-principal element, see Listing 6-7. Listing 6-7 run-as-identity-principal Element Example






The run-as-principal-name element specifies which security principal name is to be used as the run-as principal for a bean that has specified a security-identity run-as role-name in its ejb-jar deployment descriptor. For an explanation of how the run-as role-names map to run-as-principal-names, see run-as-role-assignment.

Used Within

The run-as-principal-name element is used within the run-as-role-assignment element.


For an example of how to use the run-as-principal-name element, see Listing 6-8, run-as-role-assignment Element Example.


The run-as-role-assignment element is used to map a given security-identity run-as role-name that is specified in the ejb-jar.xml file to a run-as-principal-name specified in the weblogic-ejb-jar.xml file. The value of the run-as-principal-name element for a given role-name is scoped to all beans in the ejb-jar.xml file that use the specified role-name as their security-identity. The value of the run-as-principal-name element specified in weblogic-ejb-jar.xml file can be overridden at the individual bean level by specifying a run-as-principal-name element under that bean's weblogic-enterprise-bean element.

For a given bean, if there is no run-as-principal-name element specified in either a run-as-role-assignment element or in a bean specific run-as-principal-name element, then the EJB container will choose the first principal-name of a security user in the weblogic-enterprise-bean security-role-assignment element for the role-name and use that principal-name as the run-as-principal-name.


For an example of how to use the run-as-role-assignment element, see Listing 6-8. Listing 6-8 run-as-role-assignment Element Example

In the ejb-jar.xml file:
// Beans "A_EJB_with_runAs_role_X" and "B_EJB_with_runAs_role_X" 

// specify a security-identity run-as role-name "runAs_role_X".
// Bean "C_EJB_with_runAs_role_Y" specifies a security-identity
// run-as role-name "runAs_role_Y".




weblogic-ejb-jar file:






Each of the three beans shown in Listing 6-8 will choose a different principal name to run as.


The security-permission element specifies a security permission that is associated with a Java EE Sandbox.


For an example of how to use the security-permission element, see Listing 6-9, security-permission-spec Element Example.


The security-permission-spec element specifies a single security permission based on the Security policy file syntax.

For more information, see Sun's implementation of the security permission specification:

Disregard the optional codebase and signedBy clauses.

Used Within

The security-permission-spec element is used within the security-permission element.


For an example of how to use the security-permission-spec element, see Listing 6-9. Listing 6-9 security-permission-spec Element Example


<description>Optional explanation goes here</description>
A single grant statement following the syntax of, without the codebase and signedBy clauses, goes here. For example:
grant {
permission *, resolve;

In Listing 6-9, permission is the permission class name, "*" represents the target name, and resolve (resolve host/IP name service lookups) indicates the action.


The security-role-assignment element maps application roles in the ejb-jar.xml file to the names of security principals available in WebLogic Server.

For information on using the security-role-assignment element in a weblogic-application.xml deployment descriptor for an enterprise application, see Enterprise Application Deployment Descriptor Elements in Developing Applications with WebLogic Server.


For an example of how to use the security-role-assignment element, see Listing 6-1, Using the ejb-jar.xml and weblogic-ejb-jar.xml Files to Map Security Role Names to a Security Realm.


The transport-requirements element defines the transport requirements for the EJB.

Used Within

The transport-requirements element is used within the iiop-security-descriptor element.


For an example of how to use the transport-requirements element, see Listing 6-10. Listing 6-10 transport-requirements Element Example




Using Programmatic Security With EJBs

To implement programmatic security in EJBs, use the javax.ejb.EJBContext.getCallerPrincipal() and the javax.ejb.EJBContext.isCallerInRole() methods.


Use the getCallerPrincipal() method to determine the caller of the EJB. The javax.ejb.EJBContext.getCallerPrincipal() method returns a WLSUser Principal if one exists in the Subject of the calling user. In the case of multiple WLSUser Principals, the method returns the first in the ordering defined by the Subject.getPrincipals().iterator() method. If there are no WLSUser Principals, then the getCallerPrincipal() method returns the first non-WLSGroup Principal. If there are no Principals or all Principals are of type WLSGroup, this method returns This behavior is similar to the semantics of except that SubjectUtils.getUserPrincipal() returns a null whereas EJBContext.getCallerPrincipal()returns WLSPrincipals.getAnonmyousUserPrincipal().

For more information about how to use the getCallerPrincipal() method, see


The isCallerInRole() method is used to determine if the caller (the current user) has been assigned a security role that is authorized to perform actions on the WebLogic resources in that thread of execution. For example, the method javax.ejb.EJBContext.isCallerInRole(“admin”)will return true if the current user has admin privileges.

For more information about how to use the isCallerInRole() method, see