Identity and Authorization Files



~/.ssh/authorized_keys (SSH1, OpenSSH/1)

Uses one public key per line, preceded by options.

Option Meaning
command="Unix shell command " Specify a forced command
environment="variable=value " Set environment variable
from=host_or_ip_address_specification Limit incoming hosts
idle-timeout=time Set idle timeout
no-agent-forwarding Disable agent forwarding
no-port-forwarding Disable port forwarding
no-pty Don't allocate TTY


~/.ssh/authorized_keys2 (OpenSSH/2)

Uses one public key per line, preceded by options.


~/.ssh2/authorization (SSH2)

Uses one keyword/value pair per line.

Keyword Meaning
Command Unix_command Specify a forced command
Key Location of public key file
PgpPublicKeyFile filename Location of PGP public key file
PgpKeyFingerprint fingerprint Select PGP key by fingerprint
PgpKeyId id Select PGP key by ID
PgpKeyName name Select PGP key by name


~/.ssh2/identification (SSH2)

Uses one keyword/value pair per line.

Keyword Meaning
IdKey filename Location of private key file
IdPgpKeyFingerprint fingerprint Select PGP key by fingerprint
IdPgpKeyId id Select PGP key by ID
IdPgpKeyName name Select PGP key by name
PgpSecretKeyFile filename Location of PGP private key file