Configure the IBM Rational Functional Tester adapter for IBM Rational Quality Manager

Integration with IBM Rational Functional Tester is implemented through the use of an adapter. The functional test adapter is installed by default when you install Rational Functional Tester and is configured on the functional test computer.

Before you begin

If you are a Rational Quality Manager user then ensure that you have appropriate permissions to access the Rational Functional Tester adapter for Rational Quality Manager. If you do not have administrator rights then use the Connector Client Access license. This license can be obtained from the Rational Quality Manager administrator.

To configure and run the Rational Functional Tester adapter for IBM Rational Quality Manager:


  1. Click Start > Program Files > IBM Software Delivery Platform > IBM Rational Functional Tester > Adapter to Rational Quality Manager > Configure Adapter. The Rational Functional Tester Adapter dialog box opens.

    You can also configure the adapter from the command-line interface. At the prompt, type cd <functional tester installation directory>\FunctionalTester\RQMAdapter and run this command configureadapter.bat

  2. Click Connection Information.

  3. In the Server URL field, type the IBM Rational Quality Manager server URL to login to IBM Rational Quality Manager. For example, type https://<rqmserver>:9443/jazz

  4. In the Login and Password fields, type a valid user name and password.

  5. In the Project Area list, select a project area you want. The server attempts to establish a connection with the project area.

    To connect to a new project area, stop the adapter and start it again.

  6. Optional: You can change the adapter name in the Adapter Name field. Adapter Name is any name that you want to give your adapter to show up in the Quality Manager Web UI to identify this instance of the adapter.

  7. Optional: Select Save password, to save the password in the connection file.

  8. Click Apply.

  9. To start the adapter, click Start Adapter. The Rational Functional Tester calls IBM Rational Quality Manager through the adapter.

    The Adapter Console window displays the status of the Rational Functional Tester integration with IBM Rational Quality Manager. .

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IBM Rational Functional Tester and IBM Rational Quality Manager


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