Create a Functional Test Project dialog box

You can use the Create a Functional Test Project dialog box to create a new functional test project.

If you clicked the New button on the Functional Tester toolbar to create a new Functional Tester project, the New dialog box appears. The Select a Wizard page displays a list of project wizards.

Project name

The name of the new Functional Tester project. Project names cannot contain the following characters: \ / : * ? " < > | ( ) or a space. If your project is on a UNIX® computer, do not embed spaces in the project name.

Project location

The path of the new project. You can type this path or click Browse to select a path. If you want to add the project to source control, this path must be in a ClearCase® VOB.

Add the project to Source Control

Select to add a project to source control. Clear if you do not want to add a project to source control. If unavailable, the project location is not the path to a ClearCase VOB. For information about setting up ClearCase, see Setting Up ClearCase.

Associate the project with a Manual Test project

Select the check box to associate the functional test project with an existing Manual Test project. This option enables you to associate the functional test scripts with the keywords that are created in Rational Manual Test

Manual Test Project Location: Type the path of the Manual Test project or click Browse to select the path.

Manual Test Project Name: Type the Manual Test project name. The project name is displayed if you browse and select the project name in the Manual Test Project Location field.

Associate the project with current Rational Project

Select to associate the new Functional Tester project with the current Rational project so that you can use TestManager to manage and run scripts, and analyze test results of scripts. Clear if you do not want to associate a new project with the current Rational project. To use this feature you need to have Rational Administrator and TestManager installed and be logged in to TestManager. See the note about TestManager at the end of this topic.

To open: Click the Create a Functional Test Project button on the Functional Tester toolbar and on the Functional Tester menu, click File > New > Functional Tester Project.

Note About TestManager Integration: Functional Tester is integrated with Rational TestManager version 7.0.2. If you have the 7.0.2 version of TestManager, you will be able to use the integrated features of Functional Tester and TestManager.


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