Use WebDAV with Web content

With WebDAV for WebSphere Portal, you can use standard OS tools to create, modify, and delete Web content rather than the standard authoring portlet.

Before you can use WebDAV with Web content, you will need to set up a WebDAV client. After client is set up, you can access the Web content libraries with WebDAV using the following URL:


For example:

By leveraging tools like file system explorers, WebDAV enables you to work with Web content items through familiar, everyday actions. Here are a few examples:

In addition to modifying the actual content of an item, you can also modify any item's metadata or access control settings by modifying XML files that define the item's metadata and access control characteristics. You can also drag an existing XML file into the appropriate folder, enabling you to set the same data for different items.

You can create, modify, or delete the following items: libraries, taxonomies, categories, site areas, folders, components, and presentation templates. Be aware that the following features are not supported when using WebDAV with Web content:

When using WebDAV with Web content, be aware of the following considerations.
Locked item support

Workflow support

File names and file type suffixes

Missing items

Configure a HTTP server front end



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