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Package com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions

This package defines the exceptions used in the Lotus Web Content Management API.


Exception Summary
AuthorizationException The AuthorizationException is thrown if the API user attempts to access a content that they do not have the appropriate access to.
ComponentNotFoundException A ComponentNotFoundException is thrown if the API user attempts to access a component that does not exist.
DisableDocumentTypeException DisableDocumentTypeException description
DocumentCreationException This exception is thrown if an error occurs while attempting to create a Document in the repository.
DocumentDeleteException This exception is thrown if an error occurs while trying to delete a Document from the repository.
DocumentDeleteReferentialIntegrityException This exception is thrown if a referential integrity error occurs while trying to delete a Document from the repository.
DocumentIdCreationException This exception is thrown if a DocumentId could not be created.
DocumentIsLockedException A DocumentIsLockedException is thrown if the Document is currently locked and refreshDocument is invoked aginst the doucment.
DocumentNotFoundException A DocumentNotFoundException is thrown if the Document being accessed could not be found in the repository.
DocumentPurgeException This exception is thrown if an error occurs while trying to purge a Document from the repository.
DocumentRetrievalException This exception is thrown if an error occurs while attempting to retrieve a Document from the repository.
DocumentSaveException This exception is thrown if an error occurs while saving a Document to the repository.
DocumentSaveReferentialIntegrityException This exception is thrown if a referential integrity error occurs while trying to save a Document in the repository.
DuplicateChildException A DuplicateChildException is thrown if attempting to add a child Document to a parent that already considers that this, or another Document with the same name to be its child.
DuplicateComponentException A DuplicateComponentException is thrown if the API user attempts to add a component with the same name as an existing component.
DuplicateMappingException This exception is thrown if the AuthoringTemplate to PresentationTemplate mapping already exists for the Document.
IllegalDocumentTypeException An IllegalDocumentTypeException is thrown if an object is not of the expected type.
IllegalTypeChangeException This exception is thrown if the type of an object being set is not allowed.
LibraryCreationException This exception is thrown if an error occurs while attempting to create a DocumentLibrary in the repository.
NoMoreWorkflowStagesException This exception is thrown when attempting to move a Document to the next workflow stage if there is no valid next workflow stage.
OperationFailedException An OperationFailedException is thrown if an error occurred while trying to set a property on a Document.
PropertyRetrievalException This exception is thrown if an error occurs while attempting to retrieve a property of a Document.
ServiceNotAvailableException This exception is thrown if the WCM service is not available.
WCMException The base Lotus Web Content Management API Exception.
WCMRuntimeException The base Lotus Web Content Management API Runtime Exception.
WorkflowNotFoundException A WorkflowNotFoundException is thrown if the Document being accessed is not workflowable.

Package com.ibm.workplace.wcm.api.exceptions Description

This package defines the exceptions used in the Lotus Web Content Management API.