
Package contains common Seedlist Retriever and Formatter API interfaces.


Interface Summary
ApplicationInfo Authentication and access control information used to verify access to collections.
BaseFactory Base factory interfaces, common to all factory interfaces.
Category Encapsulates a category's taxonomy data.
CategoryInfo This interface provides descriptive information about a category.
Document Container for a single document.
DocumentContent Represents indexable content of a single document.
Entry This interface represents base for retrieved documents or seedlists.
EntrySet Container for a set of entries (documents or seedlists).
Field This interface represents a metadata which role is to make the content of EntrySet or Document/Seedlist self describing when implementation dependent elements are defined.
FieldInfo This interface represents a field definition.
Link Link interface represents URI link.
Metadata This interface represents common features for any Document or Seedlist.
Seedlist Container for a single seedlist (may includes other seedlists and documents).
State Encapsulates state information about seedlist retrieving in order to optimize the next calls.
User This interface represents user for specific application.

Package Description

Package contains common Seedlist Retriever and Formatter API interfaces.