

Debugging a sample Jython script

In this section we debug the listJDBCProviders script that was described in Developing automation scripts:

Open the listJDBCProviders.py Jython script file in the RAD75Jython project.

Set a breakpoint in the showJdbcProviders function at the line:

for provider in providerEntryList

Select listJDBCProviders.py and Run Æ Debug As Æ Administrative Script.

In the Debug Configurations dialog (Figure | 4-18):

Verify listJDBCProviders.py as Name.
Select WebSphere Application Server v7 as Scripting runtime and was70profile1 as the WebSphere profile.
Specify a User ID and password if security is enabled.
Click Apply, then click Debug.

Figure 24-18 Jython debugging configuration

Execution of the script starts and when the breakpoint is encountered execution is suspended.

When prompted, switch to the Debug perspective.

The Debug perspective opens and displays the familiar views (Figure | 4-19):

The Debug view shows the thread and is used to step through the code.
The editor shows the source code and where we currently are.
The Variables view shows the Jython variables, which cannot be changed.
The Breakpoints view shows the breakpoints.
The Outline view shows the outline of the script.
The Console shows the output of the script.

Figure 24-19 Debug perspective when debugging a Jython script

Step through the Jython code and watch the variables.

The Jython debugger is very useful when you encounter errors in your Jython scripts. Run the script in debug mode, without having to restart the server.
