

Running the JPA unit test

Finally, the JPA JUnit test can be executed. To run the AccountJPATest, do the following steps:

Make sure that the ITSOBANKderby connection is disconnected (with Embedded Derby you can only have one active connection to a database). You can verify this in the Data perspective, Data Source Explorer. If the ITSOBANKderby connection is available and active, right-click the connection and select Disconnect.

In the Package Explorer, right-click the AccountJPATest class and select Run | s Æ Run Configurations.

Double-click JUnit in the tree. A new JUnit Run Configuration for AccountJPATest class is created.

Select the Arguments tab (Figure | 3-6), and in the VM arguments field, type:


Make sure to use the directory where Application Developer is installed.

Without this agent, the JPA entities are not found.

Figure 23-6 Run configuration arguments

Click Apply, then click Run.

The JUnit view opens showing that the AccountJPATest test case was successful (Figure | 3-7).

Figure 23-7 JUnit JPA test case was successful
