

WS-I Reliable Secure Profile

Following on from the Reliable Asynchronous Messaging Profile (RAMP) Version 1.0 specification, the Web Services Interoperability organization (WS-I) Reliable Secure Profile working group has developed Version 1.0 of an interoperability profile dealing with secure, reliable messaging capabilities for Web services.

WS-I Reliable Secure Profile 1.0 provides secure reliable session-oriented Web services interactions. WS-I Reliable Secure Profile 1.0 builds on WS-I Basic Profile 1.2, WS-I Basic Profile 2.0, WS-I Basic Security Profile 1.0, and WS-I Basic Security Profile 1.1, and adds support for WS-Reliable Messaging 1.1, WS-Make Connection 1.0, and WS-Secure Conversation 1.3:

WS-Reliable Messaging 1.1 is a session-based protocol that provides message level reliability for Web services interactions.

WS-Make Connection 1.0 was developed by the WS-Reliable Messaging workgroup to address scenarios where a Web services endpoint is behind a firewall or the endpoint has no visible endpoint reference. If a Web services endpoint loses connectivity during a reliable session, WS-Make Connection provides an efficient method to re-establish the reliable session.

WS-Secure Conversation 1.3 is a session-based security protocol that uses an efficient symmetric key based encryption algorithm for message level security.

The configuration steps to apply WS-I RSP Policy set are basically the same as the steps for Username WSSecurity Policy set. Select WS-I RSP as the policy set when adding a policy set attachment to the service (Figure | 8-51). We leave it as an exercise for the reader to explore this functionality.

Figure 18-51 Apply WS-I RSP profile

Note: For more detailed information regarding Reliable Messaging, Secure Conversation, Policy set and the RSP profile, refer to the Redbooks publication, Web Services Feature Pack for WebSphere Application Server V6.1, SG24-7618.
