

Creating Web services from an EJB

You can generate EJB Web services using either the Web Service wizard, or annotations. In this section, we create a JAX-WS Web service from an EJB session bean using annotations.

Expand the EJB project RAD75WebServiceEJB and open the SimpleBankFacadeBean (in ejbModule/itso.rad75.bank.ejb.facade).

Add the @WebService annotation on the line above the @Stateless annotation (Example | 8-20). Press Ctrl+Shift+O to resolve the import.

Example 18-20 Annotate a stateless session EJB

public class SimpleBankFacadeBean implements SimpleBankFacadeBeanLocal {

Wait for the RAD75WebServiceEAR application to publish on the server
(or force a manual publish). Notice that a new Web service named RAD75WebServiceEJB is added in the Services views under JAX-WS.

An HTTP router module is required to allow transport of SOAP messages over the HTTP protocol. In the Services view, right-click the new RAD75WebServiceEJB and select Create Router Modules (EndpointEnabler) (Figure | 8-30).

Figure 18-30 Create Router Module

In the Create Router Project dialog, two EJB bindings are listed: HTTP and JMS. For this example, we use SOAP over HTTP.

Accept HTTP as the default EJB Web service binding (Figure | 8-31) and click Finish.

Figure 18-31 Create Router Project

Open the deployment descriptor of the RAD75WebServiceEJB_HTTPRouter project and you can see the generated servlet.

In the Services view, right-click RAD75WebServiceEJB and select Test with Web Services Explorer.

Select the getAccountBalance operation, click Add, and type 001-999000777 as the account number.

Click Go and you can see the result of the Web service call:


return (decimal): 12345.67
