Interface DynSequence

All Superinterfaces:
DynAny, Object
public interface DynSequence
extends Object, DynAny

The representation of a DynAny object that is associated with an IDL sequence.


Method Summary

 Any[] get_elements()
    Returns the value of every element in this sequence.
 int length()
    Returns the length of the sequence represented by this DynFixed object.
 void length(int arg)
    Sets the length of the sequence represented by this DynFixed object to the given argument.
 void set_elements(Any[] value)
    Sets the values of all elements in this sequence with the given array.
Methods inherited from interface org.omg.CORBA.Object
_create_request, _create_request, _duplicate, _get_domain_managers, _get_interface_def, _get_policy, _hash, _is_a, _is_equivalent, _non_existent, _release, _request, _set_policy_override
Methods inherited from interface org.omg.CORBA.DynAny
assign, copy, current_component, destroy, from_any, get_any, get_boolean, get_char, get_double, get_float, get_long, get_longlong, get_octet, get_reference, get_short, get_string, get_typecode, get_ulong, get_ulonglong, get_ushort, get_val, get_wchar, get_wstring, insert_any, insert_boolean, insert_char, insert_double, insert_float, insert_long, insert_longlong, insert_octet, insert_reference, insert_short, insert_string, insert_typecode, insert_ulong, insert_ulonglong, insert_ushort, insert_val, insert_wchar, insert_wstring, next, rewind, seek, to_any, type


Method Detail



public int length()
Returns the length of the sequence represented by this DynFixed object.

the length of the sequence



public void length(int arg)
Sets the length of the sequence represented by this DynFixed object to the given argument.

arg - the length of the sequence



public Any[] get_elements()
Returns the value of every element in this sequence.

an array of Any objects containing the values in the sequence
See Also:



public void set_elements(Any[] value)
                  throws InvalidSeq
Sets the values of all elements in this sequence with the given array.

value - the array of Any objects to be set
InvalidSeq - if the array of values is bad
See Also: