Class WritableRaster

public class WritableRaster
extends Raster

This class extends Raster to provide pixel writing capabilities. Refer to the class comment for Raster for descriptions of how a Raster stores pixels.

The constructors of this class are protected. To instantiate a WritableRaster, use one of the createWritableRaster factory methods in the Raster class.


Field Summary

Fields inherited from class java.awt.image.Raster
dataBuffer, height, minX, minY, numBands, numDataElements, parent, sampleModel, sampleModelTranslateX, sampleModelTranslateY, width


Constructor Summary

protected WritableRaster(SampleModel sampleModel, DataBuffer dataBuffer, Point origin)
    Constructs a WritableRaster with the given SampleModel and DataBuffer.
protected WritableRaster(SampleModel sampleModel, DataBuffer dataBuffer, Rectangle aRegion, Point sampleModelTranslate, WritableRaster parent)
    Constructs a WritableRaster with the given SampleModel, DataBuffer, and parent.
protected WritableRaster(SampleModel sampleModel, Point origin)
    Constructs a WritableRaster with the given SampleModel.


Method Summary

 WritableRaster createWritableChild(int parentX, int parentY, int w, int h, int childMinX, int childMinY, int[] bandList)
    Returns a new WritableRaster which shares all or part of this WritableRaster's DataBuffer.
 WritableRaster createWritableTranslatedChild(int childMinX, int childMinY)
    Create a WritableRaster with the same size, SampleModel and DataBuffer as this one, but with a different location.
 WritableRaster getWritableParent()
    Returns the parent WritableRaster (if any) of this WritableRaster, or else null.
 void setDataElements(int x, int y, int w, int h, Object inData)
    Sets the data for a rectangle of pixels from a primitive array of type TransferType.
 void setDataElements(int x, int y, Object inData)
    Sets the data for a single pixel from a primitive array of type TransferType.
 void setDataElements(int x, int y, Raster inRaster)
    Sets the data for a rectangle of pixels from an input Raster.
 void setPixel(int x, int y, double[] dArray)
    Sets a pixel in the DataBuffer using a double array of samples for input.
 void setPixel(int x, int y, float[] fArray)
    Sets a pixel in the DataBuffer using a float array of samples for input.
 void setPixel(int x, int y, int[] iArray)
    Sets a pixel in the DataBuffer using an int array of samples for input.
 void setPixels(int x, int y, int w, int h, double[] dArray)
    Sets all samples for a rectangle of pixels from a double array containing one sample per array element.
 void setPixels(int x, int y, int w, int h, float[] fArray)
    Sets all samples for a rectangle of pixels from a float array containing one sample per array element.
 void setPixels(int x, int y, int w, int h, int[] iArray)
    Sets all samples for a rectangle of pixels from an int array containing one sample per array element.
 void setRect(int dx, int dy, Raster srcRaster)
    Copies pixels from Raster srcRaster to this WritableRaster.
 void setRect(Raster srcRaster)
    Copies pixels from Raster srcRaster to this WritableRaster.
 void setSample(int x, int y, int b, double s)
    Sets a sample in the specified band for the pixel located at (x,y) in the DataBuffer using a double for input.
 void setSample(int x, int y, int b, float s)
    Sets a sample in the specified band for the pixel located at (x,y) in the DataBuffer using a float for input.
 void setSample(int x, int y, int b, int s)
    Sets a sample in the specified band for the pixel located at (x,y) in the DataBuffer using an int for input.
 void setSamples(int x, int y, int w, int h, int b, double[] dArray)
    Sets the samples in the specified band for the specified rectangle of pixels from a double array containing one sample per array element.
 void setSamples(int x, int y, int w, int h, int b, float[] fArray)
    Sets the samples in the specified band for the specified rectangle of pixels from a float array containing one sample per array element.
 void setSamples(int x, int y, int w, int h, int b, int[] iArray)
    Sets the samples in the specified band for the specified rectangle of pixels from an int array containing one sample per array element.
Methods inherited from class java.awt.image.Raster
createBandedRaster, createBandedRaster, createBandedRaster, createChild, createCompatibleWritableRaster, createCompatibleWritableRaster, createCompatibleWritableRaster, createCompatibleWritableRaster, createInterleavedRaster, createInterleavedRaster, createInterleavedRaster, createPackedRaster, createPackedRaster, createPackedRaster, createPackedRaster, createRaster, createTranslatedChild, createWritableRaster, createWritableRaster, getBounds, getDataBuffer, getDataElements, getDataElements, getHeight, getMinX, getMinY, getNumBands, getNumDataElements, getParent, getPixel,