Synchronizing date and time values


Management Central provides a convenient way for you to synchronize date and time values across your network.

To synchronize the date and time values across your network, select your endpoint systems or system groups whose date and time values you want to update from the Endpoint Systems list under Management Central in iSeries™ Navigator. Then, right-click any selected system and select System Values > Synchronize Date and Time. Specify a model system that has the most accurate date and time values.

The date and time system values that are updated on the target systems include system date (QDAYOFWEEK, QDATE, QDAY, QMONTH, QYEAR), time of day (QTIME, QHOUR, QMINUTE, QSECOND), and time zone (QTIMZON). To verify that a time adjustment is being made, select the endpoint system from the list under My Connections (or your active environment) in iSeries Navigator. Then, go to Configuration and Service > Time Management > Time Adjustment to view the current time adjustment.

The time used from the model system is the software clock time rather than the QTIME system value. The software clock time is the same as the QTIME system value except when the SNTP (Simple Network Time Protocol) client is started on the model system. When SNTP is running on the model system, the software clock is synchronized to the time server specified in the SNTP configuration. For more information about configuring SNTP, see Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP).

You can choose to synchronize the time without changing the time zone, or synchronize both the time and the time zone with those on the model system.

When a system changes to or from Daylight Saving Time (DST), the GMT offset (QUTCOFFSET) system value is automatically updated from the GMT offset attribute of the time zone (QTIMZON) system value.


Parent topic:

Using other features of Management Central


Related information

Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP)