Provided directories


The integrated file system creates these directories when the system is restarted if they do not already exist.

Do not replace the following system-created directories with symbolic links to other objects. For example, do not replace /home with a symbolic link to a directory on an independent ASP. Otherwise, there might be problems on the independent ASP as well as problems when creating new user profiles.


The /tmp directory gives applications a place to store temporary objects. This directory is a subdirectory of the "root" (/) directory, so its path name is /tmp.

Once an application puts an object in the /tmp directory, the object stays there until you or the application removes it. The system does not automatically remove objects from the /tmp directory or perform any other special processing for objects in the /tmp directory.

You can use the user displays and commands that support the integrated file system to manage the /tmp directory and its objects. For example, you can use the Work with Object Links display or the WRKLNK command to copy, remove, or rename the /tmp directory or objects in the directory. All users are given *ALL authority to the directory, which means that they can perform most valid actions on the directory.

An application can use the application programming interfaces (API) that support the integrated file system to manage the /tmp directory and its objects. For example, the application program can remove an object in the /tmp directory by using the unlink() API.

If the /tmp directory is removed, it is automatically created again during the next restart of the system.

The /tmp directory can have the restricted rename and unlink attribute set to Yes for operating system commonality and security purposes.

The restricted rename and unlink attribute is equivalent to the S_ISVTX mode bit for a directory.

If the restricted rename and unlink attribute is set to Yes, you cannot rename or unlink objects within the /tmp directory unless one of the following conditions is true:

  • You are the owner of the object.

  • You are the owner of the directory.

  • You have all object (*ALLOBJ) special authority.

If the attribute is set to Yes, and you do not have the appropriate authorities, you will see error number 3027 (EPERM) or message MSGCPFA0B1 (Requested operation not allowed. Access problem) for rename or unlink failures when using the following commands and APIs:

  • Remove Link (RMVLNK, DEL, and ERASE) command

  • Remove Directory (RMVDIR, RD, and RMDIR) command

  • Rename Object (RNM and REN) command

  • Move Object (MOV and MOVE) command

  • Rename File or Directory (rename()) API

  • Rename File or Directory, Keep "new" If It Exists (Qp0lRenameKeep()) API

  • Rename File or Directory, Unlink "new" If It Exists (Qp0lRenameUnlink()) API

  • Remove Directory (rmdir()) API

  • Remove Link to File (unlink()) API

The restricted rename and unlink attribute and S_ISVTX mode bit can be modified using the Change Attribute (CHGATR) command or the Set Attributes (Qp0lSetAttr()) or Change File Authorizations (chmod) APIs if you are the owner of the object, or if you have all object (*ALLOBJ) special authority. But, if the attribute is changed to No, you will lose the operating system commonality and security benefits that the Yes setting provides.

When the /tmp directory is created during a restart of the system, the attribute is set to Yes. If the /tmp directory already exists during a restart of the system, the attribute is not changed.


System administrators use the /home directory to store a separate directory for every user. The system administrator often sets the home directory that is associated with the user profile to be the user's directory in /home, for example/home/john.


The /etc directory stores administrative, configuration, and other system files.


The /usr directory includes subdirectories that contain information that is used by the system. Files in /usr typically do not change often.


The /usr/bin directory contains the standard utility programs.


The /QIBM directory is the system directory and is provided with the system.


The /QIBM/ProdData directory is a system directory used for Licensed program data.


The /QIBM/UserData directory is a system directory used for Licensed Program user data such as configuration files.


The /QOpenSys/QIBM directory is the system directory for the QOpenSys file system.


The /QOpenSys/QIBM/ProdData directory is the system directory for the QOpenSys file system and is used for Licensed program data.


The /QOpenSys/QIBM/UserData directory is the system directory for the QOpenSys file system and is used for Licensed Program user data such as configuration files.


The /asp_name/QIBM directory is the system directory for any independent ASPs that exist on your system, where asp_name is the name of the independent ASP.


The /asp_name/QIBM/UserData directory is a system directory used for Licensed Program user data such as configuration files for any independent ASPs that exist on your system, where asp_name is the name of the independent ASP.


The /dev directory contains various system files and directories.


The /dev/xti directory contains the UDP and TCP device drivers.


Parent topic:



Related concepts

Home directory


Related reference

UDP and TCP devices in the "root" (/) file system
Open systems file system (QOpenSys)


Related information

Work with Object Links (WRKLNK) command