Enable a user profile to run an application server

The enbprfwas script enables a profile to run an application server and optionally changes the group profile to QEJBSVR. See Run application servers under specific user profiles for more information. You can also use iSeries Navigator to enable a user profile to run an application server.


To run this script, your user profile must have *ALLOBJ authority.


To create a new instance with the crtwasinst script, follow these steps:

    On the CL command line, enter the STRQSH (Start Qshell) command.

    Run the cd command to change to the directory that contains the script:

    cd /QIBM/ProdData/WebASE51/ASE/bin

    Run the enbprfwas script:>

    enbprfwas -profile usrprf

    where usrprf is the user profile that you want to enable.


The syntax of the script is:

enbprfwas -profile usrprf [ -chggrpprf ]


The parameters of the script are: