Change Configuration List (CHGCFGL)

Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL)
Threadsafe: No
Error messages

The Change Configuration List (CHGCFGL) command changes a configuration list.




Keyword Description Choices Notes
TYPE Configuration list type *APPNDIR, *APPNLCL, *APPNRMT, *APPNSSN, *ASYNCADR, *ASYNCLOC, *RTLPASTHR, *SNAPASTHR Required, Key, Positional 1
CFGL Configuration list Name Optional, Key
DFTFTRACN Default filter action *SAME, *ACCEPT, *REJECT Optional
TEXT Text 'description' Character value, *SAME, *BLANK Optional
APPNLCLE APPN local location entry Single values: *PROMPT
Other values (up to 50 repetitions): Element list
Element 1: Local location name Communications name
Element 2: Entry 'description' Character value, *BLANK
APPNRMTE APPN remote location entry Single values: *PROMPT
Other values (up to 50 repetitions): Element list
Element 1: Remote location name Generic name, name, *ANY
Element 2: Remote network identifier Communications name, *NETATR, *NONE
Element 3: Local location name Communications name, *NETATR
Element 4: Remote control point Communications name, *NONE
Element 5: Control point net ID Communications name, *NETATR, *NONE
Element 6: Location password Character value, *NONE
Element 7: Secure location *YES, *NO, *VFYENCPWD
Element 8: Single session *YES, *NO
Element 9: Locally controlled session *YES, *NO
Element 10: Pre-established session *YES, *NO
Element 11: Entry 'description' Character value, *BLANK
Element 12: Number of conversations 1-512, 10
ASYNCADRE Async network address entry Single values: *PROMPT
Other values (up to 50 repetitions): Element list
Element 1: Network address Character value
Element 2: Dial retry 1-255, 2
Element 3: Entry 'description' Character value, *BLANK
ASYNCLOCE Async remote location entry Single values: *PROMPT
Other values (up to 50 repetitions): Element list
Element 1: Remote location name Communications name
Element 2: Remote location identifier Name
Element 3: Entry 'description' Character value, *BLANK
RTLPASTHRE Retail pass-through entry Single values: *PROMPT
Other values (up to 50 repetitions): Element list
Element 1: Retail device Name
Element 2: SNUF device Name
Element 3: Default host program Name
Element 4: Entry 'description' Character value, *BLANK



Configuration list type (TYPE)

Specifies the type of the configuration list to be changed.


An advanced peer-to-peer networking (APPN) directory search filter configuration list is used. Only the text description (TEXT) and default action (DFTACN) parameters can be changed using this command.

To change an entry in an APPN directory configuration list, use the Change Configuration List Entry (CHGCFGLE) command.


An APPN local configuration list is used. Up to 476 APPN local location entries are allowed in the configuration list.


An APPN remote configuration list is used. Up to 1898 APPN remote location entries are allowed in the configuration list.


An APPN session end point filter configuration list is used. Only the text description (TEXT) and default action (DFTACN) parameters can be changed using this command.

To change an entry in an APPN session configuration list, use the Change Configuration List Entry (CHGCFGLE) command.


An asynchronous network address configuration list is used. Up to 294 asynchronous network address entries are allowed in the configuration list.


An asynchronous remote location configuration list is used. Up to 32000 asynchronous remote location entries are allowed in the configuration list.


A retail pass-through list is used. Up to 450 retail pass-through entries can be specified in the configuration list.


An SNA pass-through list is used. Only the text description for an SNA configuration list can be changed using the Change Configuration List (CHGCFGL) command.

To change an entry in an SNA configuration list, use the Change Configuration List Entry (CHGCFGLE) command.



Configuration list (CFGL)

Specifies the name of the configuration list. This value is required and valid only when the configuration list is an asynchronous network address list (*ASYNCADR is specified for the Configuration list type (TYPE) parameter). The list types have system-supplied names: QAPPNLCL, QAPPNRMT, QASYNCADR, QASYNCLOC, QRTLPASTHR, and QSNAPASSTHR.

This is a required parameter.



Default filter action (DFTFTRACN)

Specifies the default filter action for APPN requests being handled by the local system. This filter action applies to all directory search requests and session endpoint requests that are not specifically listed in the configuration list.

This parameter is valid only if TYPE(*APPNDIR) or TYPE(*APPNSSN) is specified.


The default filter action does not change.


The request is accepted.


The request is rejected.



APPN remote CFGL filter (APPNRMTFTR)

Specifies whether APPN remote configuration list entries should be used when filtering session end point requests.

This parameter is valid only if TYPE(*APPNSSN) is specified.


The APPN remote CFGL filter action does not change.


Session endpoint requests for entries specified in the APPN remote configuration list are accepted.


Session endpoint requests will not be filtered using the entries specified in the APPN remote configuration list.



Text 'description' (TEXT)

Specifies the text that briefly describes the object.


No text is specified.


Specify no more than 50 characters of text, enclosed in apostrophes.


The value does not change.



APPN local location entry (APPNLCLE)

Specifies the APPN local location entry. This value is required if *APPNLCL is specified for the Configuration list type prompt (TYPE parameter).

You can enter multiple values for this parameter.


The special value of *PROMPT allows you to add, remove, and change entries using a full screen entry panel.

You must specify *PROMPT if you do not want to affect entries already residing in the configuration list. By specifying entries directly from the CHGCFGL command, all entries are removed and replaced with the new entries.

A maximum of 50 entries can be specified directly for this parameter. An entry consists of a value from each of the following elements.


Specify the location name residing on the local system. This name is used by APPN to determine if the request coming in is for this system or another system in the network. The local location name must be unique and cannot already exist as a remote location name used by configuration list QAPPNRMT, or be specified on another system as a local location in the same APPN network.


Specify a short description of 20 characters or less for each local entry.



APPN remote location entry (APPNRMTE)

Specifies the APPN remote location entry. This value is required if *APPNRMT is specified for the Configuration list type prompt (TYPE parameter).

You can enter multiple values for this parameter.


The special value of *PROMPT allows you to add, remove, and change entries using a full screen entry panel.

You must specify *PROMPT if you do not want to affect entries already residing in the configuration list. By specifying entries directly from the CHGCFGL command, all entries are removed and replaced with the new entries.

A maximum of 50 entries can be specified directly for this parameter. An entry consists of a value from each of the following elements.


Specify the full name of a remote location or a generic name ending with an asterisk (*). The generic location name is used to allow one directory entry to be defined for all locations, on a single control point, whose name matches the characters preceding the asterisk. You can also specify *ANY so the system will accept all requests sent through it. Generic entries are only allowed from network nodes.


Specify the network identifier of the network in which the remote location resides. The default of *NETATR uses the LCLNETID value from the system network attributes.


Specify the location name residing on the local system. This name is used by APPN to match a local/remote location pair entry. The default of *NETATR uses the LCLLOCNAME value from the system network attributes.


Specify the control point providing network functions for the remote location. By using this control point name (directory entry for the remote location), the network is searched more efficiently to find the location. This field is required if the remote location name is generic. The default is *NONE.


Specify the network identifier of the network in which the control point resides. The default of *NETATR uses the LCLNETID value from the system network attributes.


Specify the password that is used when establishing sessions on the local location/remote location name pair. This value must contain an even number of hexadecimal characters. The default is *NONE.


Specifies how security information is handled for program start requests received from remote systems. The value is sent to the remote system when sessions are established. It is used in determining how allocate or evoke requests should be built. The value only applies to conversations started with the SECURITY(SAME) level of security.


The remote system is not a secure location. Security validation done by the remote system is not accepted. SECURITY(SAME) conversations are treated as SECURITY(NONE). No security information will be sent with allocate or evoke requests.


The remote system is a secure location and the local system will accept security validation done by remote systems. For SECURITY(SAME) conversations, the local system allows the remote system to verify user passwords. On the remote system, user IDs are retrieved from the operating system. The user IDs are then sent with an already verified indicator in the allocate or evoke requests.


The remote system is not a secure location. For SECURITY(SAME) conversations, the remote system is not allowed to send the already verified indicator. On the remote system, user IDs and passwords are retrieved from the operating system. Passwords are then encrypted and sent with the user IDs in the allocate or evoke requests, to be verified by the local system. This value should only be used if the remote system is using i5/OS V3R2M0 or later. If the remote system does not support password protection then session establishment will not be allowed. For remote systems that support password protection, but do not support verification of encrypted passwords (VFYENCPWD), conversations will be treated as SECURITY(NONE).


Specify the number of conversations for a single session connection. The default number of conversations is 10. The default value must be used if single session is *NO. The valid range for the number of conversations is 1 through 512.


Specify YES or NO to indicate whether a locally controlled session is allowed for this local location/remote location name pair. The default is *NO.


Specify YES or NO to indicate whether the session is automatically bound when a connection is made between the local and remote location. The default is *NO.


Specify a short description for each remote entry. The default is *BLANK.

The combination of remote location name, network identifier, and local location name must be unique. Also, the remote location name can not already exist as a local location in configuration list QAPPNLCL, or as the current value for LCLLOCNAME or LCLCPNAME network attribute.



Async network address entry (ASYNCADRE)

Specifies the asynchronous network address entry. This value is required if *ASYNCADR is specified for the Configuration list type prompt (TYPE parameter).

You can enter multiple values for this parameter.


The special value of *PROMPT allows you to add, remove, and change entries using a full screen entry panel.

You must specify *PROMPT if you do not want to affect entries already residing in the configuration list. By specifying entries directly from the CHGCFGL command, all entries are removed and replaced with the new entries.

A maximum of 50 entries can be specified directly for this parameter. An entry consists of a value from each of the following elements.


Specify the X.25 network address. This value must contain only digits 0-9.


Specify the number of times that dialing will be tried again when errors occur while dialing, before attempting to dial the next number on the list. The valid range of dial retries is 1-255.


Specify a short description for each network address entry.



Async remote location entry (ASYNCLOCE)

Specifies the asynchronous remote location entry. This value is required if *ASYNCLOC is specified for the Configuration list type prompt (TYPE parameter).

You can enter multiple values for this parameter.


The special value of *PROMPT allows you to add, remove, and change entries using a full screen entry panel.

You must specify *PROMPT if you do not want to affect entries already residing in the configuration list. By specifying entries directly from the CHGCFGL command, all entries are removed and replaced with the new entries.

A maximum of 50 entries can be specified directly for this parameter. An entry consists of a value from each of the following elements.


Specify the name that, when combined with the remote location identifier, determines whether to accept an incoming call. It is the same as the name used in the remote system as it's local name. This value must be unique.


Specify an identifier that, when combined with the remote location name, determines if an incoming call will be accepted. This identifier must be the same as the remote system has for its local identifier.


Specify a short description for each remote location entry. The default is *BLANK.



Retail pass-through entry (RTLPASTHRE)

Specifies the retail pass-through entry. This value is required if *RTLPASTHR is specified for the Configuration list type prompt (TYPE parameter).

You can enter multiple values for this parameter.


The special value of *PROMPT allows you to add, remove, and change entries using a full screen entry panel.

You must specify *PROMPT if you do not want to affect entries already residing in the configuration list. By specifying entries directly from the CHGCFGL command, all entries are removed and replaced with the new entries.

A maximum of 50 entries can be specified directly for this parameter. An entry consists of a value from each of the following elements.


Specify the name of the retail device that communicates with the host. This value must be unique.


Specify the name of the SNUF device through which the retail device communicates with the host. This value must be unique.


Specify the name of the program to be started on the host if the program name is not present in the SNA command (INIT-SELF) that requests a session to be started.


Specify a short description for each retail pass-through entry. The default is *BLANK.





This command brings up a full-screen entry display, showing existing entries for configuration list CFGL01. From the entry display, the user can add, change, and remove entries.



Error messages

*ESCAPE Messages


Configuration list &1 not found.


Index for configuration list &1 not changed.


Index for configuration list &1 not changed.


Configuration list &1 has been deleted.


Not able to allocate object &1.


CFGL type &1 does not match existing type &2.


Not authorized to object &1.


Configuration list &1 previously deleted.


User profile storage limit exceeded.
