Product overview > Cache

Java object caching concepts

WebSphere eXtreme Scale is primarily used as a data grid and cache for Java™ objects. Use several APIs to interact with the eXtreme Scale grid to access and store these objects.

This topic describes some of the common APIs and some of the concepts that be aware of when choosing an API and deployment topology. See the Cache architecture: Maps, containers, clients, and catalogs topic for a description of the various services and topologies that eXtreme Scale provides.

WebSphere eXtreme Scale's central component is the ObjectGrid. The ObjectGrid is the namespace that stores related data, and contains sets of hash maps, each holding key-value pairs. These maps can be grouped together and partitioned and made highly available and scalable.

Because the grid holds Java objects by nature, there are some important considerations when designing an application so that the grid can store and access data efficiently. Factors that can affect scalability, performance and memory utilization include the following.

Parent topic:

Cache overview

Related concepts

Cache architecture: Maps, containers, clients, and catalogs

Database integration: Write-behind, in-line, and side caching


Interacting with an ObjectGrid using the ObjectGridManager

Cache objects with no relationships involved (ObjectMap API)

Cache objects and their relationships (EntityManager API)

Related tasks

Connect to a distributed ObjectGrid

Configure grids

ObjectQuery tutorial

Configure entities


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