Administration guide > Configure the deployment environment
Configure cache integration
WebSphere eXtreme Scale can integrate with other caching-related products. Use a Java Persistence API (JPA) between WebSphere eXtreme Scale and the database to integrate changes as a loader. You can also use the WebSphere eXtreme Scale dynamic cache provider to plug WebSphere eXtreme Scale into the dynamic cache component in WAS. Another extension to WAS is the WebSphere eXtreme Scale HTTP session manager, which can help to cache HTTP sessions.
- Configure JPA loaders
A Java Persistence API (JPA) Loader is a plug-in implementation that uses JPA to interact with the database.
- Configure a JPA time-based data updater
You can configure a time-based database update using XML for a local or distributed eXtreme Scale configuration. You can also configure a local configuration programmatically.
- JPA cache configuration properties
WebSphere eXtreme Scale includes level 2 cache plug-ins for both OpenJPA and Hibernate Java Persistence API (JPA) providers.
- Configure HTTP session managers
The HTTP session manager provides session replication capabilities for an associated application. The session replication manager works with the web container for the session manager to create HTTP sessions and manage the life cycles of HTTP sessions that are associated with the application.
- Configure the dynamic cache provider for WebSphere eXtreme Scale
Installing and configuring the dynamic cache provider for eXtreme Scale depends on what the requirements are and the environment you have set up.
Parent topic:
Configure the deployment environment
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Configure JPA loaders