
access control policy   A group of constraints and criteria, established by the Site Administrator, that restrict a user's access only to those resources that are necessary for carrying out the responsibilities relevant to their assigned role.

access group   A type of member group that is used to define access control. Commands and views are associated with one or more access groups, enabling members assigned to that role to have access to those views and commands.

Buyer (buy-side)   A defined role in WebSphere Commerce that makes purchases from the Seller's Web site on behalf of a customer account. Typically, purchases are made under one or more agreements that have been negotiated with the Seller.

Buyer (sell-side)   A defined role in WebSphere Commerce that handles negotiations and ordering, keeps track of inventory, makes purchase order decisions, tracks reasons for returns, and tracks expected inventory records and receipts.

cassette   In WebSphere Commerce Payments, a software component that supports a particular payment protocol (such as VistaNet or BankServACH) within the WebSphere Commerce Payments framework. A cassette consists of a collection of Java classes and interfaces that can be installed into other software components to extend their function.

Contract States

Active - An active contract has been deployed successfully and can have purchases made against it. If the expiry date for a contract has passed, the contract remains in the active state until it is cancelled.

Deployment failed - If a contract cannot be published to the server, the contract is set to the deployment failed state. Check error logs, attempt to correct the problem that prevents deployment of the

Contract States:

Approved - If the contract's designated approvers decide that a contract is complete and acceptable, they can move the contract into the approved state. WebSphere Commerce automatically attempts to deploy an approved contract.

Rejected - If the designated approver for a store decides that a contract is not complete or is unacceptable, they can move the contract into the rejected state. A contract in the rejected state can be changed and resubmitted for approval, cancelled, or marked for deletion.

Deployment in progress - A contract that is in deployment is an approved contract being published to the server. Purchases cannot be made against the contract. In XML files and the WebSphere Commerce database tables, this state appears as DeploymentInProgress.

Contract States (continued)

contract, and try to deploy the contract again. In XML files and the WebSphere Commerce database tables, this state appears as DeploymentFailed.

Closed - An active, suspended, or approved contract goes to the closed state automatically when a new version of the contract has been approved. Creating a new version of a contract creates a copy of the contract and places the copy in the draft state.

Suspended - When a contract is suspended, purchases cannot be made against that contract. The contract cannot be changed, but it can be resumed, making the contract active again.

Cancelled - A cancelled contract is no longer in use but is left in the database for reference.

Mark for delete - A contract that is marked for deletion can no longer be accessed using WebSphere Commerce. In XML files and the WebSphere Commerce database tables, this state appears as MarkForDelete.

Initial - This state represents the starting point of the contract life cycle.

Draft - A draft contract is a newly created contract, a contract that has been imported from an external source as a draft contract, or a contract that has been created by duplicating an existing contract. A contract in draft state is incomplete and not ready to be submitted for approval. The sales manager or account representative decides when a draft contract is ready to submit for approval.

Pending (approval) - A contract in the pending state is a draft contract that is complete and has been submitted for approval. The sales manager or account representative decides when a draft contract is ready to submit for approval. The designated approvers for the contract must review the contract. Products cannot be purchased under a contract in this state.

Fulfilment Status   The fulfillment status of the OrderItem:

INT - not yet released for fulfillment

OUT - released for fulfillment

SHIP - shipment confirmed

Inventory Status   The allocation status of inventory for the OrderItem:

NALC - inventory is neither allocated nor backordered

BO - inventory is backordered

ALLC - inventory is allocated

FUL - inventory has been released for fulfillment

Order Status

A - payment authorization requires review   Payment authorization has encountered an unusual circumstance, such as an address verification warning. The payment authorization should be reviewed and accepted, or the Order should be canceled, using the Order Management user interface. If the authorization is accepted, then the user interface will change the Order Status to either B or C as appropriate.

B - backordered    An initial authorization has been performed. A re-authorization for the full amount will be done when all backordered items are allocated.

C - complete   Payment for the full amount has been authorized.

Order Status (continued)

D - deposited   Payment has been captured.

E - CSR edit   A Customer Service Representative is working with the Order.

F - ready for remote fulfillment   The Order is ready to be sent to a remote system for fulfillment. This status is used by the MQAdapter feature and the TransferOrder task command.

G -waiting for remote fulfillment   The Order has been sent to a remote system for fulfillment. This status is used by the MQAdapter feature and the TransferOrder task command.

H - error in remote fulfillment   This status is associated with these conditions:

(1) An order has been submitted for transfer and the distributor responded with a "failed transfer" confirmation. The failure may be due to an invalid user ID or password. The error code for the transfer is stored in the ORDSTAT table OSCODE column and the error status message can be located in the ORDSTAT table OSCMT column. (2) An empty quotation order arrived due to quotation failure.

I - submitted   The customer has submitted the Order but has not yet initiated payment.

L - low inventory   The customer has initiated payment. A previously allocated (or backordered) OrderItem has become unavailable.

M - payment initiated   The customer has initiated payment. Authorization is pending.

N - approval denied   Approval has been denied for some OrderItems.

P - pending   The customer can modify this Order.

Q - quick order profile   The Order contains default information for a customer, such as shipping address and payment information that can be copied when creating a new pending Order.

R - released   All OrderItems have been released for fulfillment.

S - shipped.   All OrderItems have been manifested.

T - temporary   Used by the Order Management user interface to temporarily back up an Order.

W - waiting for approval   Not all OrderItems have obtained approval.

X - canceled.   The Order has been canceled.

Y - private requisition list   The Order is a private requisition list.

Z - shareable requisition list   The Order is a shareable requisition list.

Payment Status






release. In a WebSphere Commerce store, a set of products in a given order that have the same ship-to address, fulfillment center, and shipping carrier. Products in a release may be shipped in multiple packages. For example, a release could contain four computer monitors. It would not be practical to ship them all in one large box, but they are still considered a single release. Products that would otherwise be part of a single release may be released separately if the Seller's policy dictates.

RMA Status

PRC = being edited by a customer

EDT = being edited by a Customer Service Representative

PND = pending

APP = approved

CLO = closed

CAN = canceled

sales catalog. A view of the master catalog containing a more flexible structure for customer display purposes. While a store can have only one master catalog, it can have any number of sales catalogs.

Seller Administrator. The Seller Administrator managements the information for the selling organization. The Seller Administrator creates and administers the suborganizations within the selling organization and the various users in the selling organization, including the assignment of appropriate business roles.

Seller. (1) A defined role in WebSphere Commerce that has access to all WebSphere Commerce Accelerator capabilities. (2) The role that supervises the overall store objectives and management, in addition to tracking the store sales. The Seller role is equivalent to a merchant.

Store Status - The current status of the hosted service agreement or store. A service agreement or store can have the following states:

Open - A hosted store exists for the seller and is open to customers.

Closed - A hosted store exists for the seller and is not open to customers.

Suspended - A hosted store exists but the service agreement is suspended. Customers cannot access the hosted store and the seller cannot open the store.

Deploy - The hosted service agreement is being deployed. The hosted store is created as part of this deployment process.

Deployment Failed - Deployment of the hosted service agreement has failed. No hosted store has been created.



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