Develop > Presentation layer > Customize IBM Sales Center > Deploy customizations to the IBM Sales Center

Production installation of the IBM Sales Center client

It is expected that production use of Sales Center will involve anywhere from tens to thousands of clients, and the enterprise needs a scalable and repeatable way to distribute and update WED4WL, Sales Center, and their own customizations. This document provides our recommendations for that activity, exploiting capabilities in Windows, Eclipse, and the management capabilities built into WED4WL.

Automation of this process requires additional software available from IBM, external parties, or It also requires an amount of set-up, including installing and configuring management and software distribution servers; we assume that this activity is spread over a sufficient number of clients that automation is attractive. Otherwise, manual installation is recommended.

Production install is performed in two stages. First, the base image consisting of Windows XP plus an initial load of client software is installed. The client is then deployed and further provisioned with the balance of the client application (if any), using one of the supported automated software distribution mechanisms. Over the lifetime of the client, updates and additional features are installed using the same automated mechanisms.

It is a customer design decision where to draw the line between the initial load of client software that happens before client deployment, and the further provisioning that happens after. The competing factors that contribute to this decision are:

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Deploy customizations to the IBM Sales Center

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