Install > Installing maintenance > WebSphere Commerce
Install the WebSphere Commerce Update Installer
The WebSphere Commerce Update Installer is the tool you use to apply fix packs and APARs to the WebSphere Commerce installation.
The WebSphere Commerce Update Installer is used to apply maintenance to IBM WebSphere Commerce v7.0. It is packaged as a separate installable program. You must first install the Update Installer before you can apply the WebSphere Commerce maintenance packages (.pak files) to the WebSphere Commerce configuration.
Do not apply any maintenance for WebSphere Application Server using the WebSphere Commerce Update Installer.
- Install the Update Installer interactively
You can install the Update Installer using an interactive method which uses a graphical install wizard. After navigating through the install panels, the Update Installer will be installed.
- Install the Update Installer silently
You can install the Update Installer using a silent method which uses a response file; no graphical interface is required. The silent install method can be used to automate the installation.