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Management Center user interface enhancements

The Management Center provides several new features, functions, and enhancements in v7.0.

Clipboard now supports copying multiple items

You can now copy multiple items to the Clipboard tab within the utilities view at one time. For example, you can select one or more list items from a list view in the Management Center main work area, right-click these selected items, and click Copy to Clipboard. You can also select all of the items that are in the Clipboard tab (right-click and click Select All) so that you can drag or copy all of the items out of the clipboard at one time.

Edit tables more efficiently

You can now change the width of columns in list view tables. You can also edit several cells in the same column at once to contain the same value. For example, in an editable list view, you can select multiple rows that to contain the same value, and click . The Edit Column dialog opens so that you can choose a column to edit and specify the value that to apply to this column for each of the selected rows.

You can set the width of a column in number of pixels by using the Configuration Column dialog.

Edit table cells is now more efficient, click within the cell; then type. (In previous versions, you needed to click an icon, then type.)

Edit text in rich text format or HTML mode

Previously, you could only edit text within the rich text editor in rich text format. You can now choose to edit text in either rich text format or HTML mode.

For example, in a rich text editor, you can use the following methods to edit text:

Find and associate objects button

The user interface button used to find and associate objects in the Management Center has changed. In the previous release, the button was used to find and associate objects. Although the find and add button still exists, it no longer displays a graphical image. Instead, the text Find and Add appears on the button.

Find and Replace function increases efficiency

Find and Replace function allows business users to replace text strings in multiple items more quickly. Use Find and Replace to change text strings in business objects such as product descriptions, promotion names, or attachment descriptions. Use Find and Replace in all Management Center tools.

Manage extended sites

Beginning with WebSphere Commerce v6, Feature Pack 4, you can perform tasks for an extended sites store within the Management Center

By using extended sites stores, the selling organization can provide unique storefronts for different enterprise customers or showcase a number of branded storefronts. You can customize sites by:

Each site appears unique to the customers that access it, and each site can implement business rules unique to that site. For example, different geographical areas might have unique legal and tax regulations. A set of common configuration data assets can be shared across all sites.

In the Management Center, you can now create, edit, and view business objects that are owned by an extended sites store, as well as duplicate a read-only inherited business object onto a new extended sites business object. You can also view, edit, and delete business objects inherited from an asset store, and distinguish between business objects that are from the local store or are inherited from an asset store.

New keyboard shortcuts

After you have focus on the user interface, you can use the Management Center keyboard shortcuts to access user interface functions or complete tasks, using a single key or combination of keys.

The Management Center now supports various types of keyboard shortcuts for common tasks within the following parts of the user interface:

Pagination controls help you manage large search results

New pagination controls are displayed in the utilities view and the explorer view to help you manage large search results. The pagination controls allow you to move through pages of search results to view additional objects when more than 500 objects are returned.

Page size selection improves response time

To improve response time, you can specify a page size preference in the Management Center Preferences dialog. The Management Center tools use this preference setting to determine how many business objects to display on each page so that you do not have to wait while all objects are loaded. For example, if you specify 50 as the page size, 50 business objects are displayed on each page.

Spell check text in explorer and properties views

You can now check the spelling of text in a text editor or rich text editor embedded into a Management Center properties view or editable list view. For example, in an entry field, right-click and click Check Spelling. The Spell Check dialog opens and displays each misspelled word within the text that you are editing. You can replace each misspelled word with one of the suggested words or skip the misspelled text.

Spell check does not support the following languages:

Support for Bidirectional and Right to Left text

You can now update Bidirectional and Right to Left text in the Management Center. For example, when you are working with a Management Center tool and the selected store supports an alternate language, such as Arabic or Hebrew, you can now right-click a text entry field that edits a string property and click Edit Bidirectional Text to edit the Right to Left text.

Support for new languages

The Management Center now supports three new languages. In addition to the 10 languages that were supported in the previous release, you can now view the Management Center user interface in Russian, Polish, and Romanian.

Time zone support

You can now choose the time zone that to use as the default time zone in the Management Center. Previously, business users entered start and end times for promotions and marketing activities based on the time zone of the WebSphere Commerce Server. Now, business users select the country as the time zone. For example, business users in Germany select Germany

User password can now be changed using Management Center

You can now change the user password using Management Center Previously, you had to change the password used to access Management Center by using the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator.

Related concepts

Management Center user interface

Related tasks

Copy to the clipboard

Use the Management Center

Related reference

Management Center icons


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