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Starter store archives

A starter store archive provides a fully functional sample online store. Starter stores are samples designed to be used as a base from which a customized online store can be created. Starter stores are translated into several languages and are accessible. WebSphere Commerce provides sample composite store archives that can be published for each business model.

These composite store archives are composed of the following components:

Publishing the composite store archives creates the proper environment, as well as a working store or site. These store archives are available in the default view of the Publish wizard:

WebSphere Commerce also provides component starter store archives for each part of the composite store archive. These component store archives are available in the respective store type's view of the Publish wizard.

The following chart lists the starter store archives available in WebSphere Commerce:

Type Store archive name Description
Consumer direct Madisons.sar Composite store archive containing the organization structure, predefined user roles, and necessary access control policies to create a consumer direct environment. The storefront includes Web 2.0 capabilities using AJAX and Dojo technologies.
SocialCommerce.sar Sample Madisons starter store pages to illustrate the process for adding the Social Commerce user interface widgets to the store pages.
ConsumerDirectOrganizationStructure.sar Consumer direct environment.
ConsumerDirectStore.sar Working consumer direct store.
Brazil.sar Composite store archive containing features necessary for a functioning consumer direct online store for the Brazil market.
MayUJoy.sar Composite store archive containing features necessary for a functioning consumer direct online store for the China market.
MadisonsEnhancements.sar An archive containing store enhancement assets. The remote widgets enhancements allow customers to subscribe to feeds and share widgets on remote sites. Digital wallets support enables service functionality to store, access, manage, and organize customer coupon assets.
MadisonsMobileEnhancements.sar An archive containing mobile store enhancement assets. The enhancements enable digital wallet support in the mobile store checkout and My Account flows.
B2B direct EliteOrganizationStructure.sar Organization structure, predefined user roles, and required access control policies to create an Elite store environment.
EliteB2BDirect.sar Feature-rich working Elite store.
EliteExternalIntegrationAddOn.sar Enables Order and Quote Capture Integration features in the Elite starter store. You must publish it over the Elite starter store and make appropriate configuration settings.
AdvancedB2BDirect.sar A sample composite store archive containing the organization structure, predefined user roles, and necessary access control policies to create a B2B direct environment, plus a working store.
AdvancedB2BDirectOrganizationStructure.sar Organization structure, predefined user roles, and required access control policies to create a B2B direct environment. Use this store archive to create the Web 1.0 AdvancedB2BDirect store and Web 2.0 Elite store organization structure.
AdvancedB2BDirectStore.sar Feature-rich working B2B direct store.
DemandChain.sar A sample composite store archive containing the organization structure, predefined user roles, and necessary access control policies to create a demand chain environment, plus the necessary assets to create a demand chain solution, including a channel hub site, shared catalog, and reseller and distributor stores.
B2BDirect.sar Feature-rich working B2B direct store.
Demand chain DemandChainOrganizationStructure.sar Organization structure and predefined user roles to create a demand chain environment.
ChannelHub.sar Create a hub site.
CatalogAssetStore.sar Create a shared catalog.
ConsumerDirectResellerStorefrontAssetStore.sar Create a reseller storefront.
B2BDirectResellerStorefrontAssetStore.sar Create a B2B storefront.
DistributorAssetStore.sar Support distributor proxy stores.
DistributorProxyOrganizationStructure.sar Organization structure and predefined user roles to create top level organization structure for the distributor proxy stores.
Extended Sites ExtendedSites.sar Store composite archive, containing the organization structure, predefined user roles, and necessary access control policies to create an extended sites environment. Also contains the necessary assets to create a hub site, shared catalog, and seller storefronts.

The Extended Sites starter store does not have an actual storefront until the extended sites themselves (the stores) are created using WebSphere Commerce Accelerator.

ExtendedSitesHub.sar Create the extended sites hub storefront.
EliteStorefrontAssetStore.sar Create an Elite storefront.
MadisonsStorefrontAssetStore Create a Madisons storefront.
B2BDirectStorefrontAssetStore.sar Create a B2B storefront.
ExtendedSitesCatalogAssetStore.sar Create a shared catalog.
EliteESite A customer facing store based on the EliteStorefrontAssetStore and shares the master catalog from the ExtendedSitesCatalogAssetStore.
MadisonsESite A customer facing store based on the MadisonsStorefrontAssetStore and shares the master catalog from the ExtendedSitesCatalogAssetStore.
Supply chain SupplyChainOrganizationStructure.sar A store archive containing the organization structure, predefined user roles, and necessary access control policies to create a supply chain environment.
SupplierHub.sar A store archive containing all the necessary assets to create a supplier hub site.
CatalogAssetStore.sar A store archive containing all the necessary assets to create a shared catalog.
SupplierAssetStore.sar A store archive containing all the necessary assets to create a supplier storefront.


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