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Select an authentication mechanism

An authentication mechanism defines rules about security information, such as whether a credential is forwardable to another Java process, and the format of how security information is stored in both credentials and tokens. We can select and configure an authentication mechanism using the administrative console.

Authentication is the process of establishing whether a client is who or what it claims to be in a particular context. A client can be either an user, a machine, or an application. An authentication mechanism in WebSphere Application Server typically collaborates closely with a user registry. The user registry is the user and groups account repository that the authentication mechanism consults with when performing authentication. The authentication mechanism is responsible for creating a credential, which is an internal product representation of a successfully authenticated client user. Not all credentials are created equally. The abilities of the credential are determined by the configured authentication mechanism.

WAS provides three authentication mechanisms:

Simple WebSphere Authentication Mechanism (SWAM) is deprecated in this release. SWAM does not provide authenticated communication between different servers.

Authentication is required for enterprise bean clients and web clients when they access protected resources. Enterprise bean clients, like a servlet or other enterprise beans or a pure client, send the authentication information to a web application server using one of the following protocols:

Web clients use the HTTP or HTTPS protocol to send the authentication information.

The authentication information can be basic authentication (user ID and password), a credential token, or a client certificate. The web authentication is performed by the web authentication module.

We can configure web authentication for a web client using the administrative console. Click...

Web authentication options:

The enterprise bean authentication is performed by the EJB authentication module. The EJB authentication module resides in the CSIv2 and SAS layer.

The authentication module is implemented using the JAAS login module. Both the web authenticator and the EJB authenticator pass the authentication data to the login module, which can use the following mechanisms to authenticate the data:

The authentication module uses the registry configured on the system to perform the authentication. Four types of registries are supported:

External registry implementation following the registry interface specified by IBM can replace either the local operating system or the LDAP registry.

The login module creates a JAAS subject after authentication and stores the credential derived from the authentication data in the public credentials list of the subject. The credential is returned to the web authenticator or to the enterprise beans authenticator.

The web authenticator and the enterprise beans authenticator store the received credentials in the Object Request Broker (ORB) current for the authorization service to use in performing further access control checks. If the credentials are forwardable, they are sent to other application servers.

Configure authentication mechanisms

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  • Configure Kerberos as the authentication mechanism
  • Configure a Java client for Kerberos authentication
  • Authenticating users
  • Web authentication settings