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Intelligent Management: application edition manager states

Application edition manager editions change into multiple states. The transition of an application between the running and stopped runtime states occurs through start and stop operations. The transition of an application between the non-existent or existent configuration states occurs when we install or uninstall the application. As the application edition transitions from one state to another, various actions occur, such as installing, validating, activating, performing a rollout, deactivating, or uninstalling. The following table features a list of the transitions and the resulting actions:

From state To state Transition action Notes
Nonexistent Inactive Install application edition None
Inactive Validation Validate1 Validation deployment target is created.
Inactive Active Activate or perform a rollout1 Performing a rollout deactivates the previous edition.
Validation Active Perform a rollout1 Validation deployment target is deleted.
Active Inactive Deactivate1 None
Active Nonexistent Uninstall application edition None
Validation Inactive Cancel validation Validation deployment target is deleted.
Inactive Nonexistent Uninstall application edition None

1Validate, activate, perform a rollout, and deactivate are new application edition operations introduced by the application edition manager.

To get current state, we can run getEditionState


  • Application edition manager
  • Operational environment