Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Sets

Target collection for Find results

Use this page to find targets for jobs. The page displays target names and version numbers based on the results of the Find option. We can additionally display target resources for targets that you select. From the console...

   Jobs > Targets .

Button descriptions. Select a button to register a remote target host with a job manager, to display information about target resources, or to unregister a host.

Button Description
New Host Displays a page that you can use to register a remote target host with a job manager.

To register a host, be authorized for the administrator role.

Display Resources Displays the available resources of selected targets. Example values are All, Application, Server, and Cluster. The choices in the list depend on the targets that are registered. For example, if you do not have a dmgr registered to a job manager, clusters are not in the list.

To display target resources, be authorized for the monitor role.

Delete Host Unregisters a target host from the job manager. We must be authorized for the administrator role.


Use the Find option to determine the targets to display. By default, the product searches all targets. After you click Find, the results are displayed in the table. The table follows the Find and Preferences options. Click Reset to assign the parameters the default values.

Find parameters. Specify Find parameters to limit the search for targets.

Parameter name Operators Search strings
Target type Valid operators include All, Host, and Node. By default, all target types are searched. Not applicable
Target name Valid operators are = (equal to) and != (not equal to). The default operator is =. The search string specifies the string or partial string of a parameter.

A partial string is designated using an asterisk (*). For example, to find all jobs with a target name that starts with Node, set the target name parameter to Node*.

To search for an exact match for multiple items, include comma-separated items. For example, to search on two target names, specify Node1, Node2.

When you search for more than one item, you cannot use the asterisk.

Example: If the targets are AppSvr01, AppSvr02, AppSvr03, and Test01, you can specify the = operator and the App* search string for the Target name parameter, then click Find. The target names displayed are AppSvr01, AppSvr02, and AppSvr03.

Job type Valid operators are = (equal to), != (not equal to), is null, and is not null. The default operator is =.
Unique identifier
Advanced find options

Lists searchable target properties, such as username, host, password, and Operating system.


Enables you to further narrow the list of targets to find targets that do or do not have specific resources. For example, to find targets that have a server named server1.

Specify query conditions to find resources.

  1. Specify With (button shows With | Without), or click the button to toggle to Without (button shows With | Without). The button specifies whether to search for resources that meet the query conditions (With), or do not meet the query conditions (Without).

  2. Select a resource type, such as application, server, cluster, Installation Manager, Package, or Profile. The list of resource types depends upon whether the registered targets are stand-alone application servers, dmgrs, or hosts.

  3. Select a property for the specified resource type.

  4. Select an operator. Valid operators are = (equal to), != (not equal to), < (less than), > (greater than), <= (less than or equal to), >= (greater than or equal to), is null, and is not null. The default operator is =.

  5. Specify a value for the resource property; for example, an asterisk (*).

To add more conditions to the first query, click , the Add icon. If you click , you cannot change the With | Without toggle button. Click , the Delete icon, to remove an added condition.

To narrow the search and add a query that changes the With | Without toggle button, click , the Add Search Clause icon below the With | Without toggle button. In the dialog that opens, select Perform subset search to perform a subset search that refines the results of the first query and click OK. If you want the query to simply use a different With | Without selection and not perform a subset search, then do not select Perform subset search. Then, specify another query condition.

The value that you specify for the resource property is like a search string. We can use an asterisk (*) to designate a partial string. We can also specify comma-separated items to search on multiple values. When you search for more than one item, do not use the asterisk.

Example: To find targets that have stopped applications, specify the following query conditions:

  1. With
  2. application resource type
  3. status resource property
  4. = (equal to) operator
  5. STOPPED property value

Then click Find. The table lists targets that have stopped applications.

To narrow the search to targets that have stopped applications and that do not have a server named server1, specify the previous query. Then, click , the Add Search Clause icon below the With | Without button. In the dialog that opens, select Perform subset search and click OK. Another query row is displayed, with parentheses around the With | Without button. The parentheses indicate the query is a subset search; only the targets resulting from the previous query are searched. In the new query row, specify the following query conditions:

  1. Without
  2. Server resource type
  3. serverName resource property
  4. = (equal to) operator
  5. server1 property value

Click Find.

Maximum results Not applicable The search string specifies the number of records that the find operation displays. Enter a value between one and the maximum number of records that can be retrieved as defined in the job manager configuration. The default value is 50.

Target name

Names of targets that are found as a result of the Find option.


Name and version number of the product on which the target runs.

The product version is the version of a WAS.

The base edition of WAS (base) is listed in the version column as Base. The WAS ND is listed in the version column as ND.

The product in the version column indicates the product that you used to create the profile, not the type of profile that you installed. For example, if you use the WAS ND to install a profile type of application server, the version column indicates ND.
Administer nodes remotely using the job manager
View target information using the job manager


Target property settings


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