Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Develop and deploying applications > Deploy and administering business-level applications > Create business-level applications

Example: Creating a business-level application

We can add many different types of artifacts to business-level applications. For example, you can add Java EE applications or modules, Java archives (JAR files), data in compressed files, and other business-level applications.

An example of creating a simple business-level application follows. This example assumes that we have a compressed file, such as a compressed file, or other archive available on your computer or on a remote server that you can use to complete the example.

If you do not have a compressed file available, look in product directories. Installing the product samples adds several sample files to the /samples directory. We can use these sample files in a business-level application.


  1. Import assets.

    1. Click Applications > New application > New Asset

    2. On the Upload asset page, specify the asset package to import and click Next.

      For example, specify a compressed file such as a compressed file and click Next.

    3. On the Select options for importing an asset page, click Next.

    4. On the Summary page, click Finish.

    5. On the Adding asset to repository page, if messages show that the operation completed, click Manage assets.

    6. On the Assets page, click Save.

    The file name displays in the list of assets.

  2. Create an empty business-level application named MySampleBLA.

    1. Click Applications > New application > New Business Level Application.

    2. On the New business-level application page, specify a unique name such as MySampleBLA and a description, and then click OK.

    3. On the business-level application settings page, click Save.

    The name and description are shown in the list of applications on the Business-level applications page. Because the application is empty, its status is Unavailable.

  3. Add the asset composition unit to your business-level application.

    1. On the Business-level applications page, click the application name in the list of applications.

    2. On the business-level application settings page, click Add > Add Asset.

    3. On the Add composition unit page, select an asset composition unit from the list of available units, and then click Continue.

      For example, select the compressed file asset and then click Continue.

    4. On the Set options page, click Next.

    5. On the Map composition unit to a target page, change the target server as needed, and then click Next.

    6. On the Summary page, click Finish. Several messages are displayed. A message having the format Completed res=[WebSphere:cuname=unit_name] indicates that the addition is successful.

    7. If the addition is successful, click Manage application.

    8. On the business-level application settings page, click Save.

    The asset name and type displays in the list of deployed assets.

  4. Start the business-level application.

    1. Click Applications > Application Types > Business-level applications.

    2. On the Business-level applications page, select the check box beside the application.

    3. Click Start.

    When the business-level application is running, a green arrow displays for Status. If the business-level application does not start, ensure that the deployment target to which the application maps is running and try starting the application again.

What to do next

We can add other assets to your business-level application.
Create business-level applications with the console
Import assets


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