Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Administrator best practices

Mediation framework counters

These service integration bus mediation framework counters are part of the performance monitoring infrastructure (PMI), which provides server-side monitoring and a client-side API to retrieve performance information.
Monitor overall system health


PMI data organization
Service integration bus counters

Counter definitions

To see lists of available PMI counters, use the admin console to navigate to Monitoring and Tuning > Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) > server_name

> [General Properties] Custom.

The headings for each table show how to navigate to the counters in the admin console.

Mediation framework counter definitions: Mediations. server_name

> SIB Service > SIB Messaging Engines > messaging_engine_name > Mediations > mediation_name

Name Key ID Description Granularity Type Level
ThreadCount Mediation.ThreadCount 1001 The number of messages being mediated concurrently at a mediation. per mediation RangeStatistic High

Mediation framework counter definitions: Mediated destinations. server_name

> SIB Service > SIB Messaging Engines > messaging_engine_name > Mediations > mediation_name > destination_name

Name Key ID Description Granularity Type Level
MediatedMessagesCount Mediation.MediatedMessageCount 1002 The number of messages that have been mediated at a mediated destination. per mediated destination CountStatistic Low
MediationTime Mediation.MediationTime 1003 The amount of time in milliseconds taken to mediate a message at a mediated destination. per mediated destination TimeStatistic Low


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