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Migrate managed base application servers


Step 10: Scenario 3: Flexible Management: Migrating an administrative agent profile and its registered set of managed base application servers

Ensure that the v8.0 admin agent is running. For each managed base application server that you plan to migrate to v8.0, perform the following steps:

For the migration to be successful:


  1. Create the target base application server profile. Run the manageprofiles command with the appropriate parameters to create a new managed profile. For example:
    C:\WebSphere\AppServer80\bin>manageprofiles.bat -create -profileName AppSrv01
    -profilePath C:\WebSphere\AppServer80\profiles\AppSrv01
    -templatePath C:\WebSphere\AppServer80\profileTemplates\default
    -serverType APPLICATION_SERVER -nodeName AppSrv01Node01
    -cellName AppSrv01Cell01 -hostName

  2. Run the WASPreUpgrade command to save the current managed base application server information to a migration backup directory. Choose a new directory for the backup files. For example:
    C:\WebSphere\AppServer80\bin>WASPreUpgrade.bat C:\WAS70Appserver01backup
    C:\WebSphere\AppServer70 -oldProfile Appserver01 -traceString *=all=enabled
    -summaryLogName C:\WAS70Appserver01backup\logs\WASPreMigrationSummary.log

  3. If the WASPreUpgrade command completed with Success, then checking the logs for errors or warnings is not necessary.
  4. Check the WASPreUpgrade console output for the following messages: "Failed with errors" or "Completed with warnings".
  5. Look in the following logs for warnings or errors:

  6. Run the WASPostUpgrade command to restore the saved managed application server profile configuration into the new Version 8.0 base application server profile.

    This command requires additional parameters and the following example assumes that security is enabled on both admin agents. For example:

    C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer80\bin>WASPostUpgrade.bat C:\WAS70Appserver01backup
    -oldProfile AppSrv01 -profileName AppSrv01 -traceString *=all=enabled
    -summaryLogName C:\WAS70Appserver01backup\logs\WASPostMigrationSummary.log
    -oldAdminAgentProfilePath C:\WebSphere\Appserver70\profiles\AdminAgent01
    -oldAdminAgentHostname myhostname -oldAdminAgentSoapPort 8879 -oldAdminAgentUsername
    myusername -oldAdminAgentPassword mypassword -newAdminAgentProfilePath
    C:\WebSphere\AppServer80\profiles\AdminAgent01 -newAdminAgentHostname
    myhostname -newAdminAgentSoapPort 8887 -newAdminAgentUsername
    myusername1 -newAdminAgentPassword mypassword1

  7. If the command completed with Success, then checking the logs for errors or warnings is not necessary.
  8. Check the WASPostUpgrade console output for the following messages: "Failed with errors" or "Completed with warnings".
  9. Look in the following logs for errors or warnings:

    • <migration backupdir>/logs/WASPostMigrationSummary.log
    • WASPostUpgrade. <target profile>. < timestamp >.log
    • WASPostUpgrade. < target profile name >.trace

  10. Start the migrated v8.0 managed application server.
  11. Check the v8.0 managed application server SystemOut.log for warnings or errors.

    New feature: This topic references one or more of the application server log files. Beginning in WAS v8.0 you can configure the server to use the High Performance Extensible Logging (HPEL) log and trace infrastructure instead of using SystemOut.log , SystemErr.log, trace.log, and activity.log files or native z/OS logging facilities. If you are using HPEL, you can access all of your log and trace information using the LogViewer command-line tool from your server profile bin directory. See the information about using HPEL to troubleshoot applications for more information on using HPEL.newfeat

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