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View PMI data with TPV

Use the Tivoli Performance Viewer (TPV) to view Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) data in chart or table form.

TPV monitors the performance activity of all servers on a node. This article assumes that one or more servers have been created and are running on the node, and that PMI is enabled.

TPV displays graphics in either the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format or as a static image in the JPG format. If we do not have the Adobe SVG browser plug-in installed, we are prompted to download and install it. If we select not to install the plug-in (by selecting Cancel), TPV displays the static image. Installing the Adobe SVG plug-in is advantageous for several reasons. First, the SVG format provides interactive graphics that provide additional information when you hover the mouse over a point, line, or legend item. The SVG format also enables you to click a point and see details for it. Secondly, using the SVG format provides a performance benefit because the work to display the SVG image is done on the client side.

When viewing a static image, the appserver must convert the SVG image into a static image, which is a processor and memory intensive operation.

If the browser is Internet Explorer 7, the Adobe SVG installation prompt might be inaccessible. To resolve the problem, reinstall Adobe SVG.

If we experience problems with SVG, see Scalable Vector Graphics problems for more information. You view performance modules when the server is experiencing performance problems. For example, a common performance problem occurs when individual sessions are too large. To help view data on a session, we can view the Servlet Session Manager PMI module and monitor the SessionObjectSize counter to make sure that Session Object Size is not too large.

Performance modules are shown in the TPV current activity settings in the admin console.

When you create a second appserver under WAS, TPV cannot display the PMI data for the second appserver such as WebSphere Portal Server.

See, refer to the technote at: http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=180&=swg21247170.


Scalable Vector Graphics problems


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Set TPV settings
Monitor performance with Tivoli Performance Viewer (TPV)



View Data with the Tivoli Performance Viewer
View Data Recorded by the TPV