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Core group bridge settings

The core group bridge is the service that enables communication between core groups. A core group is a statically defined component of the high availability manager. To view the structure of the access point groups and tunnel access point groups.

To view this admin console page ...

Servers > Core Groups > Core group bridge settings.

An access point group links core groups in the same cell or in different cells. The access points defined for an access point group enable these core groups to communicate with each other. If one or more of the core groups reside outside of a firewall, also define a tunnel access point group, and at least one tunnel access point for each core group residings outside of the firewall.

Each access point group is a collection of core group access points. Each tunnel access point group is a collection of core group access points, and tunnel peer access points.

Each core group access point has one or more bridge interfaces. Each peer access point and tunnel peer access point has a proxy peer or one or more peer ports. A bridge interface is a server configured to communicate with other core groups by using a particular transport chain.


Access point group collection
Core group access point collection
Bridge interface collection
Peer access point collection
Peer port collection


Related tasks

Set the core group bridge service



Access point group settings
Core group access point settings
Bridge interface settings
Peer access point settings
Core group bridge custom properties