IBM WebSphere Portal V6.0 Release Notes


IBM WebSphere Portal V6.0 Release Notes


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  1. Overview
  2. Interim fixes
  3. Additional documentation
  4. Technical Preview Information
  5. Known limitations for WebSphere Portal
  6. Known limitations for Administration
  7. Known limitations for Search
  8. Known limitations for Composite Application
  9. Known limitations for Lotus
  10. Known limitations for Common PIM
  11. Known limitations for Web Content Management
  12. Known limitations for Document Manager
  13. Known limitations for Personalization
  14. Known limitations for Portlets
  15. Known limitations for Accessibility
  16. Trademarks
  17. Third party components



These release notes apply to the following versions and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.

  • IBM WebSphere Portal Server V6.0
  • IBM WebSphere Portal Enable V6.0
  • IBM WebSphere Portal Extend V6.0
  • IWWCM V6.0 and
  • IWWCM Standard Edition V6.0 and


Interim fixes

Check the support site periodically for interim fixes that we can install using the portal update installer. The portal update installer can be downloaded from the IBM support site.

Check the IBM Workplace Solutions Catalog for updates to portlets.


Additional documentation

WebSphere Portal is shipped with an information center that contains information about the following topics:

  • Product requirements
  • Planning for installation
  • Installing and configuring

  • Administering
  • Developing portals and portlets
  • Troubleshooting

The latest version of the WebSphere Portal information center is available on the Web at

Additional information and downloads on the Web

In addition to shipped documentation, we can find additional information on the Web:


Technical Preview Information

Workflow for composite applications provided as a technical preview

Workflow in composite applications is initially provided as a technical preview in this release. Because this feature is still under development, it is not fully tested, is unsupported, and may produce unexpected results. A software update will be provided when the feature is fully supported. For more information, consult the IBM representative.


Known limitations for WebSphere Portal

This section describes known limitations for WebSphere Portal. Some limitations require that you perform workarounds.

  1. Configuration
  2. Development
  3. Browser issues



Problem: Error when transferring to a back-end DB2 for z/OS database

When attempting a database-transfer to a back-end DB2 for z/OS server, the transfer will fail with an error similar to the following:

["SQL0104N An unexpected token "'SYSADM'" was found following "". Expected tokens may include: "= ENCODING". SQLSTATE=42601]
This error is caused by a problem in DB2 Version 8.1 Fixpack 9 on the WebSphere Portal server machine.

Solution: Upgrade the server machine to DB2 Version 8.1 Fixpack 10. Refer to the following for more information and the APAR:


Problem: Message received and performance problems when using IBM DB2 Universal Database Enterprise Server Edition Version 8.2 and the default collation 'UCA400_NO'

It's recommended to create databases with a specific collation when using DB2. See Creating databases and users forDB2 for more information. You may see the following messages being written to the db2diag.log of the DB2 database when using the default collation as specified in the referenced chapter 'UCA400_NO'.

006-05-21- I81903H378         LEVEL: Severe PID     : 2020                 TID  : 1564        PROC : db2syscs.exe INSTANCE: DB2                  NODE : 000         DB   : COJCRDB
APPHDL  : 0-175                APPID: *LOCAL.DB2.060521230307
DATA #1 : String, 50 bytes high2key < low2key and colcard > 3, Column ID = 18
The performance of the database will degrade as table statistics cannot be recorded properly.

Solution: Install APAR JR24139 before rolling out a production or load test environment.


Problem: Increased DB2 CPU utilization when using collation UCA400_NO

DB2 utilization doubles when using DB2 databases created with the suggested collation UCA400_NO with Web Content Management. This may be applicable to WebSphere Portal applications with significant WebSphere Portal database utilization.

Solution: The overall performance of Web Content Management is not impacted given there is sufficient DB2 CPU capacity available. Check with DB2 support to determine if the performance issues with collation in DB2 PMR 31525,005,000 have been resolved and how this solution applies to the environment. Before building the databases consider the benefits of this collation versus a performance reduction trade-off. If you choose to not use the suggested collation and you utilize the portal generated database creation scripts then we will need to remove the collation parameters "COLLATE USING UCA400_NO" for each database creation statement.


Problem: Lists of documents or items are not displayed in correct alphabetical order.

There is an issue with JCR repositories running on DB2 that causes lists of items to not be displayed in strict alphabetical order for some languages. This issue affects all parts of WebSphere Portal that use the JCR, for example, Document Manager and Web Content Management.

Solution: This is a known limitation for systems using DB2 as a data repository. The names of objects stored in a DB2 data repository will not be displayed in correct alphabetical order for some languages.


Problem: Lookaside parameter always set to "true" during the LDAP configuration

The LDAP configuration task sets the value of the Lookaside parameter to "true" even if you change the value to "false"

Solution: This problem will be fixed in a future release and has no negative impact on your LDAP configuration.


Problem: For Slovenian, the national characters are corrupted in the list of available languages for the configuration, migration, and install wizards.

In the list of languages for the wizard all languages are translated, but the national characters in the language names are corrupted.

Solution: This is a known limitation. The corrupted characters only appear in the language drop down list. Characters in the other wizard panels show up correctly.


Problem: Transfer to Oracle fails with message that tablespace does not exist.

Before creating JCR tablespaces, connect to the JCR database. Otherwise, the tablespaces will be created on another database and transfer will fail.

Solution: Update the 7th line of the SQL script, jcr_ora_tablespaces.sql, from...

CONNECT &&dbadmin/&&password;

CONNECT &&dbadmin/&&password@&jcrdb.;


Problem: enable-security-ldap task may fail on machines configured with Internet Protocol version 6.

This problem may occur when the Internet Protocol version 6 address is incorrectly formatted and used as the WpsHostName value in the file. The following error may occur during the action-init-accesscontrol subtask of the enable-security-ldap task:

We can find this error in the cmInit.log file.

Could not connect to strUrl = http://<IPv6Address:Port>/contentapi/init

Solution: Use the resolved IPv6 hostname, in place of the IPv6 address, in the WpsHostName field in the file.



Problem: Search capabilities are limited on IBM DB2 Universal Database for z/OS Version 7.1

In DB2 for z/OS Version 7.1, search patterns are looked up in the first 127 characters of the title, description or keywords. This applies to searches using "starts with" or "contains."

Solution: Limit searches to fewer than 127 characters.


Problem: Receive warning messages for hung threads

The search component use background threads for long jobs of crawling data sources. WAS might render warning messages into the log file in the form of: ExtendedMessage: BBOO0221W: WSVR0605W: Thread "WorkManager.PortalSearchIndexWorkManager : 14" (000000c8) has been active for 68149 9 milliseconds and may be hung. There are three threads in total in the server that may be hung.

Solution: These messages do not necessarily indicate any error or malfunction. If these messages indicate WorkManager.PortalSearchIndexWorkManager, they can be disregarded as a warning from WAS that there are long running threads in the system. It is mainly due to some expectation from the WAS side on the length of time threads should run. This issue will be addressed in a future release.


Problem: No inherited allowed portlets are shown on derived pages

This issue occurs when you click the "This page has a list of allowed portlets" link while editing a derived page. The "Allowed portlets" table only shows the restricted portlets defined on the derived page and does not include the restricted portlets defined on the parent page.

Solution: This is by design; no inherited allowed portlets are shown on derived pages when we click the "This page has a list of allowed portlets" link.


Problem: Errors using WebSphere Information Integrator Q Replication DB2 v8 fixpack 11/12 and MQ 5.3 CSD10

Solution: Use the following link to apply the required APAR:


Problem: Understanding cache settings in JSR 168 portlets

The cache scope is only for proxy server caching policies and requires the use of an edge server cache. This setting does not affect local display cache policies. The cache expiration setting is used for both local and remote caching policies and overrides the value set in the <expiration-cache> element in the portlet deployment descriptor.


Problem: Help errors in composite application topics

Changes to the user interface made after Help topics were finalized have caused some errors in Help text.

Solution: The following Help corrections apply to composite applications and application templates.

  • The template and application Description field can include the special characters that are listed as invalid. There are no text restrictions for the Description property. We can use special characters in the Description of an application template and composite application.

  • The template Name field can include curly brackets, { }.

  • The Template Properties portlet no longer shows Change Owner. A template owner can only change the owner of the template by using Resource Permissions > Assign Access.

  • The application page menu includes the action Edit Application Workflow. This action allows us to create a workflow for the composite application if the application and its template are workflow-enabled.

  • When viewing application roles, we can sort the list of roles by clicking any one of the four column headers to toggle between ascending and descending order: Name, Description, Edit Application, and Manage Members.

  • The application catalog does not provide a Search button.

  • The application catalog and the application membership list do not provide the Favorites option. We cannot add a composite application to a list of Favorite applications.

159208.RN, 158520.RN, 158915


Problem: Receive OutOfMemory error under heavy loads

If you put heavy loads on a newly installed portal server without precompile JSP files, you might receive OutOfMemory error messages.

Solution: To solve this problem and improve the performance of WebSphere Portal, we can precompile JSP files before they are requested. For more information, refer to Improving JSP response time.



Problem: Task action-precompile-jsp fails due to OutOfMemory error on Linux for z/OS

When running task action-precompile-jsp to compile JSP files on Linux for z/OS, the task might fail due to OutOfMemory error. This is an known bug of Sun JDK 1.4.2.

Solution: If you encounter this problem, perform one of the following steps:

  1. Increase the maximum heap size of Portal server JVM

    1. Log in to WebSphere Administrative Server Administrative Console.

    2. Go to Servers > Application Servers > WebSphere_Portal > Process Definition > Java Virtual Machine.

    3. Increase maximum heap size of JVM.

  2. Use tools.jar of Sun JDK 1.4.1 instead of the one of Sun JDK 1.4.2 to run the task action-precompile-jsp. We can find the JAR file in the directory <WAS_HOME>/java/lib. Backup the old tools.jar file and restore it after running the task.


Browser issues


Problem: Bidirectional contextual menus are off if page is not set to standard size

If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer V6.0 and the browser is set to a nonstandard size; for example, the window display width is wider than the browser (we have a horizontal scroll bar), the menus may be far away from the buttons where you launched them.

Solution: One or all of the following solutions should fix this issue:

  • Increase the browser window display size

  • Decrease the text size in the browser

  • Click the contextual menu icon a second time


Problem: Activating a button in Microsoft Internet Explorer when using the Enter key renders the wrong window.

On Microsoft Internet Explorer, activating a button using the Enter key instead of clicking on it with a mouse may yield unexpected results. For example, if you are in the Update Web Modules page of the Manage Web Modules portlet, moving the focus to the browse button by using the Tab key and hitting the Enter key will not result in a browse window. Instead, it will look like the Next button was selected.

Solution:Use the space bar instead of the Enter key.


Known limitations for Administration



Problem: IBM portlet with return action URI consumed by WSRP saves shared settings as personalized settings only

If you use the Edit shared settings portlet mode to modify the shared configuration settings of an IBM portlet that is consumed through WSRP, and the portlet uses a return action URI to save the settings and return to the previous portlet mode, the portlet saves the modifications as the personalized settings only. Consequently, they apply only to the view of the portlet, but not to other users of the portlet.

Solution: This is a known problem and will be fixed in a future release.


Known limitations for Portal Search


Problem: Custom link created using the Search Administration user interface works but returns the wrong message

Create a custom link using the Search Administration user interface and you receive a message saying the scope was created successfully, instead of a message saying the custom link was created.

Solution: The custom link is created, the message is incorrect. This is a known problem and will be fixed in a future release.


Problem: Custom link deleted using the Search Administration user interface deletes link but returns the wrong message

You deleted a custom link using the Search Administration user interface but you received a message saying a scope was deleted successfully.

Solution: The link is deleted, the message is incorrect. This is a known problem and will be fixed in a future release.


Problem: Changes to Search Administration portlet not saved

In the edit mode of the Search Administration portlet, if you modify the scope's name and then delete a feature or location from the table using the trash icon, the changes to the scope's name are gone.

Solution: This is a known problem and will be fixed in a future release.


Problem: Remote search with SOAP service might cause exception under heavy load

When you use remote portal search service with a SOAP and Portal Search runs under high load, the following exception might appear in the log:

SOAPException: faultCode=SOAP-ENV:Client; msg=Parsing error, response was: FWK005 parse may not be called while parsing.; targetException=org.xml.sax.SAXException: FWK005 parse may not be called while parsing.

This exception can result from a heavy load on a remote search with SOAP service.

Solution: In this case, use the EJB remote search service instead.


Problem: In a clustered environment, do not navigate to the Manage Search Administration portlet

In a clustered environment, do not navigate to the Manage Search Administration portlet on any of the clustered systems unless you are configuring the remote search service. Navigating to Manage Search causes the implicit creation of a portal site collection in the local file system of the node processing the user session when the portlet is accessed. This results in exceptions in the logs on all other nodes in the cluster because the nodes are unable to access the directory containing collections.

Solution: The log exceptions do not affect the operation of the cluster nodes and can be ignored.


Problem: The Predefined Categorizer supports only English

The Predefined Categorizer provided with Portal Search supports only English. The statement in the Information Center about support of other languages is not valid at this time.


Problem: Portal Search portlets do not compile correctly by JSP batch compiler

The Portal Search administration portlet Manage Search and the end user portlet Search and Browse do not compile correctly when you compile them by using the JSP batch compiler. In some cases, compilation can cause exceptions with an out of memory condition.

Solution: Do not use the batch compiler to compile these two portlets.


Known Limitations for Composite Applications and Workflow


Problem: Help errors in composite application topics require correction

Changes to the user interface made after Help topics were finalized have caused some errors in Help text.

Solution: The following Help corrections apply to composite applications and application templates.

  • The template and application Description field can include the special characters that are listed as invalid. There are no text restrictions for the Description property. We can use special characters in the Description of an application template and composite application.

  • The template Name field can include curly brackets, { }.

  • The Template Properties portlet no longer shows Change Owner. A template owner can only change the owner of the template by using Resource Permissions > Assign Access.

  • We cannot edit the theme or the theme policy of an application template using the Template Properties portlet. Application templates apply the theme policy in force for the work site. Each application template uses the default value Inherit Parent Theme. All applications created from this template use the theme specified on the server for the work site.

    • However, we can set the theme for all top-level pages of an application template. From the main menu click Templates ; then click Template Library. From the menu of an application template, click Edit Template Layout. For a selected page, click the Edit Page Properties icon to see the specified theme. If other themes are listed, we can choose a different theme for the application template page.

  • The application page menu includes the action Edit Application Workflow. This action allows us to create a workflow for the composite application if the application and its template are workflow-enabled.

  • When viewing application roles, we can sort the list of roles by clicking any one of the four column headers to toggle between ascending and descending order: Name, Description, Edit Application, and Manage Members.

  • The application catalog does not provide a Search button.

  • The application catalog and the application membership list do not provide the Favorites option. We cannot add a composite application to a list of Favorite applications.

  • There is no Configure choice on the drop-down menu of the applications catalog. To select a category for the applications catalog, click Edit Shared Settings from the page menu.

159208.RN, 158520.RN, 158915, 160256.RN, 162459.RN


Known Limitations for Lotus Domino Integration

  1. Help for the Domino Web Access portlet describes width and instance number options that are deprecated

  2. Collaborative portlets work incorrectly when language is Russian

  3. Adding a new view in the Lotus Notes View portlet may require a second attempt

  4. In the Lotus Notes View portlet, some view columns that appear with a sort icon do not sort

  5. In the Lotus Document Viewer portlet, the Close icon in a document displayed from the Lotus Notes View portlet ends the portal session

  6. When personalizing or configuring the Lotus Notes View portlet, selecting Back in the browser does not work

  7. Two column settings in Lotus Notes View portlet are lost during migration from WebSphere Portal to 6.0

  8. The Work Offline button within the QuickPlace user interface does not work from a QuickPlace portlet

  9. In the Lotus Notes View portlet, entries for Rows per screen or Set column width that start with a zero (0) are interpreted incorrectly

  10. Who Is Here portlet does not support awareness for names unregistered in the Domino Directory

  11. In a Lotus Notes View portlet configured as a discussion or teamroom, blank rows appear

  12. In the Domino Document Manager portlet, pressing ENTER to specify a server name opens an erroneous error message

  13. Cannot attach or open a file whose name contains Chinese characters

  14. Ability to personalize Inline QuickPlace portlet is lost if user specifies QuickPlace to which user has no access through Domino

  15. Information center procedure Configuring the WebSphere Portal server to recognize Lotus Domino and the Collaborative Services cites incorrect command


Problem: Help for the Domino Web Access portlet describes width and instance number options that are deprecated

The Domino Web Access portlet Help contains information for setting the width of the portlet on the page, and specifying an instance number for the current instance of the portlet. These options were documented as available when personalizing the portlet or editing shared settings.

Solution: Advise users of the portlet that the settings are no longer necessary.



Problem: Collaborative portlets work incorrectly when language is Russian

Names fail to appear in the list in Who Is Here, names appear unaware in Sametime Contact List, and awareness does not work in other portlets that normally support it.

Solution: Read and follow the instructions in the following technote:

Technote 1240807: Awareness and Sametime portlets not working in Russian
We can also use Search at IBM Support to find technotes by number.



Problem: Adding a new view in the Lotus Notes View portlet may require a second attempt

When a user selects Personalize and attempts to add a view to the portlet, clicking the Add button may not respond the first time

Solution: Advise users to click Cancel, then select Personalize again, and then try a second time to add the view.



Problem: In the Lotus Notes View portlet, some view columns that appear with a sort icon do not sort

A column can only be sorted in the portlet if it is specified as sortable in the underlying Notes database design.

Solution: Ask a portal administrator with Designer access to the source database to set the desired column to sort.



Problem: In the Lotus Document Viewer portlet, the Close icon in a document displayed from the Lotus Notes View portlet ends the portal session

Solution: Advise users not to click the document Close icon (the X) to close documents. If the current document must be hidden during a work session, select another document and select Actions > Open.



Problem: When personalizing or configuring the Lotus Notes View portlet, selecting Back in the browser does not work

Solution: Advise users to use only the buttons inside the portlet to navigate between the Work With Notes Views pages.



Problem: Two column settings in Lotus Notes View portlet are lost during migration from WebSphere Portal to 6.0

The settings for File size column and Attachment icon column do not persist.

Solution: After WebSphere Portal 6.0 is installed and configured, restore these two settings in any instance of the Lotus Notes View portlet where they are necessary.



Problem: The Work Offline button within the QuickPlace user interface does not work from a QuickPlace portlet

A QuickPlace includes a Work Offline option in its left pane. When users of the Inline QuickPlace, or users of the My Lotus QuickPlaces portlet who are viewing a QuickPlace inside the Lotus Document Viewer portlet, click this button, misleading steps imply that working offline is supported, but it is not.

Solution: Advise users not to attempt to work offline from these portlets,



Problem: In the Lotus Notes View portlet, entries for Rows per screen or Set column width that start with a zero (0) are interpreted incorrectly

Solution: Advise users not to begin entries for these or other numerical fields with a zero (0). For example, users should enter simply 8 instead of 08.



Problem: Who Is Here portlet does not support awareness for names unregistered in the Domino Directory

When Sametime uses Domino LDAP or native (non-LDAP) Domino authentication, and a user name is not properly registered in the directory, the name will not appear aware in the Who Is Here portlet. This may occur when the user signs up to gain access to the portal, or when names are imported into the Domino Directory.

Solution: For any user with this problem, the Person document most be modified and saved to correct the case of the user name. On the Domino Directory server, perform the following steps for each user:

  • Using the Notes client, open the Domino Directory (NAMES.NSF) database.

  • Open the Person document for the user.

  • Select Edit Person and make any temporary modification to the document (for example, add a space character and then remove it).

  • Select Save and Close.

  • After completing these steps for all necessary users, run the following command in the Domino server console on the Sametime server:

    lo updall names.nsf -r

  • After the command runs, log in to the portal and test the relevant names for awareness.



Problem: In a Lotus Notes View portlet configured as a discussion or teamroom, blank rows appear

This problem occurs when personalizing the portlet. If the first column specified is anything other than Column 0, blank rows appear at the top of the portlet.

Solution: Advise users who personalize portlets of this type that the first column is required to be Column 0.



Problem: In the Domino Document Manager portlet, pressing ENTER to specify a server name opens an erroneous error message

While personalizing the portlet, users who type a server name and then press ENTER instead of clicking the check mark icon see the misleading message Please verify the database name.

Solution: Advise users to click the check mark icon to complete this step.



Problem: Cannot attach or open a file whose name contains Chinese characters

In the Domino Web Access portlet, files whose names contain Chinese characters, cannot be attached or opened, and in the Inline QuickPlace portlet, they cannot be attached.

Check the IBM Support Web site for a technote with more details on these problems.



Problem: Ability to personalize Inline QuickPlace portlet is lost if user specifies QuickPlace to which user has no access through Domino

This problem occurs when a user adds the Inline QuickPlace to a page, personalizes it, and mistakenly specifies a source QuickPlace to which the user has no underlying Domino access. After saving the change, the user sees a login message in the portlet, and the menu that provides the Personalize command becomes unavailable. The user cannot correct the problem by specifying a different QuickPlace.

Solution: The administrator must remove the problem instance of the Inline QuickPlace portlet from the user's page and add a new one. Then the user must personalize the new portlet instance and specify a QuickPlace to which the user has proper access.



Problem: Information center procedure Configuring the WebSphere Portal server to recognize Lotus Domino and the Collaborative Services cites incorrect command

In the WebSphere Portal 6.0 Information center, the topic Configuring the WebSphere Portal server to recognize Lotus Domino and the Collaborative Services, step 6, says to use the following command:

WPSconfig.[sh|bat] lcc-configure-quickplace

Solution: The correct command is:

WPSconfig.[sh|bat] lcc-configure-dominodirectory

Depending on the edition of the Information center you have access to, the text of this step may already be corrected.



Known Limitations for Common PIM portlets

  1. No option exists in the Common Calendar portlet to mark calendar entries private

  2. The time of a newly-created calendar entry may not be correct

  3. Spell Checker does not work if context root is not the default (wps)

  4. The Check Spelling button is not hidden on platforms that do not support Spell Checker

  5. Cannot see full names in group calendar

  6. Users have access to mailboxes configured for portal administrator accounts

  7. We cannot view an attachment if its file name contains the number sign (#) character

  8. On SuSE, we cannot send an attachment if its file name contains a space

  9. Reply to All may include the user who is replying in the recipient list

  10. Outgoing mail server authentication is supported only if the user name and password for the incoming and outgoing mail servers match

  11. Novell GroupWise issues

  12. Private views are not supported

  13. Field help for a Mail Preferences option is incorrect

  14. The characters : and " cause unexpected results in folder names

  15. Toggling the format of a text selection that contains a blank line does not work

  16. Marking messages unread is not supported for IMAP4 users

  17. The duration of a repeating calendar entry cannot be set to a value greater than 99

  18. Hierarchical Notes folders created using the \ character are not visible

  19. If the mail addresses specified in a user's account and on an Exchange 2000/2003 server do not match, the user may not be able to send mail

  20. Users with user names that contain spaces cannot access mail on Exchange 2000/2003 servers

  21. Internet addresses must be specified in all user Person records

  22. DBCS characters are displayed incorrectly in messages saved as text files

  23. Remote users with Mozilla or Firefox cannot use Spell Checker

  24. On z/OS, remote Document Conversion Services are required to view attachments

  25. Common Calendar WSRP issues

  26. Users cannot access new Exchange 2000/2003 mailboxes

  27. Sending or receiving a message with a large file attachment may fail

  28. In an environment configured with an LDAP server other than Domino, a message sent from the Common Mail portlet may display an incorrect From value

  29. Sametime awareness fails when the case of a distinguished name (DN) is specified differently in the portal and Sametime directories

  30. Cannot attach or open a file whose name contains Chinese characters

  31. Calendar dates become incorrect after switching from rich text to plain text

  32. Member names disappear from group calendar

  33. With Exchange as the mail server, a meeting saved as a draft appears as an appointment in the chairperson's Calendar view

  34. A message only one line long that has a signature may be displayed improperly

  35. Users who decline a meeting and ask not to receive updates still receive them

  36. With Exchange as the back end for Common Mail, the subject in a plain text reply with history appears twice

  37. In the Common Mail portlet, a message composed as rich text loses any blank lines when delivered to recipient

  38. In the Common Mail portlet, a message composed as plain text and then forwarded as rich text loses all return characters

  39. When WebSphere Portal is configured without a Lookaside database, two features of the Common Mail portlet do not work as expected


Problem: No option exists in the Common Calendar portlet to mark calendar entries private

Solution: Advise users familiar with the Lotus Notes client software, where meetings and events can be marked private, that Common Calendar does not have that option. As with the Lotus Notes client, calendar entries are created public by default.



Problem: The time of a newly-created calendar entry may not be correct

Because users may be in a different time zone than their calendar server or their WebSphere Portal server, the time of calendar entries may change after users save the entries. This is because the calendar portlet tries to use the time zone in the user's profile first but, if that is not set, the portlet then uses the calendar server's time zone.

Solution: Enable users to set their time zones by performing the steps in the following topic in the WebSphere Portal 6.0.x Information center:

Integrating the business > Installed portlets > Common PIM portlets > Using the Common PIM portlets with Exchange > Enabling Common Calendar users to set regional preferences



Problem: Spell Checker does not work if context root is not the default (wps)

Solution: Administrators must set the value of the SpellCheck_Portlet_Context property in the file (located in portal_server_root/shared/app/com/ibm/wps/odc/spellcheck/util ) to the current context root value. For more information, see the following topic in the WebSphere Portal V6.0.x Information Center:

Integrating our business > Installed portlets > Common PIM portlets > Using the Common PIM portlets with Exchange > Enabling or disabling Spell Checker in Common Mail



Problem: The Check Spelling button is not hidden on platforms that do not support Spell Checker

The Check Spelling button is available to users in mail messages on platforms that do not support the Spell Checker (such as HP-UX).

Solution: Administrators must perform one of the following tasks:

  • Set up Spell Checker on a remote system. For information, see the following topic in the WebSphere Portal V6.0.x Information Center:

    Manage content > Managing documents > Setting up the work environment > Setting up spell checker on a remote system

  • Disable the Spell Checker. For information, see the following topic in the WebSphere Portal V6.0.x Information Center:

    Integrating our business > Installed portlets > Common PIM portlets > Using the Common PIM portlets with Exchange > Enabling or disabling Spell Checker in Common Mail



Problem: Cannot see full names in group calendar

In the list of members in the group calendar in the Common Calendar portlet, some names may be truncated.

Solution: Advise users to click the name links to see full information for each member, including the whole name of each person.



Problem: Users have access to mailboxes configured for portal administrator accounts

If portal administrators configure a mailbox and set mail preferences for an administrator account with full privileges, then users who do not have configured mailboxes get access to the administrator account's mailbox by default.

Note that this is standard WebSphere Portal behavior, as an administrator account is a special account that is not intended for regular interaction with portlets. An administrator account should not be used as a regular end-user account.

Solution: Do not configure a mailbox for portal administrator accounts. Instead, administrators should create a separate user account for themselves, delegate only the necessary privileges to the user account, and configure a mailbox for the user account (instead of the administrator account).



Problem: We cannot view an attachment if its file name contains the number sign (#) character



Problem: On SuSE, we cannot send an attachment if its file name contains a space



Problem: Reply to All may include the user who is replying in the recipient list

If a user selects Reply to All, the user's address may be included with the rest of the recipient addresses in the new reply.

Solution: Users must click Edit my profile and specify their address in the Email field.



Problem: Outgoing mail server authentication is supported only if the user name and password for the incoming and outgoing mail servers match

This problem occurs when an SMTP server (for example, a Yahoo! server) requires authentication to send mail, and the user name and password for the SMTP server is different from the user name and password used for the incoming mail server.

Solution: Users who are given access to change their user name and password for the incoming mail server can click Edit Mail Source in edit mode, and then specify the user name and password used for the outgoing mail server.



Problem: Novell GroupWise issues

When Novell GroupWise is the mail server, the following issues occur:

  • The Common Mail portlet does not display the GroupWise Work in Progress system folder.

  • GroupWise does not support CPP delivery confirmation messages.

  • Sending a message that contains an inline image causes an account error in GroupWise mail accounts that receive the message.



Problem: Private views are not supported

Users that have created private mail views using another client, such as Lotus Notes, cannot display the private views in the Common Mail portlet.



Problem: Field help for a Mail Preferences option is incorrect

On the Mail Preferences page, the field help for Show messages per page says that a change to this field takes effect upon next login, which is incorrect. The change takes effect immediately after saving the mail preferences.



Problem: The characters : and " cause unexpected results in folder names

Solution: Do not use either of these characters in folder names.



Problem: Toggling the format of a text selection that contains a blank line does not work

If a user composes a message using rich text, selects text that contains a blank line, and formats the selection with bold, italic, or underline, the selection cannot be changed back to unformatted text.

Solution: Do not include a blank line when selecting text for bold, italic, or underline formatting.



Problem: Marking messages unread is not supported for IMAP4 users



Problem: The duration of a repeating calendar entry cannot be set to a value greater than 99



Problem: Hierarchical Notes folders created using the \ character are not visible

If users have created hierarchical folders with the Notes client by using the \ character to separate subfolder names (for example, level_1\level_2\level_3), the folders will not be visible in the Common Mail portlet.

Solution: Create hierarchical folders one folder at a time.



Problem: If the mail addresses specified in a user's account and on an Exchange 2000/2003 server do not match, the user may not be able to send mail

This problem occurs if Basic Authentication is specified on the Servers page of the Exchange 2000/2003 server's properties dialog box.

If Basic Authentication is specified, then the mail addresses have to match for the user to send mail. If Anonymous Access is specified instead, then the mail addresses do not have to match for the user to send mail.



Problem: Users with user names that contain spaces cannot access mail on Exchange 2000/2003 servers

This problem occurs because the Exchange 2000/2003 server typically omits the spaces from the user names when it creates the users' root folders (for example, a root folder named "AdamYin" for a user with the user name "Adam Yin").

Solution: For user names that are different from the corresponding root folder names, specify the root folder name in the Mailbox Alias field on the mail source preferences page for the Exchange 2000/2003 adapter.



Problem: Internet addresses must be specified in all user Person records

Otherwise, CPP cannot resolve Internet addresses that Domino generates automatically, which causes unexpected results for features such as meeting attendee lists.



Problem: DBCS characters are displayed incorrectly in messages saved as text files

If a user saves a message containing DBCS characters to a.txt file and then opens the.txt file in a browser, the DBCS characters are not displayed correctly.

Solution: The user must change browser settings before opening the.txt file.

  • For Internet Explorer, select View > Encoding > Auto-Select.

  • For Mozilla, select Edit > Preferences > Navigator > Languages > Default Character Encoding: Unicode (UTF-8).



Problem: Remote users with Mozilla or Firefox cannot use Spell Checker

When WSRP is enabled for the Common Mail portlet and users access the portlet remotely using Mozilla or Firefox, they cannot use the Spell Checker due to a known, third-party problem.



Problem: On z/OS, remote Document Conversion Services are required to view attachments

For users to view attached files in the Common Mail portlet, z/OS requires that an administrator set up Document Conversion Services (DCS).ear files on one machine and then configure the z/OS server to point to that machine.



Problem: Common Calendar WSRP issues

When users access the Common Calendar portlet remotely, the following issues occur:

  • The View Invitee Status button is hidden. To view invitee status, users must use the Change Invitees button instead.

  • Users cannot change profile-based, calendar-related settings such as preferred calendar type and time zone in the remote calendar portlet. If users change these settings in their profiles, the settings are not reflected in the remote calendar because their profiles apply to the Consumer portal server, but the remote calendar uses the profile settings specified on the Producer portal server.



Problem: Users cannot access new Exchange 2000/2003 mailboxes

If new Exchange 2000/2003 users try to access their mailboxes for the first time using the Common Mail portlet, an error (Missing or unrecognized user name or password) occurs. This is due to a known Exchange 2000/2003 Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) issue.

Solution: Users must log on to new Exchange 2000/2003 mailboxes using a non-WebDav client, such as Microsoft Outlook or Microsoft Outlook Web Access (OWA), at least once before trying to access the mailboxes using the Common Mail portlet.



Problem: Sending or receiving a message with a large file attachment may fail

The file attachment size that may cause this problem depends on the back-end mail system in use and how it was configured.



Problem: In an environment configured with an LDAP server other than Domino, a message sent from the Common Mail portlet may display an incorrect From value

The sender's name appears in an "exploded" DN format within the message, and incorrectly as "users" in the From column of the Inbox.

Solution: If the organization requires an environment configured with an LDAP server other than Domino, upgrade the Domino messaging/application server to either Domino Release 6.5.5 with the current CPP hotfix for Domino 6.5.5, or Domino 7.0.1 with the current CPP hotfix for Domino 7.0.1.



Problem: Sametime awareness fails when the case of a distinguished name (DN) is specified differently in the portal and Sametime directories

Solution: Refer to the following technote.

Technote 1174297: Upper/Lower case discrepancies in DN cause problems with Awareness in Common PIM and Domino portlets
We can also use Search at IBM Support to find technotes by number.



Problem: Cannot attach or open a file whose name contains Chinese characters

In the Domino Web Access portlet, files whose names contain Chinese characters, cannot be attached or opened, and in the Inline QuickPlace portlet, they cannot be attached.

Check the IBM Support Web site for a technote with more details on these problems.



Problem: Calendar dates become incorrect after switching from rich text to plain text

When users switch the type of text of a calendar entry, dates unexpectedly revert to the current date.

Solution: Advise users to switch to the type of text desired for a calendar entry before finalizing dates.



Problem: Member names disappear from group calendar

If any person added to a group calendar does not have a properly specified source mail server and mail file, that name and all names below it in the list cannot be displayed.

Solution: Remove the name of the person whose server is specified improperly. You may also ask the administrator to correct the problem with the person's mail so that they can be added at a later time.



Problem: With Exchange as the mail server, a meeting saved as a draft appears as an appointment in the chairperson's Calendar view

Solution: Open the meeting; when open, the draft status of the meeting is visible.



Problem: A message only one line long that has a signature may be displayed improperly

When the message is as short as a single line, the signature portion may overwrite the message. This problem occurs when the back-end mail server is Exchange 2000.

Solution: If possible, upgrade the server to Exchange 2003 with Service Pack 2. Otherwise, advise users of Exchange 2000 to start messages with a return character to include at least two lines.



Problem: Users who decline a meeting and ask not to receive updates still receive them

When the back-end server is Exchange, the option Keep me informed of updates is still active even when deselected.

Solution: Advise users that until the feature is modified in a future release, all recipients will receive update notices to meetings.



Problem: With Exchange as the back end for Common Mail, the subject in a plain text reply with history appears twice

This problem occurs only when the back-end mail server is Exchange 2000 or 2003, and the mail is plain text.

Solution: Advise users of plain text messages to examine their replies and delete the additional subject line if necessary.



Problem: In the Common Mail portlet, a message composed as rich text loses any blank lines when delivered to recipient

This problem occurs regardless of the back-end mail server, and only when composing the message as rich text. Any blank lines the user includes by typing a return character are stripped from the message when the recipient opens it.

Solution: Ask the administrator to check the IBM Support Web site for a later interim fix.



Problem: In the Common Mail portlet, a message composed as plain text and then forwarded as rich text loses all return characters

This problem occurs regardless of the back-end mail server, and only when forwarding or replying with history to a message as rich text that was composed as plain text. All return characters are stripped from the forwarded copy of the original message, causing all text from the original message to appear as a single line.

Solution: Ask the administrator to check the IBM Support Web site for a later interim fix.



Problem: When WebSphere Portal is configured without a Lookaside database, two features of the Common Mail portlet do not work as expected

When Lookaside is set to false, users of the Common Mail portlet are unable to save a signature. Also, they can specify a setting for Rich Text vs PlainText, but the setting does not persist beyond a single portal session.

Solution: We can extend the LDAP schema used by the Common Mail portlet and Member Manager to restore full functionality of the features above. There are four attributes which must be defined in the user record.

All four attributes must be provided. They are:

  • ibm-lwpPIMMailSignatureType - Whether the signature contains rich text or plain content

  • ibm-lwpPIMMailSignature - The actual content of the signature

  • ibm-lwpPIMMailIncludeMsgSignature - Whether or to include the signature in e-mail messages

  • ibm-lwpMSGMailComposeWithPlainText - Whether e-mail messages should be composed with rich text or plain by default

To use these attributes to extend the schema of the LDAP server, follow these steps:

  1. Use the LDAP tools to extend the LDAP schema of the LDAP server and extend the object class you use for person entities (for example, inetOrgPerson, User, or whatever the LDAP server is using) with the attributes listed above.

  2. Map the attributes in the wmmLDAPServerAttributes.xml file on the portal server that hosts the CPP Mail portlet:

    Windows and UNIX:

    We can locate the file in the following directory:



    We can locate the file in the following directory:


                    multiValued="false" />
                    multiValued="false" />
                    multiValued="false" />
                    multiValued="false" />

  3. Map these attributes in the wmmAttributes.xml file:

    Windows and UNIX:

    We can locate the file in the following directory:



    We can locate the file in the following directory:


    <attribute wmmAttributeName="ibm-lwpPIMMailSignatureType"
    <attribute wmmAttributeName="ibm-lwpPIMMailSignature"
    <attribute wmmAttributeName="ibm-lwpPIMMailIncludeMsgSignature"
    <attribute wmmAttributeName="ibm-lwpMSGMailComposeWithPlainText"
    4. Restart the portal server.



Known limitations for Web Content Management

This section describes known limitations for Web Content Management. Some limitations require that you perform workarounds.


Problem: Query does not see all characters of a property when querying Web Content Management content.

When querying content based on text component properties using Web Content Management, only the first 243 characters of the properties are seen by the query.

Solution: This is a current limitation.


Problem: Wrong characters displayed when previewing a Document Management component Non-unicode characters display as garbage characters.

Solution: Remove them from the document.


Problem: Images in Rich Text Component are not shown when Previewing.

Solution: This can occur when there is a base tag in the HTML. The base tag specifies a base URL for all the links in a page, which is applied to the URL in the image's src attribute.


Problem: When entering a user name and password in a Federated Content Component form, if an incorrect password is entered, the user name field is also cleared.

Solution: Reenter both the user name and password.


Problem: Content does not display correctly when rendered within a Web Content Management Page.

Solution: Ensure that the HTML content referenced from Document Manager using a Document Manager Component is encoded as UTF-8.


Problem: Context path components links are not translated into native WebSphere links.

Solution: When creating URLs in content to be used with the Web Content Management portlet, the servlet path should be used instead.


Problem: If a loop is created and the Web Content Management application fails.

Solution: When creating dynamically generated content using Components such as Menus or Navigators, it is essential that the data returned by these Components does not contain any references to the Component itself.


Problem: If a Web Content Management proxy server is being used with Web Content Management portlets, all URLs rewritten by the proxy will not be fully-qualified, but server-relative instead.

Solution: To address this issue, redirect mappings can be created in the HTTP Server config that will pass the URLs to the proxy server.


Problem: A 503 server error is generated when the Taxonomy component is used to render both Content and User categories.

Solution: In this instance, only the updating of User Categories is supported. Reset the profileMapperName in the taxonomy component to update User Categories.


Problem: iFrames do not render correctly in the Rich text component.

Solution: This is a current limitation.


Problem: The CTRL-Z (undo) command cannot be used when editing Rich Text Components.

Solution: This is a current limitation.


Problem: Errors may be generated when the "Rebuild Syndicator" button is clicked twice in succession.

Solution: This is a current limitation. You should wait until syndication has finished before clicking the "Rebuild Syndicator" button a second time.


Problem: A content item is no longer displayed in a rendering portlet after it has been renamed.

Solution: You must re-select the content item in the rendering portlet configuration if the content item has been renamed.


Problem: Errors occur when rendering content from different libraries using different encoding.

Solution: When
aggregating content from multiple libraries, the encoding of each library must match the encoding of the WebSphere Portal server.


Problem: A 500 error exception is generated when previewing or rendering a Document Manager element.

Solution: Documents larger than 10 megabytes cannot be rendered using a Document Manager element.


Problem: A Document Manager element is not updated in the rendered site after being updated in the authoring portlet.

Solution: If caching is enabled, the Document Manager element displayed on the page will be rendered from the cache. You will either need to wait for the cache to expire, or log out and log back in, before the updated Document Manager element is displayed.


Problem: A personalization rule or content spot is not finding Web content stored in a text element.

Solution: This is a current limitation. A Personalization query will only search the first 240 characters of a text element.


Problem: User and group search does not work in an authoring portlet.

If the LDAP attribute used to search for users and groups is not specified correctly in, user and group search will not work in dialogs displayed by the authoring portlet.

Solution: Edit and ensure the following parameters are enabled:



The attributename must be an attribute name used by your LDAP database.


Problem: A scheduled move action no longer works after saving a content item as a new item.

After saving a content item as a new item, the scheduled move action in the original content item no longer works.

Solution: You must create a new item, instead of saving an existing item as a new item, if the original item uses a workflow that contains a scheduled move action.


Problem: Links to Document Manager documents using a Personalization element do not work.

We can display links to Document Manager documents retrieved using a Personalization rule by using the following tags in the Personalization element design:

<a href="<Placeholder tag="href"/> "> <PersonalizationCmpnt attributeName="ibmcm:title"/> </a>
The links to the Document Manager documents do not work when rendered.

Solution: This is a current limitation.


Problem: Open item forms are closed after viewing an authoring portlet in configure mode or personalize mode.

When viewing an authoring portlet in configure mode or personalize mode, any item forms are closed without saving when the configure mode view or personalize mode view is closed.

Solution: You must save and close all item forms before viewing an authoring portlet in configure mode or personalize mode.


Problem: Search wild-cards do not work properly when searching for users and groups in authoring portlet dialogs.

For example, searching for K* and *K* will give the same results when searching for users in authoring portlet dialogs.

Solution: This is a current limitation.


Problem: When viewing an index in the authoring portlet containing a large number of items, clicking "last page" does not take us to the last page of the index.

Solution: This is a current limitation. When viewing an index containing a large number of items, the last page number is only an approximate last page. When you click "last page", it takes you to the last known page based on the approximate number of pages. In reality, there may be further pages to view after the approximate last page.


Problem: Selected editors and viewers are not enforced when applied to a link element added to an authoring template.

If user A is selected as an editor and user B is selected as a viewer in the field properties of a link element added to an authoring template, user C can view and edit the link element in a content item based on this authoring template.

Solution: This is a current limitation with link elements added to authoring templates.


Problem: JSP and link elements are not converted if replacing or reapplying an authoring template.

If you select "Replace elements that have changed type (with auto data conversion)" when replacing or reapplying an authoring template, JSP and link elements are not converted.

Solution: This is a current limitation with authoring templates.


Problem: Workflow actions do not work with restored content.

After restoring content items using the "restore all" feature, errors occur when trying to process restored content items through a workflow.

Solution: This is a current limitation.


Problem: The default width and height settings for image elements set in an authoring template are not used in content items if these fields are hidden.

Create an authoring template and add an image element. Enter default settings for the height and width of the image and mark these fields as hidden. When you create a new content item based on this authoring template and import an image into the image element, the default settings for the height and width are not used.

Solution: This is a current limitation.


Problem: Unable to save an authoring template after adding an option selection element.

Create a new or edit an existing authoring template and add an option selection element. If you save the authoring template before adding any options to the option selection element, you will receive errors. We cannot save the authoring template even after adding options to the option selection element.

Solution: This is a current limitation. You must close the authoring template without saving and create a new authoring template.


Problem: Users given access to draft content can also view published content.

Users who are given access to content in the draft stage of a workflow can also view the published version of the content, even though they have not been given access to the published content.

Solution: This is a current limitation.


Problem: Subscriber not visible after receiving "subscriber created successfully" message.

Create a subscriber on a clustered system. You will receive a message saying "subscriber created successfully". The new subscriber is not visible in the list of subscribers.

Solution: This is a current limitation with clustered systems. You must log out and then log in to see the new subscriber in the subscriber list.


Problem: Element tags using the "./" option in the "name" parameter are not rendered correctly.

Solution: This is a current limitation.


Problem: Unable to save a content item after changing the selected workflow.

If we create a draft of an item that uses a multistage workflow and then select a different workflow that uses only a single stage containing a publish action, we will be unable to save the content item.

Solution: This is a current limitation.


Problem: Libraries containing spaces in their name are not pre-rendered correctly.

Libraries containing spaces in their name are not pre-rendered correctly. For example, a library named "my library" will be pre-rendered as "my+library" in pre-rendered content.

Solution: This is a current limitation. Do not use spaces in library names if using pre-rendering.


Problem: A workflow stage selected as both a workflow stage and reject stage in the same workflow cannot be deleted.

Solution: This is a current limitation. You must remove one of the references to the workflow stage from the workflow before deleting the workflow stage.


Problem: A link to a file stored in a file resource element does not work in a pre-rendered site.

Solution: This is a current limitation.


Problem: Restoring an item labelled using non-ASCII characters does not work.

Solution: This is a current limitation. Only use ASCII characters when labelling versions.


Problem: When restoring items, some items may be restored in a locked state.

Solution: This is a current limitation. An administrator can unlock any locked items.


Problem: Unrecognized references are displayed when viewing links.

Select an item in an index and click View References. Some references are displayed as "unrecognized references".

Solution: This is a current limitation. You will need to open the item and review it to determine the type of reference.


Problem: Files deleted from a pre-rendered site are not recreated when viewed via the Web Content Management servlet.

Solution: This is a current limitation. You will need to pre-render the site again to restore any files you deleted from the pre-rendered site.


Problem: The warning "Retrieval of objects from repository failed with error javax.jcr.ItemNotFoundException" is generated in logs when saving items.

Solution: This is a known issue. No action is required as the item has been saved successfully. The warning can be ignored.


Problem: The default library is not added to path component tags when migrated.

When migrating items that contain more than one path component tag, the default library is not added to the migrated path component tag.

Solution: This is a current limitation when migrating items that contain more than one path component tag. You must edit items that contain more than one path component tag and enter the default library to each path component tag.


Problem: Occasional slow response times when rendering.

When syndicating content to a rendering server that is under a heavy load, the response time of the rendering server may momentarily slow down while the caches are being refreshed.

Solution: See the "Syndication Tuning" section of the WebSphere Portal information center for information on configuring syndication to manage performance when syndicating to a rendering server.


Problem: No search results are displayed when using a search form.

If you create a search form using a search component and you reference a search collection that is configured to search for content outside of Web Content Management no search results will be displayed.

Solution: This is a current limitation. We can only use the search component with a search collection that searches for Web Content Management content only.


Problem: Errors occur when making multiple requests using the Web Content Management API.

Solution: This is a current limitation. API workspaces cannot be reused across multiple requests You will need to open a new workspace for each request.


Problem: Referential integrity errors occur after installing cumulative fix PK30057..

Solution: Cumalative fix PK30057 addresses various Web Content Management issues. To enable the updates installed with cumulative fix PK30057, refresh all existing items by opening and saving each item. To do this you must also install interim fix PK31637 and run the "RefreshAllItems" task by entering the following URL in a Web browser:

http://host:port/wps/wcm/connect ?MOD=RefreshAllItems&library=libraryname

To preserve the last saved date of each item use the following URL:

http://host:port/wps/wcm/connect ?MOD=RefreshAllItems&library=libraryname&preserve_dates=true

Otherwise the last saved date will be updated when the "RefreshAllItems" task is run.


Known limitations for Document Manager

This section describes known limitations for Document Manager. Some limitations require that you perform workarounds.


Problem: No Results message received when using search.

The search index appears corrupt and as a result is not built the next time WebSphere Portal starts. Therefore, end users will receive a message No Results for searches.

Solution: Delete the corrupted index and allow it to be rebuilt. Check the portal application server error log for the following error:

R DocStorage add failure! _38_0G0ALFJJOD0CH91C_20Q - Thread-30
R java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 24 >= 1
R     at java.util.Vector.elementAt( Compiled Code))
R     at Code))
R     at
R     at
R     at
R     at
R     at
R     at
R     at

The following error occurs in the portal application server log:

TraceNLS u No message text associated with key java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException:.24.>=.1 in bundle WCPLogger E updateSearchIndex java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 24 >= 1

There may also be related exceptions from the package, which will be resolved by allowing the index for that project to be rebuilt.

To remove a corrupt index, delete the contents of that project's directory within the search index directory structure. For example, if the project number is 101, delete the /101 directory in portal_server_root/jcr/search/. This path may be different if you specified an alternate location in The next change to the content of that project triggers the thread which rebuilds the index.


Problem: Desktop components displays in Spanish instead of Catalan.

Solution: To use Document Manager and desktop components in Catalan, install the English base Windows XP operating system, then apply the Catalan language pack.


Known limitations for Personalization


Problem: Cannot assign attribute based administration rules to portlets or pages in a template

Attribute based administration visibility rules cannot be assigned to portlets or pages in a template through the user interface.

Solution: You may use XML access as documented in the attribute based administration documentation to assign rules to pages or portlets in a template default layout.


Known limitations for Portlets


Problem: Using the minus sign (-) symbolic operator to narrow search results does not always provide the expected results

A minus sign (-) in front of a search term is supposed to ensure that every result returned excludes that term, for example searching for "weather -stocks" should exclude results with the word "stocks" in it. But when you search for "weather -stocks", the Today's News page is returned because the words are on separate portlets but on the same page. The minus sign (-) works properly within a portlet but does not work properly within a page.

Solution: There is currently no way to filter these pages from the search results.




Problem: Keyboard shortcut is not exposed in the ODC editor when using Web Content Management

IWWCM does not expose the keyboard shortcut ctrl+shift+p to directly open the insert image dialog within the ODC editor.

Solution: The dialog itself can still be accessed by the keyboard through the ODC accessibly dialog by using the shortcut ctrl+shift+m, and then tabbing to the Insert image button.


Problem: Accessibility toolbar is inconsistent with default toolbar in ODC editor

The accessibility toolbar, accessed by ctrl+shift+m, has fewer buttons than the default toolbar in the ODC editor.

Solution: This is a current limitation. The extra buttons that are on the default toolbar have not been added to the accessible toolbar because they will be either removed or reworked.



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Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and other Windows logos are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.

Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.


Third party components

WebSphere Portal contains, and future updates and fixpacks might contain, certain third party components. For terms and conditions related to third party components, see the related file third_party.txt on the SETUP disc.