### WebSphere Portal parent configuration file for 
### configuring security with Microsoft Active Directory
### Do NOT enclose any value in quotes!
### Windows paths must use '/', not '\'.
### Windows long paths are OK.
### Properties are immutable. Once set, they cannot be overriden.

### How to use this file:
### 1. Consult InfoCenter for detailed instructions on the properties and tasks
###    listed in this file:
###        Installing and configuring | Enabling security | LDAP user registry
###        Configuring LDAP for non-realm support | Configuring Active Directory for non-realm support
###        Configuring LDAP for realm support | Configuring Active Directory for realm support
###       (Note the extra steps required for Portal to create and modify users.)
### 2. Edit this file to match our environment
### 3. Start and stop the servers.
###    Change to the following directory:
###      On Windows or UNIX: 

### ### <was_profile_root>/bin ### ### On iSeries: ### ### <was_profile_root>/bin ### ### a. Start application server "server1" ### ### On Windows or UNIX:

### ### startServer server1 ### ### ### On iSeries: ### ### startServer -profileName <profile> ### ### ### b. Stop application server "WebSphere_Portal" ### ### On Windows or UNIX:

### ### stopServer WebSphere_Portal ### ### ### On iSeries: ### ### stopServer WebSphere_Portal -profileName <profile> ### ### ### ### 4. Change into the <wp_root>/config directory ### ### ### 5. Import the contents of this file into ### ### On Windows: ### ### WPSconfig -DparentProperties="<path_to_this_file>" -DSaveParentProperties=true ### ### On iSeries: ### ### -profileName <profile name> -DparentProperties="<path_to_this_file>" -DSaveParentProperties=true ### ### on other platforms ### ### ./ -DparentProperties=<path_to_this_file> -DSaveParentProperties=true ### ### ### 6. Test connections to directory: ### ### a. for LDAP without realm support ### ### on Windows: ### ### WPSconfig validate-ldap ### ### ### on iSeries: ### ### -profileName <profile name> validate-ldap ### ### on other platforms ### ### ./ validate-ldap ### ### b. for LDAP with realm support ### ### on Windows: ### ### WPSconfig validate-wmmur-ldap ### ### on iSeries: ### ### -profileName <profile name> validate-wmmur-ldap ### ### on other platforms ### ### ./ validate-wmmur-ldap ### ### ### 7. If WebSphere Application Server security is NOT enabled, run one of the following tasks: ### ### a. without realm support ### ### on Windows: ### ### WPSconfig enable-security-ldap ### ### on iSeries: ### ### -profileName <profile name> enable-security-ldap ### ### on other platforms ### ### ./ enable-security-ldap ### ### b. with realm support ### ### on Windows: ### ### WPSconfig enable-security-wmmur-ldap ### ### on iSeries: ### ### -profileName <profile name> enable-security-wmmur-ldap ### ### on other platforms ### ### ./ enable-security-wmmur-ldap ### ### 8. Restart the servers. ### ### In order for the new security configuration to become active, ### ### all servers that are running must be stopped ### all required servers need to be started ### ### Change to the following directory: ### ### <was_profile_root>/bin ### ### a. check the server status ### ### on Windows or UNIX:

### ### serverStatus.bat/sh -all ### ### on iSeries: ### ### -profileName <profile> -all ### ### b. Stop running servers ### ### on Windows or UNIX:

### ### stopServer.bat/sh <SERVERNAME> ### ### on iSeries: ### ### stopServer.bat/sh -profileName <profile> <SERVERNAME> ### ### c. Start required servers ### ### on Windows or UNIX:

### ### startServer.bat/sh <SERVERNAME> ### ### on iSeries: ### ### startServer.bat/sh -profileName <profile> <SERVERNAME> ### ### WasUserid=cn=wasadmin,cn=users,dc=setgetweb,dc=com WasPassword= wmm.DbPassword= PortalAdminId=cn=wpsadmin,cn=users,dc=setgetweb,dc=com PortalAdminPwd= PortalAdminGroupId=cn=wpsadmins,cn=groups,dc=setgetweb,dc=com LTPAPassword= LTPATimeout=120 SSORequiresSSL=false SSODomainName=<SSODomainName> useDomainQualifiedUserNames=false cacheTimeout=600 issuePermissionWarning=true activeProtocol=BOTH activeAuthMechanism=LTPA LookAside=true LDAPPort=389 LDAPAdminUId=cn=Administrator,cn=Users,dc=setgetweb,dc=com LDAPAdminPwd= LDAPServerType=ACTIVE_DIRECTORY LDAPBindID=cn=wpsbind,cn=users,dc=setgetweb,dc=com LDAPBindPassword= LDAPSuffix=dc=setgetweb,dc=com LdapUserPrefix=cn LDAPUserSuffix=cn=users LdapGroupPrefix=cn LDAPGroupSuffix=cn=groups LDAPUserObjectClass=user LDAPGroupObjectClass=group LDAPGroupMember=member LDAPUserFilter=(&(|(cn=%v)(samAccountName=%v))(objectclass=user)) LDAPGroupFilter=(&(cn=%v)(objectclass=group)) LDAPGroupMinimumAttributes= LDAPUserBaseAttributes=givenName,sn,preferredLanguage LDAPUserMinimumAttributes= LDAPsearchTimeout=120 LDAPreuseConnection=true LDAPIgnoreCase=true LDAPsslEnabled=false WpsContentAdministrators=cn=wpsContentAdministrators,cn=groups,dc=setgetweb,dc=com WpsContentAdministratorsShort=wpsContentAdministrators WpsDocReviewer=cn=wpsDocReviewer,cn=groups,dc=setgetweb,dc=com WpsDocReviewerShort=wpsDocReviewer WcmAdminGroupId=cn=wcmadmins,cn=groups,dc=setgetweb,dc=com WcmAdminGroupIdShort=wcmadmins